Do you know i still carry the memories, oh no.

I love it when I'm stalking people or downloading musics late at night, I have someone to chat with at the same time. Especially humorous people and the ones that just know how to make your day.Probably I've been tooooo judgmental. I don't know. But when you need to let go of something so badly, I guess you need to surround yourself with awesome people who would actually help you through it. :DI...
September 22nd, 2009 at 09:28pm

Just Because Everything's Different, Doesn't Mean Everything Has Changed.

So, this whole Mibba thing is new to me but I'll get use to it. I guess I only made this, truthfully, to read stories. So, for now, I'll be just browsing around Mibba and reading awesome stories. Get inspired and improve, ya know? Till then, I wont be updating much.Maybe, just maybe, I'll post something in here. Depends. I'm not much of a writer type and my English probably suck. Whateves.But all...
September 16th, 2009 at 03:46pm