Help Wanted

So it has been about two years now since i last wrote on here. Since then, things in my life have really changed. I moved cross country to California about a year and a half ago, though I travel between coasts every other month to visit family and friends.I would like to say that I have a lot of friends here, and that i love it, and that my life is just great here but it isn't. I pretty much have...
November 27th, 2011 at 10:34pm

Crazy Month

A month.That's all it took to flip my world upside down.A month ago . . . . . .I was going out with Will. A semi cute, super sweet wrestler.I was really good Friends with Amanda.I was cool with Cody.I did yoga.My house was calm.I never got in trouble.I was an A's and B's student.Everything seemed at ease until . . . . .I broke up with Will.I started dating Joe(his Friend).Amanda got mad at me for...
March 4th, 2010 at 01:22am

Did You Know It's Illegal To Kiss In School?

So today my boyfriend had to leave early.Of course I went up so him, gave him a hug and a kiss bye.That was 8th period.9th period, I have Language Arts. Out of no where, my teacher goes,"Helaine. I need to talk to you in the hall."So, I did as he said and went into the hall.he said,"Did Joe kiss you today in the hallways?"I awkwardly replied,"Yea."Next thing I know he told me to go to the room at...
March 4th, 2010 at 01:09am

How Do I Ask My Boyfriend Awkward Questions???

So, if you've read my previous journals, you would know that I like a boy named Will. Recently I have asked him out and we have been going out for about a month now. he's one of those guys that takes things slow, which I'm totally o.k. with.But I really want to ask him some questions.When we first held hands, we had been watching a play. It was killing me how he would grab my hand, so I...
November 24th, 2009 at 01:51am

Guy Help, PLEASE ?!?!

So, I've talked about this guy before, his name is Will. The other day I told him that I kinda like him after he got rejected and was really sad. So he was like, oh really? I kinda like you to. Now he wants to ask me out but I don't know if I like him enough to go out with him.I mean he's really nice and I really like him, for you know, him.But he's kinda unattractive. And kinda unpopular.Is that...
October 6th, 2009 at 12:49pm

Guy Help, PLEASE ?!?!

So, I've talked about this guy before, his name is Will. The other day I told him that I kinda like him after he got rejected and was really sad. So he was like, oh really? I kinda like you to. Now he wants to ask me out but I don't know if I like him enough to go out with him.I mean he's really nice and I really like him, for you know, him.But he's kinda unattractive. And kinda unpopular.Is that...
October 6th, 2009 at 12:49pm

Mad At My Frem-amy

So I went over to my best friends Livv's house with Brooke and Amanda. i was supper aw some and we had such a great time! You know, just hangin out. Later on we went to watch her little sisters flag football game, and Livv's very close guy friend conner came. He is ummm . . . ok looking, has an awesome skate boarding skini jeans look, and it absolutely hilarious! I was of coarse trying to impress...
September 22nd, 2009 at 03:25am

Ranting About My Fren-amy

Yes, that's right. I have a fren-amy. Her name is Kirsten.I don't know, ever since my best friend Brooke introduced me to her, I've never liked her mostly. Except at first we were friends, but then Brooke told me that Kirsten didn't like me, actually she couldn't stand me at all.So since then I've hated her.She is what you would describe the girl who can be in any group or the wanna be. If me and...
September 18th, 2009 at 01:05am

Annoyed About Football

I love watching football, especially when my favorite team is on. (the steelers) I know, ew who likes the Steelers? but don't be hating because I do. So as I was saying, I've grown up being the only girl in an all boy house, and has been forced to watch, and enjoy football. My older brother loves football, so when I was younger he taught me the rules so I would understand it. Now that I'm older,...
September 16th, 2009 at 11:53pm

The Mile Run in Gym

Growing up I always hated the day when the gym teacher told us we were doing the mile. My friends would always be the people who didn't give a shit and would just walk it because they didn't feel like running. I wanted to walk with them, but my evil gym teacher would tell me, and I quote,"Your an athlete, we expect more from you. You have to not only try your best, you have to do well too." I'm an...
September 15th, 2009 at 11:53pm

. . . Such An Odd Day.

Sometimes I wish I could be invisible.That no one could see me and that people would just leave me alone.I wish I could sit quietly in the corner and not be disturbed.Just sitting alone with my thoughts to ponder.I know, you're probably thinking, wow that poem really sucked! Well I don't care. I never write poems so this was a first. I was having a totally suckish day, I hit myself with a text...
September 15th, 2009 at 12:59am

Weight Issues. Help?

People in America and all over seem to be judged on looks. Not just looks but weight. Girls grow up watching weight-loss shows and commercials. They also reading magazines with these perfect looking women. They automatically grow up thinking they must look like every other anorexic looking girl. Even in school from a young age you have the rule never judge a book by its cover but girls still make...
September 13th, 2009 at 06:38pm


I have a best friend named Livv. I would describe her as tall, dirty blonde, ok looking, big built, fun, opinionated, awesome, and Christian. Things all started a year ago(Cue time traveling music) when my best friend Brooke brought her to starbucks. The whole time they were talking about there periods which made me really awkward because at the time I didn't get, or as my parents said ,"I was a...
September 13th, 2009 at 03:47am

You know how everyone says there ex is evil when they really aren't? Mine is. Pure EVIL

I hate Scarlet Loveletter's a.k.a. Brooke cat. He just erased my whole journal.Evil Cat.I've had one and only one boyfriend. And as you can guess, he's evil. we went out for two weeks then dumped me for no reason. He then went out with another girl for a day, dumped her, then got back together with me. We went out for another two weeks , and he then dumped me again because,"He didn't want his...
September 12th, 2009 at 11:26pm


So I always sing the song I kissed a girl, especially around my friends.But, they always yell at me because they say I'm embarrassing them and to stop.Do you think singing that song is such a bad thing? Because I don't.On the last day of school I started singing it and they tried pushing me into the boys bathroom.I'm a girl.It was so mean, but they didn't succeed because I didn't go in.Do you...
September 12th, 2009 at 07:09pm

I need some guy help please!

So, I have this friend Will. We have been friends for like a month. About two weeks ago my boyfriend dumped me, (Will is good friends with him) and ever since Will has been testing me way more then before and we've become closer friends.I know that when my friends read this next part their going to be thinking,"Wow, Helaine thinks everyone likes her! " But I really don't. Only the weird creepy...
September 12th, 2009 at 02:27pm


Yesterday was what I would consider the worst day EVER !I woke up to darkness and rain. I consider myself a very happy person and absolutely hate the rain. The floors at my school were soaking wet which did not help me because I was wearing flip flops. My first step through the school doors I slipped and fell right next to the wet floor sign. All the adults in the office ran out says, "Honey, are...
September 12th, 2009 at 04:20am