
United States
Joined date
July 14th, 2007

shtuff 'bout meh

I'm Bailey. And I hate these things.

Hello. I'm Bailey. And I herd you liek mudkipz?

So i piss excellence and speak braille. I'm amazing, right? Just Kidding.

I'm a pretty laid back person, but I get pissed of easilly. If I do get pissed at you for pretty much nothing, I apologize... It's nothing personal. I'm probably just having a bad day. I'm usually fun to be around, and I'll do almost anything if you dare me. Wanna talk? Just click the words, and give me your best. Just don't be surprised if I don't reply to, "Hey. What's up?" That gets old fast.

Well, I'm done. And remember, only you can prevent forest fires, take a bite out of cybercrime, save the trees (and the manatees), and stop global warming. Don't drink and drive or do drugs, and stay in school. Peace out.

I have msn so ask for my email.

P.S. DO NOT click HERE.