trinityfoxx / Comments

  • hey trini! :D
    here's my contest I was talking about ->
    and I set the CD's on my backpack so I won't forget
    April 13th, 2010 at 04:49am
  • they're sortof about this running theme of finding a hero to save me from life, I guess... And then there are a couple that are really angry at a certain person or other >.<

    Like take this breath is all about a guy who loves a girl enough to die by drowning just to save her.......

    Molly Mental =]]
    April 11th, 2010 at 09:54pm
  • dang..... I send my condolences to you for them lyrics.!

    What is ur general lyric theme?

    Molly Mental =]]
    April 11th, 2010 at 09:13pm
  • awwww yay thank you!!! I'm so frikin glad u liked it....... Do u ever write lyrics?

    Molly =]
    April 11th, 2010 at 08:56pm
  • :] You're welcome. I enjoy your stories :)

    Yeah, you can tell his back on drugs, I really wanna kill her for doing it to him. What dick does that, it can compromise his life and career!

    :] On another note; I'm going to laugh when they break up and his realises he has no eyebrows.
    April 10th, 2010 at 04:37am
  • I was reading your story Your love is like fire (it's brilliant btw) and noticed that you're an escape the fate fan :D So could you please, if you have the time, check out my story You Just Love To Hate Me? I hope you'll like it =] I also agree with you that this whole ronnie vs craig thing is stupid. I love both of em :3

    -end random long comment-
    April 4th, 2010 at 12:35pm
  • I was listening to A Vain Attempt ,there sweedish so I watched their studio videos their so bloody cute.
    Yay for updates
    April 3rd, 2010 at 05:47am
  • well i think i have officially decided this: you and I share a brain. because 100% of what you said are my own thoughts that most people don't know... o.o haha mind reader!

    okay so like you said, if I knew these guys, they each have a certain place in that imaginary life I dream of (i totally just sounded like a complete creeper...) as follows; Ronnie is for me what craig is for you. He's like the brother I never really got to have. and i know EXACTLY how u feel about it. Max, well, you know how I feel about that little bugger. lol. Bryan, well I used to think of him like my crazy twin brother that would help me cause mischief, but then I started to see him in a completely different light, hinthint I realized how adorable that boy is and how sweet, and how much of a crush i got on him now. lol. i sound shallow... >.< Robert is like my frenemy. Sometimes I dislike him, sometimes I luv him. idk. then, we have Craig. he's like my best friend, but with a touch of fatherly overhang. if that makes sense. like he'd be the one to kinda watch over me and teach me things and stuff, but not necessarily like a brother. hmm... idk i dont make sense there at all. Yeah but my heart probably literally broke when I listened to The Day I Left The Womb, or when I watched the old interviews and compared them to the new ones (max) and things like that. it's just... ugh god I wish drugs could just be blown off the face of the earth so no one else would ever have to go through what they did... and absolutely, I feel awful that I'm so mad at max. i saw him for about three minutes on lexus' stickam the other day and he wasn't wearing any eye makeup and he was playing some form of video game, and he was just... idk it made me wanna cry. he looked and seemed so different, but like i said before I could just barely see the real him through it. I know that one day he'll see him too....

    and im VERY glad to know that Craig isn't like that. I so thought he was though all that time ago... haha. no but really, i hated him and max with a fiery PASSION. lol like i couldve killed both craigwell and maxafer simultaneously if they were caught within fifty feet of me. o.o lol and now, just the thought of that makes me cringe. OH AND BTW ima be putting up a oneshot eventually and you absolutely have to read it, because, well... idk i think it could evoke some emotion. =]=]

    YAY YOU SAW THAT INTERVIEW TOO! haha i loved that one. that was actually the very first time i didn't hate craig. because, and i quote, he "would work at mcdonalds for the rest of his life if it meant [he] could spend more time with [his] little girl." that just slapped me in the face, like hoe could u hate a guy that says that!?!? and besides, he was completely honest for the whole thing and he never insults ronnie. at least not to the camera... lol. but then again i wouldnt blame him for all the crap ronnie and his fans say to and about craig.... i luv ronnie, but that just plain old ticks me off. theyre all changing, and max and ronnie.. definitely for the worst. (minus the no more drugs part of course)

    lol that sound absolutely adorable.

    i gotta go now... <3 see ya, trin.

