MusicSavedMyLife / Comments

  • I've actually been doing that... somehow... errm, sort of. Haha. Well, studying--ehh, I'm doing okay. I am kind of glad that we're learning something new that I understand for once. The weird thing in math is that we were doing old stuff that I didn't understand. That was bizarre. I don't understand. *shrug* Oh well.

    Well, I have the receipt of purchase and all that stuff. I usually only have to walk up half of the huge hill to get to a class--but today, I went up the ENTIRE hill (and was totally out of breath and sweaty by the time I got there--haha) in order to get to the Parking Services center to pay the reduced price for my citation... but the lady told me that I was allowed to wait and see if I get the appeal, then still pay the reduced price... so, I'm not feeling completely terrible anymore. :3

    Haha. So yesterday, we were learning the tones and speaking--it was pure GREATNESS. I'm good at it. Hahahaha! And the part I found the funniest was that when my professor told us to combine syllables to form sentences, everyone screwed up the tones completely and I succeeded! Huzzaaah! Ahh, it's wonderful.

    That's still nice! No one's ever said anything like that to me. If they did, it'd be a friend... that's a girl... that's giving me a compliment... saying I look "cute" or "Asian" or "cute, Asian, and pocket-sized." =_= Although, I'm at a pretty average height for a girl.

    We still have really hot weather. I'm in the Carolinas. It was 97 today. That would also explain why I was so sweaty (and gross) when I got to the top of the hill. Ahhh.

    I miss no school. TT-TT *cries*
    August 31st, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • Me too! Except, I was reading the stuff about it before-hand and was like, O_O ...? Haha. Then, I tried it and remembered some because I'm better at math and English more than history or science. Now, I must go and dig out my old binder or something. I haven't done ACTUAL math since the beginning of Junior year. -_- Plus, my professor was like, "You basically have to study twice the amount of time you spend in class." So, we spend three hours a week, therefore I must study 6 hours. Hmm.

    I don't know HOW to prove it! But, I made my argument. *sigh* I think I might as well pay the reduced fee before I get declined for my appeal and have to pay $60. It's so expensive. =_=

    I hope so too... well, I have no idea how to get her into another class. Haha. For now, I'm just going to secretly crush her in this language. I'll succeed! Besides, I already know Cantonese--it's similar to Mandarin, so I'm not too worried. :3

    Haha! He called you gorgeous? >///< That has yet to happen to me. Although, I have noticed creepy Asian guys checking me out. o.o

    Thank you! The pic is actually old... I had that one before the other--but, I really miss Summer right now. So, I put it back up. ^_^ *sigh* ._. I really miss it.
    August 29th, 2010 at 07:52am
  • Hahah. For the dancing, I had a brilliant idea. I'm going to desperately look for a ballroom dancing event. That way, I may have a chance to dance with a cute boy. Haha. I hope. -_-

    Thanks! I need it. Haha. Plus, I already speak a dialect of Chinese and it's helping greatly with the Mandarin. Hmmph. That girl is still like that. Except now, she just ignored the teacher and is on her laptop a lot. *eye-roll*

    I've asked lots of people for directions. Haha. Actually, none of my professors stand outside their classrooms or buildings. I usually find someone who looks significantly older (that's attending school) or someone that looks like they know what they're doing. They usually know where places are. Haha. Yay.

    So, I applied for an appeal with the hang-tag ordeal. It's going to take 2-4 weeks before I get a response. The thing is, the price would get reduced by half if paid within the first 10 days... but, I won't get a response until after that so I might have to pay! But, I shouldn't HAVE TO PAY in the FIRST place! Gaaah. I hate it. =___=

    Success! We're in the same boat with math! Bwahaha. Well, sort of, I suppose. Some of the stuff we're learning is slowly coming back but most of it was burned away from my brain the minute I learned it way back when. That there, is the cause of my doomedness. I'm trying not to look for a boyfriend until after college... but right now, that's something that is very hard to do. I keep seeing cute boys everywhere. Like today for instance, one almost hit me in the face with a door when I was leaving the stair well... but he stopped, beamed me a gorgeous smile, and said, "I'm sorry." Eeep. Generally, people just brush by and ignore after mumbling a low, "Sorry," or "My bad." But, he paused, smiled, and it made me giddy inside. Oh well. Probably won't see him again.

