Misc. Oranges / Comments

  • Three weeks! Woot!
    Haha, of course they aren't. Will you still keep in touch with'm though?

    Nope... well... there's nothing unusually odd between us. Coz I love you too, demented or not :)

    Huh. Yeah, have i told you that My mum's moving to the Gold Coast next year? I think I have... anyway... that includes building a house... so I'll be living god-knows-where by then :P Ehh, I'll still be in the area - more so coz dads here.
    hahaha, yupp, my step-mums in Melbourne and I've been hearing about just how goddam cold it is in that area. Ha. Brrrggghhh :P

    Well, its 2:13am on a Thurday night and I should probably get to sleep coz i got chocolate cookies to eat and share tomorrow at school :P

    talk soon!!! I loooovvveeee you :) xxxx
    <3 <3
    July 29th, 2010 at 06:14pm
  • LO!!! Good heavens girlie!!! Whenwhenwhenn??? When shall I be reunited with my innoficial soul sister? *wiggles eyebrows* ;)

    Oh I think I'll have to track you down, steal you from your mother dearest, and tie you to my bedpost before you have the chance to desert my again. But if you want to come here willingly, that's ok too. I'll make chocolate pudding :D (how's that for a bribe, eh?)

    I lovers you too (muchly) and I reallyreallyreally miss you :(
    Well I don't reckon you'll ever stop being the Lolly I love but if you want to change the lolly you like to be... Feel free. I just want you happy. And I'll love you no matter what - like any family member should :) And I do hope to see you smile because you really are happy one day. That'd be pretty mad :P

    So, I hope you fell love because I'm writing this from my iPod touch and I've had to redo the last paragraph around 7 times just to get it up there. This stupid thing keeps undoing what I write!!! God, it's so frustrating!!!

    Well, do call me or tell me when your coming here or something soon! It would be AH-MAZ-ZING to see you again soon :)

    Ttyl :P
    Xxxxxxxx xooloooooooxxxxxxxxxooooooooooo xxxxoooxxxoxoooxoxxoxoxooxoxoxxozoxooxoxxoooxoxxxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox :)
    July 23rd, 2010 at 02:54pm
  • Zooooeeeyyy (is s babe >.>)

    I misssss yooouuuuu! Gahh, i'm here, with Kimberleyyyyy... and she is holding my ipod hostage. Not a clue what she's got herself into on that thing but (juudging from the evil cackles and self-complimenting) i'm sure its not good! God help my baby!

    Nawnaww, come back here! I don't care, you can live with me, and we'll eat oranges and marshmellows and dried mango all night every night googling sexy band boys. It shall be heaven my darling lolitaaa!!!

    MUAHAHAHA!! I <333 ATL.Goo. (oh shit, kim just cackled evilly and told me i'd probably kick her out of the house when i see what she's been doing)... GOD SAVE THE... queen..... er....


    i love you babygurllllll, hows that boi of yours..? O.O i fb'd himm....... um..... ok? Hmmm.......... haha. But you're happy, yusss?

    [b]LUUURRRRVVVEEE![/b] <3333

    July 11th, 2010 at 04:29pm
  • Happy Birthday :)


    May 15th, 2010 at 07:41am
  • *scrunches up eyes and sighs loudly* Thats........... not good. But please, god, don't take the easy way out. Mitch... thats really shitty, and you sure as hell don't feel good now that he's gone. What if you do the same? Then what about your parents, and your friends... and you don't really want to [i]die[/i]. Man, this is so hard to word right. But just... um... you mean too much to everyone, and you are too amazing to just let yourself disappear. I can't imagine you dead. I can't imagine you anything but alive and smiling - whether its a happy smile or not. Zoe, suicide is for people with no chance, and no hope, and no reason to live. You have all of that. You can still change everything, no matter how hard it is.

    And if you disagree, i can prove it to you. I swear. Your circumstances may suck beyond no end, but you yourself don't, and you can change your circumstances if you try hard enough. I know, easier said than done, but if you're so far gone you wanna just leave, what do you have to lose?

    And wow, i may sound really strange saying all the above, but you mean too much to me for there to be any chance of me not at least trying...
    to help..?

    love you, HEAPS, and i will call soon.

    [i]i love you[/i]
    May 13th, 2010 at 09:55am
  • Oh yeah... and how did Mitch die? Are you 'kay?
    May 10th, 2010 at 09:40am
  • CHAAA, and im FOURTEEN biatch ;)
    May 6th, 2010 at 09:25am
  • Well then, not-so-little missy... lotta shit doing down over there. I'm stilll a virgin... obvs. I hope everything's cool... with you, and everything over there. Its hard to keep in touch with you so i dunno anything about everything to do with you :( I should call you..... but i'll have to get ur numer off Matty >.< Soon, i promise.

