Winter Break Baby!

Heeellllllooooooooooooooo. I just wanted to say that I took my last final yesturday and am now on winter break. This means, in the words of Jason Mraz, I'm yooouuuurrrrrsss! I plan on updating my stories as often as I can cuz I know a bunch of you might be like what the fuck is taking her so long? But know that I'm taking December 24, 25, and 31 off so don't expect updates on those days. Gah I am...
December 17th, 2011 at 11:02pm

Yo yo yiggity yo!

As you can see I've been watching a lot of Juno lately. Hehe. These past couple of months have been utterly crazy hence why I haven't written anything new. I have a new poem up and it took a while to get the words right, 'cause my sis and I did some cleaning in my room and as I threw things out memories came washing over me like a tsunami. Then two nights ago for some reason I started thinking of...
August 3rd, 2011 at 10:52pm

The Outsiders

Heyyyyy. I just read The Outsiders for school and now I rly want to make a Ponyboy Curtis story. He is fricking awsum. Hell everybody (minus the socs) in that book is awsum. Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Johnny :(, Dally :(, Two-Bit, Steve, gah I love them all!Anyway I was wondering, if I do write this story will yall read it? I'd hate to write something and have it ignored and/or dissed. I promise you...
March 17th, 2011 at 02:46am

Writers Block is a bitch!

Since I no longer feel like it I'm canceling my Eli Goldsworthy story and now I have zero ideas for another story. I fricking hate this!!!! For those who are wondering, yes I will have another Greg Sanders oneshot up soon. Good to know I'm not the only one out there who loves, loves, LOVES Greggo. Lol :) Ain't he such a cutie <3 Anyway it's my moms b-day so i can't be on for long and not to...
March 11th, 2011 at 12:39am

New ideas!

When school isn't busting my ass I've been coming up with ideas for stories especially for Mibba readers. For one thing in case you didn't notice I'm doing CSI oneshots I just tried to put up a Nick oneshot but I took too long and was logged out. I'll keep working on it though.Secondly have any of you ever heard of Eli Goldsworthy? He's the cute emo guy on Degrassi and I've just thought of an...
February 12th, 2011 at 09:32pm

Gah time is passing way to fricking FAST!

I can't believe 2010 is almost over. It just went by too fucking fast. I swear these past few years have just been zooming on by.It seems only yesturday I was watching So Weird on Disney channel and dancing my little ass off to (gulp)... The Backstreet Boys. I feel like I was in middle school just the other day and was embracing my tom boy self and crushing on boys for the first time ever. Or...
December 30th, 2010 at 11:47pm


Sorry I've been gone for a ridiculously long time. I couldn't make up my mind on whether to stay at or come here. I'm thinking to make this my permanent writing space. I even have some ideas for a story.For those who are wondering life is finally better. :) But still not a good as my dreams.Then again I've learned that life doesn't have to be great. Mainly because in todays society...
August 28th, 2010 at 08:28pm


Lately I find that my dreams are better than my reality. In my dreams I'm not alone. In my dreams I never scream or cry (unless its a nightmare). In my dreams my best friend is still with me and he knows how I really feel. In my dreams I'm happy.Does anyone else feel that way or is it just me?Anyways I'm trying my best to live. Though sschool sucks and my parents dont believe in me whatsoever....
October 17th, 2009 at 11:46pm