Sometime it feels like a heart is no place to be singing from at all

There's alot f things going through my mind as of now. As always, there's the memories of our time together, happily discussing physics or biology or just cuddling and rolling and tickling each other in her bed. Then I remember the ugly things, and the break-up,and the consequent pain it's given me these past few weeks. It's ruined my exams. It's ruined my summer, and it's even ruined my 19th...
July 3rd, 2011 at 08:51am


Jazz club. Comic Book store. Vietnamese Restaurant.Ahhh, doesnt this sound like a great evening downtown? Something like you'd want to do with your girlfriend?Except thats not what happened. I just need to know if i'm being irrational here.Okay so theres this guy named Ivan who is friends with Melissa as well. He is a pretty good basketball player, fit, tall, 175 pounds. Average marks. Plays jazz...
March 7th, 2011 at 02:32am

I would really like to bash my head into a wall right about now.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid me.If given the opportunity, would I change things so I wouldn't have to deal with her, with all this agony?I need to write and describe this feeling for future reference; so that I don't make the same mistake twice and get out before I invest too heavily again.SO here are my feelings::1) I wish I could beat up that stupid sean kid, and wipe...
December 19th, 2010 at 07:19am

It's empty in the valley of your heart

Sometimes in life you have to sit down and re-evaluate everything that is happening to you, as life never slows up for anyone.I love how music is always there for you. It's the consistent comfort that I could always, whether I'm depressed or fatigued or just teeming with joy. It would probably be something I'd need if I was on a deserted island. I've been listening to both Kid Cudi and Mumford and...
November 21st, 2010 at 07:04am


Dude, have you heard Kid Cudi's new album? It is quite off the chain in my opinion. Especially the song mentioned in the title. It's a great mix of hip hop and a sample of a girl singing. I haven't been able to get it out of my head, especially the second verse by Cage. He uses quite the interesting flow, and I can't stop thinking about it frankly.Well then how are you? I'm going to be awake for a...
November 11th, 2010 at 08:56am

Gilagmesh smash!

Just another reminder to myself and perhaps a little cursing myself to always study. man, why the fuck didnt i always study before. oh yeah, cuz it was never this hard. Less time but you need to cram in more content? its nuts. plus im lazier, a goal which i aim to eliminate. seriously need to get on my shit. VT, get on your shit. noone motivates you better than yourself. OK vt, thanks for the...
October 21st, 2010 at 06:44am

Mountains beyond mountains.

As abruptly summer came, it has finally come to an end. Today marks the last friday that I can enjoy to myself, the last free weekday I have to sleep in and play starcraft and hang out with friends until 2 or even 4 in the morning. It's funny how time melts away so fast, and you feel as if you never had enough of it to go around. You always find another thing that you "should have done" and that...
September 4th, 2010 at 07:18am

This, too shall pass.

Well summer appears to be in full swing, I've done alot more than I thought I would be doing, and I feel very accomplished for some reason. IVe hung out with Martino and the Gang several times, it's been a blast every time, and it's just a simple... joy of being soooo comfortable when you're among friends. We had an end of summer party, had a birthday party, watched the fifa finals, the Last...
July 22nd, 2010 at 08:07am

Exodus in America

Well summer's here. and im done high school. still hasnt really sunk in yet, it feels as if next year im gonna meet everyone again, but i know thats not gonna happen.Some people are terribly happy that high school is finished. For some reason, I don't feel that way. It feels that I become comfortable with my school surroundings a bit too late, and the next thing you know, i'm going to the next...
July 5th, 2010 at 07:07am

my 18th bday

just wanted to say a little about my bday today, it was fun and im glad and happy im surrounded by friends and family hwo love me.martino phoned at like 1 in the morning, which was freaking sweet. then everyone there on speakerphone sang hapybirthday which sounded awesome through the speakerphone, it made my heart kinda warm up.Even though i had to study for exams, i know i'll celebrate after...
June 20th, 2010 at 06:31am