    Molly =]
    April 3rd, 2010 at 12:02am
  • Yup they have such amazing accents
    Keep updating :D
    April 2nd, 2010 at 11:32pm
  • okay so would u yotally hate me if I reply to ur comment tomorrow? Cuz there's so much I wanna say but so little time to type it in... Plus I'm on my iPod and everything takes 10 times longer to type lol

    But I promise I will reply as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

    Molly =]
    April 2nd, 2010 at 07:50am

    sry. major pet peev; 'their' vs. 'there' vs. 'theyre' so yes

    THEY'RE just stupid boys.* lol =]

    Molly =]

    yes, im crazy. but i guess thats just... who i am lol
    April 1st, 2010 at 09:25pm
  • well ello. idk i just felt like replying to ur comment even tho we've been chatting away on twitter. its just cuz i luv u that much. <3 haha

    yeah, i mean, it's weird how much I care for these guys. and I've never met them. some may find it creepy... so every time I think of all the crap theyre all going through, it breaks my heart a little more. of course, in max's case it can sometimes be more than just a little... *sigh* Idk, he's a smart guy, they all are, so I really hope they come to their senses eventually and figure out what's going on.

    you know, it's taken me this long to realize how sweet and innocent craig is. I mean, honestly, the man just isnt as malevolent and ay-hole-ish as I first thought back in like, july, when I was told that he stole the band from Ronnie, changed the style, and tried to copy Ronnie's techniques. of course, it still makes me laugh to think he jumped off that thingy and broke his leg... im pretty sure it was to prove he could do better than ronnie... just because it was such a stupid-boy, pride thing to do. lol. it's like u said. there just stupid boys. but hey, you gotta luv em, am i right?

    so yeah... and i went on utube and watched this video of someone getting 100% on expert on the same song that I got 84% on hard...... yeah that totally destroyed my self-esteem in that respect. hahaha......

    Molly =]
    April 1st, 2010 at 09:23pm
  • =/ Oh well.
    March 31st, 2010 at 09:21pm
  • lol yeah. For some reason clean-cut just doesn't appeal to me...

    Well idk maybe I was wrong, but it seems they're having one of their little 'spats'. How much u wanna bet he never (or rarely) had those with saskia? Psh

    Anyways.... I can't remember the other part... Oh well. I actually beat a song on hard!! Ha! I was so excited, lol

    My twitter is molly6655, so can u b my fwend on there? =]] I shall folo u if u do!! <3 haha. U wouldn't happen to be TrinityTheDark would you?

    Molly =]
    March 31st, 2010 at 04:36am
  • Same. I just hope it doesn't effect Escape the Fate badly.
    March 31st, 2010 at 03:41am
  • Get ur butt on twitter THIS INSTANT.

    (lol I sound like a mom pft.. No but really, get on there asap)

    Molly =]
    March 31st, 2010 at 01:53am
  • bahahahahahahahhaah..

    Molly =]]]
    March 31st, 2010 at 01:16am
  • ah, you're a senior. Grats, my friend! =] and don't worry, I've lost it too. So if ur lucky enough to go insane, just come on over and join my lil club. ^.^ lol

    Yeah... Us girls and them boys... Whole thing doesn't make much sense does it? Maybe I should just forget the drama and marry some clean-cut, no-nonsense, ambitious accountant that wants to be a big time CEO and have a bunch of little kids while I stay at home with them. But then again... What's the fun in that?

    Molly =]
    March 31st, 2010 at 01:15am
  • I've been pretty good. I'm gonna go play guitar hero... Heck YES! Haha

    Stupid boy, that he is. And yet he has god only knows how many girls (admittedly including myself) trailing his heels... *sigh* explain this to me?

    What about you?

    Molly =]
    March 31st, 2010 at 12:02am
  • haha yeah spring break is pretty nice. Lol

    I know... Like seriusly I'm at the boiling point. But u know what's weird? I saw this pic that lex tweeted of max holding a bunch of justin biener (ew) CDs, and he almost looked like the real max. ALMOST. And the other day, I saw them on stickam, and even tho he looked like a drag queen, the way he talked and acted was still... Max. Which gives me some weird sense of hope that maybe the real max is still in there somewhere. He'll see that she's morphing him eventually. I think it might take some sort of a wake up call, but he will.

    Think of it this way; lexus might be able to take away his independence, his eyebrows, his snakebites, his money, etc., but she can never take who he really is. Deep down inside, I think max is still there. All we have to do is wait for him to come back to reality.

    But yeah it's breaking me too...

    Molly =]
    March 30th, 2010 at 06:28pm