If you don't eat than your body is going to become weak, you'll get sick all the time, eventually develope heart problems and so forth. It goes on and on. Lame, right? So just eat as much as you can. :) Sorry if I'm not helping much.
My sister's trying to be a nutritionist so I'm sorry if I sound lame. I just know too much. Haha
Try to eat 3 times a day, gradually make those meals bigger and bigger. You can start of by eating fruit, then a piece of toast and some kind of chicken (cough*I'm a vegetarian, tofu's beter*cough) or protien then just keep adding on. Maybe carry around a bag of cereal for when you feel sick.
It's not good to be living that way. It's not fun, it's not healthy and it's only likely to to get worse. You said you've have anorexia before right? Do you really want to go through it again? Is it really that worth it? Because it's probably not.
I know it's easy to think that eating less is the best way to lose weight and be 'skinny' but it's not. The best way to keep your weight steady (which is far more healthy than being skinny) is to eat healthy foods and exercise. It's not about how many calories, it's about making sure you're eating the proper servings of food groups every day and doing regular exercise to keep your metabolism going.
Seriously, don't go near scales, don't look at how many calories are in something and start getting professional help, because it's not good.
its your last day tomorrow!? Or is it today for you.. or maybe you wrote that yesterday and topday is your last day... today meaning (by american time) 4:30 pm 9/23