No matter who you are

Welcome :) I'm Justine, and I think my parents are trying to drive me to the point of insanity. I'm very loud, and am constantly being told be teachers, and students, to use my inside voice.... one of which I don't have.

I couldn't live without Music, or my sexy's, who are listed on your bottom right. I also couldn't live without youtube, or without some sort of video editing software, which I don't have at the moment so I'm bored out of my mind.

+~+If the Jonas Brothers said breathing wasn't cool, 95 percent of the female population would die. Put this in your profile if you would be part of the five percent that was smart enough to know if you don't die, you can have them all to yourself!+~+

He throws our sins into the sea

Mummy Come Home, daddy's acting strange
Featuring: frank iero and Gerard Way
Scenes: 1/?
Status: Active
Title Credit: Me!

Yet to be Written
Featuring: The main character(s)
Status: Non-existant
Title Credit: Me!

It leaves me enough to choke


September 22, 2009
Read between the lines ;; KSM

I could make a really really really long list of bands I like here.... But I won't becuase
1. I'm lazy
2. I'm pretty sure know one would read it and
3. I couldn't choose one to go on top because they are all so GOOD!

no matter what you say

And no matter where you go
No matter what you know
No matter who you are
No matter what you thought
Its forgiven

He sees the good in you and me

In No Particular Order! Kate Helena Liv Liv

Its forgiven

Layout©: MakeAScene
Original Images©: TrixyPixie
Headings©: Kids in the Way