    *sigh* So, any idea on what I should do with my ticket citation? *miserable*
    August 26th, 2010 at 11:48pm
  • Well, it was bad. -_- I knew it. It ALWAYS is. So, my stomach growled really loud in Calculus first thing in the morning. I feel lost because I can't remember anything algebra-related... so I have to study and do a lot of homework for that. I find out I actually have to go to one of many dancing events/festivals that will happen this semester for my Liberal Studies Dance class and actually have to dance in PUBLIC. The class is supposed to be the [i]appreciation[/i] of dance... but I guess I don't mind, unless I have to dance in front of my 122-student-filled class. That would be embarassing. Then, I have this snobby girl and guy in my Chinese class. I speak Cantonese, so Mandarin is a different dialect for me. But this person was really rude. You see, the entire class except for 8 students are all Asian. Hahaha. It doesn't really bother me. I think they probably feel out-numbered though. Hahah. Anyways, this girl thought she was so great. I mean, sure, she probably knows more than me because she got to take Mandarin in High School, but she was all, "Yeah! I took it for four years and learnt how to speak it last year with radicals, bla, bla, grammar." >_>

    Hmm, but I was sitting there and was thinking to myself, "If you were so GREAT at it, why didn't you take the language placement exam and place into a higher level of the language?" Am I right? I mean--I'm not sure if anyone else thought the same thing, but I know I did. So, she's in the same boat as all of us and has no bragging rights what-so-ever. I guess I did okay because the teacher only asked me to speak once and she made a lot of other kids repeat tones over and over again. Haha. Or maybe she doesn't like me.

    Well, I don't know. I took AP French in high school, but you don't hear me bragging about it. Haha. *shrug* Oh well. My plan is to secretly succeed her in the language. I like different languages. Haha.

    Hmm, yeah, but it was horrible. Plus, I have like six new bug bites, a new rash, and I got lost like five times... I only have three classes. It's terrible. I'm so unhappy.

    Then, today... well, it was better... but I got stuck in traffic for two hours coming home. So, that made it ten times worse. =_= I was so tired. Oh, and I got a ticket this morning because some idiot didn't see my hangtag. So now, tomorrow, I have to go yell at the people because I got a $60 ticket for a hangtag the guy couldn't see! ARRRRGH.

    How are things on your part? D:
    August 25th, 2010 at 01:02am
  • My first day was terrible. I don't think I can save you when I can't even save myself. But, I will attempt! *cries* It was so horrible. I don't want to go back, but I must! Arrrgh.
    August 23rd, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • Thanks. And I lied about the new books. Apparently, I do... or did. =_=

    Best of luck to you too! *cries* Save me! I'm scared.
    August 22nd, 2010 at 08:55pm
  • Well, that's to be expected. Haha. Aside from that, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a horrible first week. The first week of school is ALWAYS horrible for me. *sigh*

    Yep. Ahh. I hope I don't have to buy new books. -_- I'm sorry.
    August 16th, 2010 at 06:21pm
  • Ahh, I see. I'm going down to my school on Tuesdays to buy my books. I'll probably buy the used ones or do the rental program thingy.

    I'm just overthinking it. Eh, not too fond of meeting new people either--but I don't mind. *shrug* I'm more worried about the professors. My high school teachers engraved into my brain that they're evil, mean, and horrible people... then again, I think they were just trying to warn me.
    August 15th, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • Well, I'm driving just like you everyday. *sigh* But it takes me 45 minutes instead of two hours. I'm living at home. As for books, if I use those websites, do you think I'll get them by the 23rd? I'd say I'm doing pretty well at freaking out right about now. I'm starting to have nightmares too.

    I saw We The Kings live at Warped Tour last month. ^_^
    August 11th, 2010 at 07:16pm
  • o.o Tell me how that works out for you? I still have another two weeks. >_< I'm scared out of my mind. Nope, nothing interesting or exciting. Haha. So, would you say I should be buying books ahead of time? You? Oh, and you should check out We The Kings... they're pretty good too. :D
    August 10th, 2010 at 01:48am
  • I'm good :D and I like your new picture. Teehee. It's been a while. I figured I'd drop by. I was feeling nostalgic and then went back and realized you were an important Mibbian--one of the firsts I talked to. How are you? How's life?
    August 5th, 2010 at 06:43pm
  • Hey you! Yes, you, Erin. *waves*

    ...remember me? *hopeful*

    August 3rd, 2010 at 02:02am
  • idk, i think we'll find out soon.
    July 25th, 2010 at 09:24pm
  • yeah, i can still drive the car in third, but it winds up the engine (a bad thing), and doesn't go past a certain speed like say... 30.
    July 21st, 2010 at 09:26pm
  • my mom fucked up my car!!!i drive a stick, transmission isnt aligned and now i can only shift into third gear when i have A FIVE GEAR CAR! and her car cant be driven, somebody hit it and did some serious damage. thats it. we have no cars!
    July 17th, 2010 at 10:25pm
  • i suppose =/ im trying to think of something really cool and interesting to say but am coming up blank.
    July 17th, 2010 at 05:24am
  • whore away. but it's going to be a while till another update
    July 16th, 2010 at 05:17am
  • Awww. DD... yeah, not so enthusiastic about that one, but it makes me all giddy that some one who i don't actually talk to (we're obviously changing that) reads it. its not to popular compared to my others =]
    July 15th, 2010 at 07:15am
  • also, i must add that you have great taste in stories ;]
    July 15th, 2010 at 06:33am
  • awww, you're making me blush over here! and i can't wait till a fish tale starts as well. i just need to get my butt in gear and actually finish a few of my other stories.
    July 15th, 2010 at 06:27am