    Hmm, well, I miss you :( Too much has been going on here, and Kim and I had this heart-to-heart thing just before where i found out she wants to leave :/ And i don't want her to leave... obviously... and I feel bad that she's had all this shit going on and i didn't know. Although that wasn't my fault - she just kept blocking me out >:( Grrrrr, its all really weird...

    Yeah, and we've bought land down at the Gold Coast, so we'll start building ASAP. I'm starting year 10 at a new school next year... again :/ And you won't be there this time............... sCaREd :(

    OHOHOHHH!!! And I got my belly button pierced last week!!!!!! WOOT! Pretttttyyyy sexy <333 Yeah, and my lobes are done twice.

    looooovvveeee you!
    May 6th, 2010 at 09:25am
  • WAIT! SHIT! So you DID lose your necklace, hm? Well then... how was it? Hahaha, how pathetic does that sound? Was it his first too?
    And our holidays start in a week... :( Cross country this Thursday...
    March 26th, 2010 at 08:55am
  • Aww, babygirl, that is a lotta fucked-up shit, aye?

    So you and Khaiden are dating..? Or were you dating, and then it went wrong? And did you lose your virginity to him or was that GOING to happen and then it didn't..? God, I miss you so much. This would be a shitload easier to understand if I was with you.

    So, my evaluation would be that you are way too fucking adorable. You need to tone down your gorgeousness - that way not so many boys would be drooling over you. See? Its simple, really. You could give some to me :D No, but seriously, i've heard from a certain someone (Matty) that your boob have doubled in size O.o haha. We have to catch up, yusss? Come down some time or something, yea :)

    Hey, so I have to go (mum seems to believe that I should hold kailen every free second of my life!) but seriously, I hope things get a hell lot better. Anyone seriously stuffs you up you let me know, kay? Its just not acceptable...

    With me, not much is on at the moment. There was this big drama with Justin (baker) before where he wanted to hook up with about every second friend of mine (including myself)... but that's sorted out and Broom The Oblivious is currently dating him. haha. Oh well, at the moment I like Bryce XDDD Shame - yusss. But whatever...

    AND we might be moving to the Gold Coast (dunno if I told you that). It'll be BIg though so not just yet... we have to buy the land and build the house first, so we'll probably only get there around next year :)

    Bella and everyone misses you too! We were talking about you the other day :) You have to post some newer pics on facebook soon! I wanna know what my unofficial twin looks like these day :) I'll have to do the same, I guess. Haha.

    March 26th, 2010 at 07:54am
  • hahaha, iknowrite?! It comes naturally...........

    Well, yeah, write when you can :D
    February 19th, 2010 at 08:28am
  • Boy problems? Lolly?! Never........
    Nah, jks :)

    Well, honestly....... just tell him to drop the topic or piss off. I mean, heh shouldn't even ask that. Ewwews :P
    Do you honestly like Josh, or prefer the other guy? Because I don't like Josh. Even though i've totally never met him. Not cool asking a 13 year old that. Blegh.

    Personally, I'd choose Khaiden... 'cept thats morally judged on what you've said. Which really amounts to nothing. So, I just hope things get better :( Good luck, love.

    February 17th, 2010 at 07:21am
  • BAHAHA. About it all. Its all... lol. Made me seriously lol. Ha.

    HOLY SHIT! Serious??? Then I wouldn't have met you! And you'd be... DEAD! HOLY FUCK! *is really freaked* lol. Lolly, thats scary. I'm glad your ok :DDDDDDDD

    Well, school sucked. I'm doing art and i have it with Bella (YAY!) and Mr watshisname gave us projects on our first day. We have to create a title page. The mark will go to %10 of our score, too! He's seriously crazy... god...

    Welcome, love.

    xoxox - Saskia
    January 29th, 2010 at 03:57pm
  • Gah, I HATE it when that happens. Although it hasn't happened twice in a row just yet. You honestly have talent, honey.
    Yeah, he is. Very much so. In fact, both are. I have to puc a photo of Kailen up here. I already got one of Josh.
    Well, I'm free tomorrow and on the weekend... I think. Maybe not the weekend but probably :P
    Yes, you too. God, its so weird here, i have seen a MILLION Australian flags. I mean, WTF?! Its not like its been like this any other year! You doing anything for the occasion?
    Awww, sucks :( Oh wells. Talk to me later :D
    Lol, niceeeee. Well, have fun at the water hole and think of me! Cuz I know you always do :DDDD
    love you more x) And I wrote some stuff on my profile for ya.

    xox P.P (note; DOT. x)
    January 26th, 2010 at 06:40am
  • I read your about section : )
    I want to re-write my message to you and make it a million times better. Because you deserve that. And because you're a million times better than what I wrote :D

    Lol, yeah, I know he added you. He asked me for your facebook :P You guys should catch up. In fact, I'd invite you here to hang out with him and myself and whoever else, except I dunno if you could come? I'm free everyday that isn't school except for tomorrow. Call me if you can come, or just tell me on this thing... and you have to give me your number. Email it or something.

