
This is my last day in the beautiful mountians. Tyson is pretty bummed about leaving, but then, I know he misses his parents and friends. I find it somewhat humorous when I think about how we just "upped and left" and now we're coming back to the real world. Such an easy and imminent transition, inevitable as well is not one to appeal to me. I hate how we can just go back into the pattern of our...
November 2nd, 2009 at 03:53pm


So we head back home Tuesday. I love it here, the ambiance, the beauty, the love, and the feeling of comfort...but I have to admit, I miss our home. It's not like I'm going to go cry about it or something, but it's just a slight feeling. I'm happy here, and I want it to last longer, but I won't be incredibly depressed when I get home or anything. It will be good to talk to Kevin anyway. I haven't...
November 2nd, 2009 at 02:01am


Right now I'm sitting on a wrap around porch of our rented chalet called "The Holiday House". As I look out, I am filled with the beauty and serenity radiating from the Mountains. There is nature as far as the eye can see, softly carassed by a sheen of fog. Nothing could be more gorgeous. It's magic...it really is. Tyson is next to me, working on a crossword puzzle. And to top it all off, Arianna...
November 2nd, 2009 at 01:54am


I have wonderful news. I am going to Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, talk about an escape. There's no place like the Smoky Mountains. It's a sanctuary like no other. I'm so excited. I already feel so much more peaceful inside. So I'm leaving tomorrow with Tyson, Arianna, and Julianna. My parents are staying home along with Adrien (he couldn't handle leaving his "groupies" no doubt). I'm hoping going...
November 2nd, 2009 at 01:24am

10-25-09 (Second One)

Alright, so there was my morbid entry. What can I say....a breaking heart often longs for a voice. Well I wrote a poem that I also thinks fits the situation...so here it is.P.S. I know that you are supposed to write actual entries, but I like to share my poetry because in truth, it's the most personal to me. Anyway, this is my poem...aka, a piece of my soul made vulnerable to show to you."A Dying...
October 26th, 2009 at 03:07am

10-25-09 (First one)

Alright...so I just found out that my girlfriend has been sleeping with a friend that I've lost touch with over the years, Andy. And no....Andy is not a boy....infact she's a girl. A girl who I had the biggest crush on for six years and then when I finally had the nerve to tell her how I felt, she crushed my heart into a small insignificant speck and then laughed about it for many years to come....
October 26th, 2009 at 02:55am


Today was different in a sense. I saw my girlfriend, but it almost seemed like she didn't really see me...if that makes any sense. I mean, we talked and everything, but she didn't really SEE me. I don't know, maybe I'm just getting paranoid. She's so unpredictable, I can never guess what she's thinking, so it's hard to analyze her actions if I don't understand them! I hate that I don't understand...
October 19th, 2009 at 03:54pm

10-18-09 (Second One)

Since I kind of took a lot of space in the last one, I wanted to start a new journal to keep it looking nice and clean. I know, OCD right? I'm really not, sometimes I just have to have order...yeah, it's weird but then again, I talk to my journals....so that pretty much sums it all up for you.I have to say, it's times like these I wish I had a best friend to talk to. You know, just some other guy...
October 19th, 2009 at 03:09am

10-18-09 (First one)

I had the best night's sleep I've ever had before last night. Not once did I wake, shiver, dream, or fidget. It was just a peaceful and tranquil sleep, with no interruptions or negative effects. I loved every second of it, and when I woke, my first thought was of my girl. You've no idea how good that feels to say. My girl....my girlfriend...she. Haha, I've been listening to that song like crazy...
October 19th, 2009 at 02:32am


I have a girlfriend. I, Tristan Loche, have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. Ah! I can't say it enough!! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!! Yes, I've had girlfriends before, but this one..she's different. God, she's everything I've ever dreamed of. And she's all mine. She chose me, out of every guy she knows, she chose me. I feel like I'm on top of the world, and yes I know that's cliche. So yeah, needless...
October 18th, 2009 at 05:16am

10-4-09 (Second One)

The visit at my grandparents didn't go too well. My parents and my grandparents fought due to Arianna's attempted suicide. They think my parents aren't doing their job, Arianna thinks otherwise and that they should mind their own business. It was awkward for a while, and then we went home. Typical family day then, if you catch my drift.I'm watching Titanic right now. No, that doesn't make me a...
October 5th, 2009 at 04:26am

10-4-09 (First one)

Grey's been calling like mad, and no matter how many times we don't pick up, he just keeps calling. I don't know what he thinks I'm going to do, or what Julianna's going to do. His messages talk only about how he wishes he didn't ruin our friendship...he never says anything about Julianna. I can't forgive him, and even if I do, that won't make us friends again. The things he did to my sister give...
October 4th, 2009 at 05:32pm


What a costly game friendship can be? You place all your trust into someone, making them your confidant in all areas, and they end up betraying you in ways you never would have assumed. The inevitable ending has finally come, and now things are worse then they have ever been. My best friend, my brother in a sense, turned out to be nothing but a twisted liar. I would write worse if I could, but...
October 3rd, 2009 at 02:37am


Today has been a good day so far. I have thought of many new story ideas for the novel I am currently writing, and I have written a couple quotes that I like so far. I think I might actually sit down tonight and write as much as I can until my hand hurts beyond all reason, just to see what I come up with. Sounds idyllic doesn't it? I'll get some soda and pop in some music by the brilliant Hans...
September 27th, 2009 at 08:24pm


Alright, life just took another unexpected turn. It turns out that the girl I really liked has had a boyfriend for the last two weeks, and just decided to tell me. Typical. "Lead" me on, get me attached and then let it all come crashing down. Maybe she was never leading me on, or accidentally made me think the way I did. Either way, I was a fool. I'll get over it though, I wasn't inlove with her...
September 25th, 2009 at 03:47pm


My sister Julianna came over today. She's been in college for a year now so she's rarely home. She told me that she came because when I called her the other day just to tell her I miss her and love her, she thought I sounded a little depressed or something and had a "sister sense" that something was wrong. I came home from school to the smell of brownies, pizza, and candy. She had rented a corny...
September 23rd, 2009 at 03:37pm


This is getting to be too much. I can't even concentrate in class any more because I'm thinking of her. I know that I'll never have a chance with her, but that's not the point. All I care about is that I make her smile each day because of something I said. I can't seem to think about anything else, and it's insane! Ah, I feel like I'm going crazy. Stop Tristan, stop!! I won't let this ruin my...
September 20th, 2009 at 09:30pm


She talked to me. For the first time since junior year started, she actually talked to me. Not that it matters, I know I don't have a shot, and I'm not looking for one. It just felt good to see her smile at who I actually was. This will sound stupid, but I think she saw me for who I actually am inside, and it made her smile. Then, with a resounding wink she left the room and I was in awe at the...
September 18th, 2009 at 02:33am

Character Information

*Name: Tristan Fiennes*Age: 16*Appearance: Long brown hair that's slightly curly, dark and piercing blue eyes, perfect hands, teddy bear kind of body (not too thin, but not too heavy)*Clothing: Wears jeans (not too baggy), regular t-shirts with sweater vest over it but knows how to make it look hot and not geeky, glasses, and normal shoes. He finds no need to look like people want because he just...
September 15th, 2009 at 01:04am