Seriously Missing Someone :(And yes, it's Carlo again.It's the 2nd day of our Periodicals. I got transfered to a seat next to him. Yet he seems so far awaaaay. To make things quite worst, the seat was for left-handed students! And I'm no lefty. So I'd be facing away from him.Was it really that bad? I only gave him the cold shoulder for 5minutes for a reasonable reason! Well, some part of me was...
October 5th, 2010 at 07:54am


omgee. When was the last time i posted? December 21,`09! LOLWell, the reason I stopped logging in to Mibba was because I didn't felt like writing or making anything at all. I've got a knack for getting uninspired and getting stuck in the hiatus mode. That is the main reason why I don't make stories and why I didn't join the Editorial Club in my school.If I don't feel like writing, I really don't...
October 4th, 2010 at 10:47am


You know what guys? I noticed that mibba users are mostly girls,females! I haven't seen any mibba user who's a guy. Well, except for one, but just ONE!Where art thou boys? haha XDThis is just an observation,okay? I'm not like after booys and stuff. haha!I guess I'll end it here.- icedroop :)mibba: Your entry is too short (57 words). It has to be at least 100 words long.gaah! oh come on!okay,what...
December 21st, 2009 at 12:32pm


I love the feeling of getting comments on my posts. Who doesn't anyway?It's nice to know that someone actually spent their time reading your posts.And sometimes i don't get any comments but you could see how many readers viewed it or read it or even just took a quick glimpse of it.HAHA. Forgive me, I'm bored and I don't have anything in mind to post. Well, I do have two but i can't seem to put it...
December 20th, 2009 at 08:34am

What if I *have cancer? :O

Last night I was lying down on my bed watching t.v. My dad passed by and looked at my legs carefully."Whats with all the bruises?" he asked. I looked at my legs, I knew i had one bruise on my right leg but I don't remember having three! And then my mom pointed out the bigger one my left knee. I was like "FTW?" I'm sure all of those bruises were due to my clumsiness when going up and down the...
December 20th, 2009 at 03:16am

Goodbye Blogger, Hello Mibba

Well, I actually don't blog. I actually just posted 3 post on blogger but no one seems to be reading them. Then, I lost inspiration or something like that, haha! So, i thought of leaving Blogger and say hello to Mibba. I think there are lots of nice people here in mibba, tehe :3I really hope that i could get some.. uhhh. not really like readers or idk.. Something like people who would interact...
December 19th, 2009 at 12:36pm