    Well, about everything from cornflake seaweed to bella's brother, its all awesome and wonderful. I was guessing the baby had come, and I know what bella's talking about when she says she's constantly smiling. I feel the same. All the time. Kailen is crawling now and he put the lid onto my drink the other day... it was adorable. He is so lovely. I love him so much : )

    talk soon, beautiful.
    January 24th, 2010 at 05:54am
  • I WILL WRITE MORE LATER!!!! But for now, I would LOVE to catch up. You know I would. I miss you so fuckin much, my beautiful Lolly. When are you here? Is it too late? I haven't been online cuz I'm at the coast until tomorrow. This has been my first chance to check mibba. So, if ur still cumin, is it this week? I am on the gold coast right now, but which beach were u talkin about? Give me the details! I'll make time for you!!! Write back soon :)

    January 19th, 2010 at 08:43am
  • So... uh... I think I understood just over half of what you wrote... but I shall do by bestest ;DDD

    WELL. You're coming back here to visit us lowly Brisban-ers, yeah? Hmm... WICKED! But I dunno 'bout the Rainer thingy... cuz, Clays been away (he might be back now, though) so I haven't been seeing him & that could mean he's away, too... oh, any I have no idea what the day is... or really, anything time-wise... so does that mean you'll be here on the last week of the holidays or before or after that?

    Well... I have also finished the second book - which I [i]own[/i] - AND HAVE FALLEN IN LOVEEEE!!! Its just like... WWHOAAAAAAA!!! I mean, the whole idea is just magnificent; with the mockingjay and... [i] everything[/i]!!!! I love itttt :DDDDDD I haven't cried since the first book... I think. It was when she took Prim's place to go to the games. I have no clue why I was all emotional then. But oh well... Do you want her to pick Gabe or Peeta???? I'm going Gabe all the way... Peeta all sweet any adorable but lacking all that dramatic sexinessss ;D Still, I think he deserves to live...

    Yeah... uh... I was there when you were ready Love, Aubrey. Remember? You practically wouldn't shut up about it for a whole DAY! Haha

    Now, this would be the part I am lacking understanding of..? Can't wait to get your hands on... mm mm. Uh-huh. Cuz thats sooooo normal. You mean the guy your seriously hot for???

    And, yeah, send me 'it' (is it your number?) as soon as possible... if you haven't already :D Immu go check now...

    Ha. Well... have fun? XDDDD
    January 11th, 2010 at 12:56am
  • Continued...
    WELL! I have never officially lived anywhere but here, so I am totally, completely, absolutely jealous of you right now. The town seems perfect in every single way... *sigh*
    But seriously... don't miss us too much will ya... XD

    Bec? She ur new 'bestie' for the school??? Whats she like??? I did say EVERYTHING remember??? Other friends? Social status? Bitches (besides Gemma)?

    EWWWW! Worse than Reece? Man... I feel sorry for you...

    Niceee! Picture? I SO wanna see. I'm going to cut my hair soon, its getting preeeety long. I like it, but I want more layers and a better frinde. Kinda like a curly emo fringe... but shorter XD

    AND OMGGGG! I dunno if I told u but I got straight A's for math [i]and[/i] english!!! GEEK ALERT! Its disturbing..
    and even more disturbin cuz I got the same mark for Art/PCA as welll...

    Oh, and u shud add Rainer on facebook. See wat happens?
    January 7th, 2010 at 10:49am
  • So, I can't really reply cuz I'm on my dads iPhone... But... FUCKIN FUCK!!!! We r sooooooo in sync!!!! I finshed the first Hunger Games book last week and I'm like CANT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!! But once again, it's totally you stealing my identity (and I love ya for it) cuz I am soo one book ahead of you.... :DDDDD

    And on boy matters... I am seriously getting NO WHERE. but as for you, I just totally know ur gonna get him... No matter how fuckin cliche that sounds XD

    So immu write more laterz, my lovely lolly. But, as for the number, email it to me and I shal deliver ;P


    January 6th, 2010 at 02:05pm
  • heyyy long time no tlk!
    December 21st, 2009 at 07:45am