comradesnarky / Comments

  • Oh yeah, I searched up that Woodstock Handmade Homes thing, they're so amazing :) I printed off the tee-pee like one awhile ago for my studio arts inspirations, but I didn't know the actual story of it. That's really cool, thank you for telling me about that.
    March 28th, 2010 at 06:36am
  • Guh, life's been retarded lately. I haven't been awake long enough to do anything really. On the plus side it is now school holidays, but I also have a fuck load of homework to do. Mainly art homework too, which really frustrates me right now.

    Yeah, I wanted to see a lot more of that too. And more of Becca becoming a teenager and just exploring drugs and all that. It was so funny when they were high and laughing at Hank. Yeah, that was a good part.

    Haha, oh yeah you are :) I'll now have a penpal in Columbus, haha. No, I haven't :( I recently found out it costs a fair bit of money to actually post a package. I'm low on funds right now, so it may be awhile longer until I send it. So just whenever I have money I guess.
    Hahaha, nice.

    Yeah, when I saw them it wasn't their big Black Parade tour either. So it was nice and pretty intimate. Then they came back with all the theatrics and I was like, no way. Not paying to see that. My friend went, she said it was alright. But too big and over the top. Same, I'm scared they're going to overdo it or something. It's like a lot of bands, they start off great, start to diminish and release a last album that is just absolute shit. And what's with Bob leaving? The band is starting to disintegrate in a way.
    March 28th, 2010 at 06:35am
  • Ah love, I'll put a nice wee link in my story and be like READ OR DIE.

    Oh God, I'm so fucking hungover right now. I want to curl up and die. Oh just had to say as well that I have recorded Dexter so I can watch this show you seem to love. FX is showing all the eps from start to finish on a Wednesday now. Feel proud.
    March 27th, 2010 at 09:46pm
  • Yes, I felt exactly the same about the first few episodes. It's just such a good show, I didn't want them ruining it. Yeah, I really liked how all the women in his life appeared, when he feel off the floating thing I was like D: I love how Becca's so loyal to Hank, it just makes it all the more sadder. It would've been cool if they'd shown more of Becca and Chelsea.

    Yeah, I remember you telling me how people die from hazing and such :| Scary.
    That's pretty cool :) I hope you enjoy college, you tried really hard to get in.

    Art teachers are usually the best. They're so much more lenient than other teachers and just let you chill :) It's nice. Yeah, he's my only cool teacher. I just realised he has pretty good dress sense too. Diggin' it.

    Well that's a bit annoying. Yeah, at least you guys will be closer :) Because you were pretty good friends before weren't you? It'll be good, the distance won't hinder it as much.

    Are you fucking serious? MCR were my first concert too :| I swear were connected on some level. I absolutely agree, they just aren't as good anymore. They've gone to mainstream if you know what I mean, they used to be more raw in their Bullets days. I didn't care for their Black Parade stage really, it was all too theatrical for me. Now their just, I dunno, I can't explain really. But the fact that they redid Desolation Row annoyed me >_> Ugh.
    March 18th, 2010 at 06:30am
  • Argh! I told you! How intense is it D: By far one of the best endings ever. The fact that the music played instead of their voices just made it sadder, it showed more emotion than words could've expressed. They couldn't have chosen a better song either, Elton just knows whats up. When he told Karen and you saw her facial expression, it was fucking heartbreaking and a half. By the time he punched the cop out, I was a blubbering mess -_- The only tv show to ever make me cry. I'm glad they redeemed themselves from the earlier episodes of the season though. Alright, rambling ending now :)

    Haha, we just get timetables of when our classes are and we are expected to turn up. So you could live where I live, a fair way out from the city and choose to go to say RMIT which is in the cbd, so I'd have to train it there whenever I had class basically. Some places have student accommodation, but it's not on the premisise really. It's just like any other apartment block, but they give it the name of 'Student Accommodation' and then, that's only really for overseas students etc. College sounds like fun to be honest, but I guess it depends on what you're doing. What I'm trying to say is, Hollywood glamorizes it :)

    Um yes, it's like the best fucking advice in the world. Whenever I have frees I get free use of the art rooms because my graphics teacher just so happens to be the art co-ordinator. So I can just grab whatever I like and he gives me food etc. too :) He kind of wins at life to be honest.
    It's so funny, with my studio arts class my good looking teacher who is affectionately nick named "Mr Fantasy" though not to his face, hahaha. He always try's to get the class involved by asking us questions, everyone just stares at him and he'll try to make us finish his sentence, but he'll have to end up finishing it. Every time he was trying to get us involved he'd look at me and I'd be like "Just no" then we'd start laughing, hahaha.

    You truly are a person of major intelligence :) Haha.

