heartsandcrosses / Comments

  • heyy! where have you been?
    what's going on with youu?
    June 14th, 2011 at 06:57am
  • Yeah. Probably mostly their hits.
    Drake the rapper. He's canadian.
    And you know what I found out today that's really kinda sad. So Justin beiber,a boy, Made a WOMEN'S perfume. Like wtf.
    May 31st, 2011 at 08:43am
  • yeah exactly.

    mmm yeah. music like that doesn't play too much on the radio here. more poppy stuff. but yeah we have those bands too, that only tweens like them.

    nope he's Canadian. so is Drake. i like him. :)
    May 30th, 2011 at 05:05am
  • most bands i think sound good live. like even when you watch live videos they sometimes sound bad, but it's like totally different when you actually seen them. for me it's just like i'm really happy to be at concerts and seeing them, that i don't even care what they sound like. as long at they're not completely horrible and un-entertaining.

    and you know that short stack band you told me about? i like listened to a couple of their songs. not too bad. are they like really popular in australia?? and are their songs on the radio??
    May 30th, 2011 at 04:29am
  • AWHH that SUCKS! i would be like super super pissed if that happened!

    yeahh i abandon all ships is mor elike the techno-ish scremo. i kinda like aleseana. i love The Thespian by them. but i like more screamo that has a lot of like clean vocals.
    it was actually really really good! like it was amazing. they were good live and it was like a completely sold out show.
    May 24th, 2011 at 05:15am
  • Omg. I really really want to see You Me At Six!! I'm jealous.

    Yeah that's interesting. Like MCR is popular in Japan I think. And they tall about the fans in Tokyo and stuff.

    And no I havent heard of them. But with bands from Canada it's like if they get popular in the u.s eventually people will know about them. You know what I mean? Like Justin Beiber is Canadian and everyone knows him. Idk I can't think of many Canadian people now. But there's a Canadian scremo band called Abandon All Ships. You know them? Not sure if you listen to screamo, but yeah. I'm assuming this band is somewhat popular because theyre on Warped Tour.

    And I forget to tell you. I'm actually going to a concert tomorrow. A System of a Down one. You may have heard of them. But yeah it's out of town so I don't have to go to school for the next two days. :)
    May 10th, 2011 at 01:49am
  • ohhh. what other concerts are coming?

    yeah same. all the bands that start in canada, obviously try to get popular in the u.s too. but i'm sure there are some bands that are well-known here, but nobody would know them in australia.
    May 9th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • omfg. thats suuucks. i'd be really pissed.

    yeahh. but is there a lot of bands that are popular in australia, that aren't in america?
    yeah. i'm hoping some bands come, i've been really wanting to go to a concert lately.
    yeah i've seen kesha. she was opening for rihanna, but she was pretty good. it'll probably be a little different if it is her concert though.
    May 8th, 2011 at 05:25am
  • did you get tickets for ETF yet?
    yeeeahhh, i wish i lived in a more popular place, because i seriously loove going to concerts.
    but it kinda sucks now i have to wait a whole another year to see if warped tour comes to my city. but i'm sure other bands will come here.
    but i might go see Kesha in september depending on if my friends takes me.
    April 26th, 2011 at 04:09am
  • Yeah Warped Tour seems like a lot of fun.
    I also really want to see Paramore.
    And that's really cool you're gonna see ETF. I wanna see them too! I've recently become a fan of theirs. They came to my city last year except I wasn't really a fan then. Which sucks now because it'll probably be a while before they come back.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 05:52pm
  • yeahh but i think warped tour will eventually come here, or to a city i can drive too. so crossing my fingers for next year.
    breathe carolina is one of the bands i neeeddd to see before i die. so i'm hoping i see them sometime.
    yeah festivals are good for seeing a whole bunch of bands in the same day.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 05:09am
  • no i can;t drive there. i live in canada right? and not a whole bunch of people come here to my city, and when they do come to canada they always go to the east of the country and i live in the west. and i can't really go to the states because they aren't going to any of the states that border me.
    myy goooddd still super jealous you saw Breathe Carolina!!!!!
    yeahh the festivals sound cool, and i really want to o to one eventually.
    April 17th, 2011 at 05:39am
  • ohh yeah thats kinda like Warped Tour. but they aren't coming to my city this year and it's depressing. :/
    but you seen a lot of good bands! i'm jealous of some of them! i really really really want to see Breathe Carolina they're like one of my favorite bands.
    some people i've seen live are akon, rihanna, kesha, anberlin, avenged sevenfold, disturbed, 3oh!3, asking alexandria, my chemical romance, chiodos, miss may i, hellogoodbye, down with webster, and like a few more that were opening bands.
    April 15th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • yes. you deff should.
    do a lot of people go to Australia though?
    who have you seen?
    April 14th, 2011 at 03:41am
  • ahh yeah ben bruce is pretty cool. XD
    and yes MCR was amazing!
    April 10th, 2011 at 06:30am
  • ahh that's cool.
    ahah you like ben bruce???
    yesterday i went to my chemical romance! it was so good. XD
    April 8th, 2011 at 02:48am
  • my holidays are only a week long.
    and i have to go back on monday.
    and i went to an Asking Alexandria concert.
    so i didn't do too much over my holidays. just like chilled with my friend a few times, and went to that concert, so yeah. =)
    April 3rd, 2011 at 05:44am
  • awe. well that homework doesn't sound too bad.
    i'm sad my holidays are almost over. =(
    but i'm going to a concert tomorrow so i'm like super excited.
    do you have plans for your spring break yet?
    April 1st, 2011 at 05:04am
  • oh god. i wish the teachers at my school were good looking.
    most of the guys are like old and stuff.
    i did all my assignments. now i'm on spring break so no school for a week.
    and yeah i know i was like procrastnating and like going on facebook.
    March 26th, 2011 at 09:53pm
  • oh. got my math test back. 97%! =)
    our school has good pieces because our teacher i like young and stuff so she doesn't pick like boring things to perform. shes able to relate to us in a way i guess.
    i know i've have soooo much homework lately. its insane! and all do tomorrow and i still have like 2 more assignments to finish.
    March 25th, 2011 at 05:55am