I'm singin in the rain

Where do i start my recap of my little life?Well to start off i guess, would be prom week. AH, such an excitement, i didnt even know what to expect from prom, and prom camping. That was just 2 weeks ago, but it feels like forever. now summer is only basically a week away and im getting all jittery thinking about this awesome summer thats coming up. 'prom itself was awesome. I had a fun time,...
June 16th, 2010 at 06:00am

Charlotte Mittnacht (The Fabulous destiny of....)

so ap exams were over this week. the french was one was really good. the math one, not so good. but i tried to the best of my ability, which counts for at least somethign right? I'm not so mad as i was before, if i knew i didnt get a 5 on the exam. but now a wave of relief has flood over me. I feel alot less stressed, alot better yet not alot better.ive been all over the place this week. I feel...
May 8th, 2010 at 07:00am


Whenever i stay up really late and work on a project, there seems to be a point where i lose alot of rationality in my thinking and am completely distracted. Time loses most of its meaning as the biological clock gets royally fucked. "Go to sleep, you procrastinating fool", it says. but i am totally past the point of caring. My mind starts to wander. i feel like checkign up on hundreds of things,...
May 1st, 2010 at 05:46am

Dark center of the universe

It feels like a journal time tonight. Family is watching avatar, i have "homework". i don't wanna watch it again is the truth. Im just gonna talk randomly.Ap exams are sooooo close. one more week of intense studying is all i got, then on monday i jump right into french on monday, then math on wednesday. I am super nervous, and have had numerous nightmares about it already. On top of that i have an...
April 26th, 2010 at 05:04am

Her room is painted Heron Blue, lit by candlelight and chandelier

You know what an interesting concept is? the amount of dimensions there are. We obviously live in a 4 dimensional world, where our world has a width, depth, and height, and it all changes with respect to time, the fourth dimension. Sure there's many more than just four, but most people do not care about things that do not directly affect them.Again, i am perplexed at why prom means so much to me...
April 17th, 2010 at 07:33am

Up on Melancholy hill, theres a plastic tree

Are you here with me?AH, what a great new gorillaz song. I swear it canon d progression, but i still love it. It captures my spring feeling as of right now.I can say that the past week academically has been very great. I got accepted into all programs, keeping a high average with a 90, 91, and 86, in religion, ap calc and bio respectively. I think i'm set for now. Only one thing could make me...
April 10th, 2010 at 06:02am

Smile upon me

This past Easter weekend has been.. an easter weekend. What does an easter weekend entail? lots of church thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. It always involves alot of boring around teh house, since entertainment is not allowed until sunday.I do understand where my parents are coming from, when they expect us to participate in these religious excursions. but i just dont like it.Easter vigil...
April 5th, 2010 at 07:47am

A pint of guiness makes you stronger

Well, it has been a while since i've written one of these, eh? I think semester 2 merits a few entries, just to get things off my mind.The main reason i probably remembred this was that my other friends foudn ym account. she then proceeded to read these journals, these thoughts, and out pouring of my emotions. To be quite honest, it caught me off suprised. I was angry, the fact that she read them...
March 22nd, 2010 at 04:58am

Je ne comprends pas francais, so youll have to speak to me some other way

Stupid exams, they ruin everythimgmight as well write this journal early today, its been another week, another time to reflect.Ive gotten mark updates in all my classes. 80 in both calc and chem, and then 87 in physics, and 88 in french. wish i could get a 90 in physics thogh, i can go with an 85 in chem and calc.You know the feeling you get when you try to reach out to a person, only to be.......
January 23rd, 2010 at 02:12am

Sooner or later, it all comes crashing down

WEll this week has been a very interesting week, full of situations that i did not liek to hear. started the week off with a physics test, did very well on it. then my freaking laptop died on me, the second computer to break on me in a span fo three weeks, so i had to buy this one. its pretty decent, windows 7, etc. i had ultimate frisbee on tuesday, i played and got better. tore somethign in my...
January 16th, 2010 at 07:28am