    I really need to write too :\ And maybe study for some upcoming SAC's haha. Instead I'm doing the same as you were, commenting you back :) Oh well.

    What? I thought he liked you though, why does he suddenly have a girlfriend? Or has he always had one? :S
    Hahaha, it's okay. I'll live, I guess.

    Wow, I just realized I'm listening to old school My Chem. I didn't even notice, odd. I haven't listened to them in awhile.
    March 16th, 2010 at 09:15am
  • No Problem I really enjoyed it because I love Russell Brand and I have most of the books written about him and his dvds :) So your take on his personality is most intresting...As I live in not so sunny Britain, im able to follow what he does, so reading your story has been nice. xxxx
    March 15th, 2010 at 03:52pm
  • Okay, so I've dissapeared for awhile because I was and still am house sitting with a friend. So, I barely get any spare time on the computer, especially not for tumblr etc. :(

    Thank you! :D

    That sounds pretty cool, I keep forgetting what you guys do with college, like with the staying on campus things etc. It's just so different from what it's like here. Like there's student accomadation but it's not like on campus or whatever you guys call it. I dunno.
    There's actually not that many people we know there, I dunno, they just have this big idea that everything will be better if we move there. It's bullshit. I'm hoping to stay :D Haha, maybe you can!

    Ah, I wouldn't say that. We more have a lot of common interests, so it's just like talking to a friend, I dunno. It's just a bonus that he is good looking, I guess. It's like my graphics teacher, we swear and give each other shit all the time and it's just, well, normal for us. I've had him since my first year of high school though. Haha, thinking about it, it sounds kind of weird actually :/

    I know! I'm so retarded -_- Maybe I'll see him again one day, that would be cool.

    Sounds kind of like my life at the moment. Though the long weekend we just had was a different. I basically spent the entire weekend stoned. It was so fucking bizarre.
    Hahaha, one night cuddle stand? That's definitely being added to my vocabulary.
    God, I hate beer. I don't know how people can stand it. It tastes so odd, like savoys or something.
    School is really hard this week. I have a SAC on friday, I know nothing about it. I handed in my outcome task for literature late and I didn't go to my VET subject today because I had a bitch fit and instead came home and watched Skins.
    So there you go :) Haha.
    March 10th, 2010 at 04:56am
  • Thank you!
    I just feel like I made a very like, fluffy story. I dunno. I don't know what I will do because it would be a pain in the ass to start over again, and I could just kind of start writing differently from now on, but decisions have yet to be made.
    March 10th, 2010 at 02:55am
  • I can call you such harsh words when I do not receive an invite to a party I clearly can not attend. Get to hell with your stalling Buffalo I am a demanding but firm lover of your work.
    March 7th, 2010 at 09:32pm
  • I can sympathize with that. Tumblr is a bitch.
    He seems far to suave to screw a stripper. Too much drama too early is just eh, unless the story calls for it. Yeah, no strippers in the future. There will be drama, but I feel deserved drama. I think? Awe, well thank you. That was a nice kind of compliment haha. Hmm, well, the kid will show up unexpectantly in an unexpectant place. With both Ville and Sophia. And then Ville will punch someone. Yeah, I do have this planned out in my head. Just bits, not the whole story haha.
    Did I mention I loved the update? 'Coz I did :D
    March 4th, 2010 at 06:09am
  • For starters, thank you for the story comment ha.
    I'm obsessed with Tumblr and Lost haha. Lost a tiiiiiny bit more... maybe a whole lot more, but those are just little details.
    It was originally going to be Ville had sex with a stripper, but that would be un-needed dramatics, and I would like to think of Valo as someone above having sex with a stripper. I may be wrong on that thoug haha.
    Really?! Thank you! That means a lot. :)
    The kid, oh the kid. He will make sense in due time. He's going to be left alone for many a chapters. Many. He'll rear his little head though, and you may be even more creeped out then! Bwaha.
    Update your story, dammit! I want to read it haha.
    March 4th, 2010 at 04:36am
  • I really am too excited for need to send me a message with it! Please, fuck you got previews of mines! Don't be a twisted Buffalo...Guess what your new nickname is huh? FTW, I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMMENT TILL LIKE...NOW. Mibba's ripping me off.

    I finally got around to writing Roe's prequel! We'll the next part of it...I was so into then my friend told me she'd be thrown out again and she needed a place to crash. I now have even less time free from the time I spend procrastinating. That means I probably should be getting my arse in gear during the day time.
    March 2nd, 2010 at 02:30am
  • Well I may as well reply now while I have the chance :) Um, it's my birthday today actually, haha. That would be lovely :) But you don't have to worry that much about it really.

