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Stop There and Let Me Correct it

Day || Sunday
Music || Panic! At The Disco
Feeling || Annoyed

I wanna Live Life

Rachel|Young|Fatass|Magical|Pirate| LOVES: chocolate; converse; Kaela|HATES: not knowing; gym; chocolate haters

Because I love Your Face

Ryho Spencer Jon Pete Patrick Shane

New Perspective

?Oliver Harker
Status: || Movin' Along

Style: || Free Verse

?Where I'm Going
Style: ||Rant

?Cheater At Best
Fire: ||Epic Free Verse

Expensive Taste
The Other Ten Commandments Of Kae Witz 1. Thou choose muppets as thy poison. 2. Thou shall repeat thyself quite frequently. 3. Thou shall curse a lot. 4. Thou favorite word must be fuck any variation of that word, or the phrase or whatever. 5. Thou must play guitar in the park ten times a month. 6. Thou shall yell at little children. 7. Thou shall be the best damn akward turtle ever! 8. Thou shall love Danish as if he were the only guy that exists.. 9. Thou shall be raped by your friends continuosly. 10. Thou shall worship Panic! At The Disco, whilst thou are walking to the park around the corner from thy house.


Headers: New Perspective: Panic at the Disco
Coding: Toxic Valentine Layouts