Story Banners

I've been asked millions of times to make story banners for people.I don't mind it all. I actually would love to make you a banner for your stories.In fact, I'm a graphic designer, currently stuck at home because of snow, so I have anything better to do but update my website.I make mibba layouts, icons and edit photographs.If you would like for me to make you a story banner, or avatar (icon), or a...
January 31st, 2010 at 06:54pm

R.I.P Grandpa Mabbitt.

Craig Mabbitt's Grandpa died last night; I heard about it nine minutes after he posted the news. I sent him my sympathies, I hope he get's them. It's tough losing family - specially when your countries away. I remember losing my grandparents: horrible thing to go through. It really ticks me when people say: "It was just your grandparents, they lived long lives." I don't care how long they lived,...
December 13th, 2009 at 07:36am

Non-fiction or fiction?

I was confronted in literature, that non-fiction is better than fiction. I totally disagree for the seasons: There is no limit in writing within your fantasy; if you want to write about a boy with magical powers, who happens to have two heads, there is no one to stop you. I was told fiction was petty, a way for someone who has no life, to create one. This upset me; I about popped the bloke upside...
October 9th, 2009 at 12:58am

Some good sites like Mibba. (Recommendations)

I love Mibba dearly; it’s a well developed site to post what you want, and get feed back you can really take to heart. But I use Mibba more for my fan fictions, for when I am in my creative mood. You rarely anymore get original stories; but that isn’t a bad thing. I use some other sites for when I post my original work, with non band members/actors. And you can use these too, if you want to...
October 6th, 2009 at 03:48am

Poorly written stories getting millions of comments: WTF?

(I never use chat speak, but it was the only way to shorten the title...)Anyways; I can see how a really well written and thought out plot could receive loads of comments and stars. But what mibba tries to do is improve people's writing skills, yet there are stories that are, by the second of reading them, killing our brain cells. And I'm not saying that everyone's perfect, we all make typos, and...
September 22nd, 2009 at 02:40am