    Yeah, I guess it'll be pretty good :) Though I've gotta go to tafe for a week of it anyway, to do some sewing course for VET. Eh, it won't be too bad though.
    Yeah, I'm glad I have at least somewhat of an idea, it helps with subject choosing etc. I usually just say graphic designer to my relatives because it seems like a stable job. I once told them I wanted to be a designer, they weren't happy. It just keeps the peace really. They want me to work in government like my mum did, I don't think so, hahaha.

    It,ll be a good experiance :) Do you have anyone to stay with?
    Um, I'm not sure. My parents want to move to the outback, I'm not too happy with the idea. So, I'll probably just stick around and study some more, maybe get a job. See what happens. Ideally, I'd love to travel, but obviously I wouldn't be able to afford it straight off. So eh. I like Melbourne though, so it's okay.

    Everythings pretty good. Lately I've been feeling weird though, I don't know how to explain it really. I just feel lost or incomplete? Hm.
    I've got a really good looking art teacher this year :) It makes the class even more enjoyable, he's always really spaced out. And I'm pretty sure he likes Bukowski. I dunno. He likes Pollock and ever since I mentioned Pollock, he's been overly nice to me. It's kind of awesome. I don't know why you needed to know this, but I had to tell someone.
    There was this really cute guy on the train yesterday, we were sitting opposite each other, we kept smiling at each other the entire time. Me, being quite obviously retarded didn't make conversation because I'm so stupid. It was one of those little things where you feel so connected to someone even though you don't know them. When I got off, I came to my senses and wanted to go back, but the train left obviously -_- I hate myself sometimes.

    What about you? How's things in Buffalo? Been to any good shows lately?
    March 1st, 2010 at 09:37am
  • Okay :) So it's taken awhile for me to reply to your last comment, but in my defense, I've been incredibly busy! Birthday plans and such, ugh.

    Hahaha, yeah. I've still got like 5 weeks till my break, so eh. I handed in my portfolio today actually, for Studio Arts. Not as important as yours was, but still quite infuriating, he kept telling me different things. He's an odd man.
    Yeah, it's quite good. We haven't done much yet though. Um, to be honest, I used to think I did, but now I don't know. I'm leaning more towards more heavier art based things than just fashion. I dunno. I'm doing all art subjects and literature so I'll work it out soon enough :) A graphic designer is my safe option at the moment though.

    Well I guess it's hard for a lot of artists to fully enjoy their work, I think it was said that 'You're your biggest critic' or something like that, I dunno.

    And excuse me, I was, and I updated it, so neh :) But I haven't wrote any since :/ Should probably on get on that.

    Wow, that's not that far away considering how quickly times going right now. Are you looking forward to going to Columbus?

    Oh and with the package/letter, I have finished it, I just haven't had enough time to buy a certain thing for it :) But it will most definitely be sent out by the end of this week. Just so you know :)
    March 1st, 2010 at 05:55am
  • Ever need a hand you know where I am love. I can't wait for it you know that. I had a nice new Idea for a story today but I think I might just hold off writing it because I get really involed with writing one thing and forgetting about my others.

    Ohh, can I please have a sneak little preview, just a little...even just those little ideas?
    March 1st, 2010 at 12:37am
  • Fucking hell. I am so bad at checking this, I apologize. I should actually probably update mibba sometime ha.
    Yeah exactly! I mean I love my friends and everything, but they get really absorbed into stupid shit, like freaking out over dinosaurs? I don't understand it. I don't get it. Just like how they don't get the beauty of The Boosh. I tried showing it to my friend and she kind of hated every second of it. Shame, really.
    This is true. They both seem ridiculously happy, which really is all that matters. I'm surprised he hasn't strayed away from her, but if he's truely found his "personal jesus" then kudos to the man. I know, I want him to be a whore as well. It's weird. It's different. But time will tell if monogamy doesn't suit him. If his comedy starts to suck, then that is not so good. I doubt it will however.
    Ugh I know. They are blindingly cute together.
    February 27th, 2010 at 04:27am
  • Mad skill? I like that. I quite like that.
    Good! None of my friends share my strange love for this homeless looking British comedian whose comedy they don't fully get. It gets lonely sometimes not finding Blue Collar TV funny. C'est la vie. Too true! It will be, especially since they're relationship was ridiculously fast moving.
    Isn't it? I was slightly disappointed when he settled down. I prefer him banging every woman in sight. Although I do like Katy Perry, and they seem cute together. I just don't know if his comedy will change now or what will happen.
    We shall see.
    February 22nd, 2010 at 05:41am
  • Haha no problem.
    And you're welcome! That's great I made you speechless by flattery! Internet flattery, no less.
    Russell is writing his 2nd book, as says his twitter. I am excited. Like really really excited. Like seriously.
    February 22nd, 2010 at 04:05am
  • very welcome :)
    February 21st, 2010 at 11:09pm
  • it's great!
    February 21st, 2010 at 11:00pm