Hello Everyone! Today, I am home sick, and I told my friend Kaela that i would write like 300 million stories by 7th period. UNFORTUNETLY.... me being sick and such, i just passed out for like 3 and half hours, and now my brain is like dead and i can not come up with any stories. So i JOURNALED ABOUT IT. YAAAY! xD i am planning to probably sleep even more, so i decided to write this NOW instead of...
September 17th, 2009 at 05:03pm

first day of hell... or is that school? haha same difference. [:

WELL. today was my first day of school. i dont know, it wasnt to bad except for having a late lunch period... my friend SHANAYNAY told me to journal about it, just because. anyhoo.. ive got some friends in my classes, and some pretty awesome teachers [: so far they like me, lets see if they still feel the same way by the end of the year. >:] <--- haha looking like a BAMF xD my lunch period...
September 9th, 2009 at 04:01am