Some Assistance With A Post, Please?

Complicated links, misunderstandings, and general answers. It's dragging me to the brink of ramming my fist into the computer screen. All over trying to post a brief story. I need help!Here's my dilemma. I just finished a brief narrative for an English assignment, and I received a decent grade on it! Suddenly, out of the blue, the thought of posting it up online entered my mind. The first place to...
October 1st, 2010 at 06:16am

Simple, Complicated, and Natural

We've all done something that makes us really proud of ourselves. Simple things like maybe accomplishing good grades on your report card or doing your hair. Then there are more complicated things like running a mile for track, or drawing a realistic picture of someone's face for art class. Then there are things that just come naturally easy to us like maybe singing, dancing, or being yourself....
March 8th, 2010 at 11:25pm

Coming Out Of The Closet And The Best Friends Ever!

What's the one secret that you've kept to yourself all your life, or pretty close to all your life? Is it something silly like masturbation or something serious like self-mutilation scars, family issues, or homosexuality? Well today, I came out of the stinkin' closet to all of my friends. At first, I only told two of my friends, and they were both bisexual like me, but now, everyone knows, and I'm...
March 6th, 2010 at 04:03am

Sucks, blows, and swallows!

You want to know what really sucks, blows, and swallows other than a cheap prostitute? When someone really hot, moves to somewhere far away. Well I'm dealing with that situation right now. This really hot guy in my school who I can't stop daydreaming about, is planning to move to Mississippi. Everyone else in my school will never be as hot as he is. This brings me to the question of the day. Who...
March 5th, 2010 at 02:31am

Fitting In

Shiny tricked out cars, short hair, and buff. That's what you would expect from the majority of guys at my school. However, I'm not a part of that statistic. I have no knowledge on cars, my hair is quite long, and I'm not really super buffed up like they are. But that isn't what annoys me. What really gets on my nerve is that I have a hard time talking to them. They're all complete opposites...
March 4th, 2010 at 03:11am

A New Member With Questions

Can you remember back to when you joined a club, organization, or something alike? Do you remember the first day in it and being confused and not know what was going on or how things worked around the people of that organization? Could you count the numerous questions that exceeded the capacity of your brain? Well that's how I feel right now about this website. I'm very uncertain about what to...
February 27th, 2010 at 06:04am