nostradamus. / Comments

  • Oh, yes! I definitely did go to Greece! I wasn't missing it for anything. d: although, for a while I thought I didn't have much choice, haha. But yahhh, it was amazing! Once in a lifetime trip, and I will never forget it! And the FOOD! UGH! SO TASTY! :o

    Oh, islands! Lucky ducky. I got fields here. But I'm going away all summer, so I'll get mountains and forests to lounge in with friends. Isn't it great to be done?! I finished all my finals today, and I just feel splendid! (I got a hundred on my English exam! YESSSSS. hahahah)

    Oh, I'm sure you will! That's like the bonus of summer: time to workout! (: No school to take up your time, and cute boys to impress! aha, I work at a pool in the summer, so I always drop a few.

    Why thank you! Aren't you just the sweetest thing. (; haha. But I mean it! you're so pretty and just very gregarious!
    June 20th, 2012 at 08:16am
  • Oh, not a problem, at all! (: It's a weird change, hey? Journals to blogs.
    Who are they kidding? They're totally still journals. haha

    Awe, thank you! But you're crazy. You're so gorgeous!
    But nah, don't worry about creepy. That's part of the internet. :p
    And actually, I do remember you! you were the super awesome girl,
    Who told me not to worry about my Greece & Italy trip months ago.

    Which, by the by, was bloody fantastic! haha.
    And I'm just swell! Super busy with exams and my summer plans.
    How about yourself?
    June 15th, 2012 at 05:51am
  • I'm great, thanks. How're you?
    June 9th, 2012 at 10:25pm
  • Hey, I know you showed an interest in my writing in the past, so I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving mibba for now and moving to a site called wattpad. I'll be posting my stories there all summer so you should check it out if you're interested! Here's the link:

    Hope you're having a great summer so far! :)
    May 28th, 2012 at 06:59am
  • Haha well who doesn't right? I'd rather impress a girl by making her laugh than anything else. :D
    March 10th, 2012 at 02:07am
    :o I am not a hipster! I wanted to paint the whole staircase, but y'know. MY mom's a bitch//
    February 26th, 2012 at 11:46pm
  • Haha no I don't have that sense of humor. I'm more along the lines of goofy.
    February 26th, 2012 at 01:52am
  • Oh, haha. I'm not Asian. But thanks for the compliment. I'm actually Dominican with some Asian blood in me. Somewhere back there. haha.
    February 26th, 2012 at 12:12am
    And I have 3 blue stairs! ... :D ?
    February 25th, 2012 at 10:34pm
  • Thanks for the photo comment and the compliment. You're really pretty as well. :"D
    February 25th, 2012 at 09:15pm
  • what?
    February 25th, 2012 at 08:36am
    GASH my mom's like a freaking I DON'T EVEN KNOW.
    Don't brag. :X
    February 25th, 2012 at 02:46am
  • Haha well us modest guys do like to keep a sense a humor. :P
    February 25th, 2012 at 02:41am
  • Hello again! You're super sweet too! Thank you for saying that<3

    Oh, hun, believe me, I've been there before! When I was in that period of my life, I was super stressed out about that. I was failing at almost every subject. But I worked really hard and studied my ass off! There were days I didn't sleep and I barely ate! But thank God and my best friend, I passed! Not with super good grades, like I was planning to, but I gave my all. And I graduated. And I got in the university I wanted to go. So believe me, it's worth all the hard work. Because, when you get your diploma, you're going to hold it with joy and relief and you're gonna say to yourself "I did it. I made it after all those years." <3 The moment I got mine I couldn't start thinking that. I cried. I laughed. But mostly, I was so happy and proud of myself (: And when you get in the college you want to go to take what you love, you're gonna feel like the happiest girl on earth! :D Everything in life happens for a good reason, so hold on because the good times are coming now!<3

    I really hope you succeed at everything because you seem like a hard-working girl that doesn't give up easily! (: Just remember that we're here for each other and you can count on me always!

    Tons of love, Andie.
    February 25th, 2012 at 01:58am
  • Yeah, I learned about the situation in Greece a little around a week ago when I went to a solidarity rally that gave a lot of information on the struggle of Greek people are going through and what the austerity measures mean for them. It's appalling the politicians who opposed the austerity measures were removed from their positions all because of their opposition. It's sad to see the greedy, corrupt politicians trying to kill democracy in its birthplace. The Greek people need a lot of help, they need politicians who care for their well-being, not how much profit they're going to make or how much control they have over people.

    I'd like to see Occupy turn into a global revolution. We're trying to unite at a regional level at the moment. Like Occupy Oakland and Occupy San Francisco have united and often help each other out with actions. OO and OSF are also in the process of really uniting with Occupy San Jose as well. Once we get united at a regional level, we can unite at a State level, moving to a national level, and finally unite on a global level. Occupy already supports other places globally, like we show a lot of support for the Arab Spring and do what we can to help them because Occupy draws motivation from the Arab Spring and supports them in their struggle for freedom and democracy. We have them to thank for motivating us to rise up against our government. But we're by no means united on a global level and have a lot of work to do to get there. We have a lot of work to do to even get united on a regional level.

    A global revolution is possible. Another world is possible with patience, time, and determination.
    February 25th, 2012 at 01:44am
  • Well, people all have different goals. For example, some want to replace Capitalism with Communism and some simply want to fix our Capitalism. Some want anarchy and some want to fix our government. There are multiple different goals people want to achieve through this movement, but there are also a few goals we all share.

    Those goals being one, we want the rich to pay their fair share. They either need to cough up the jobs or start paying more taxes. The corporations and banks are supposed to be funneling money back into the economy. The corporations are supposed to be creating jobs for Americans but instead are outsourcing our jobs to China and India, leaving us with nothing. They get tax breaks to create jobs for Americans and instead, they're using their tax breaks to get workers in China who they can pay sweatshop wags and abuse them whereas if they had American workers, they'd be forced to pay us a living wage and treat us as humans. They don't have to do that with their Chinese workers so they hire the Chinese instead of hiring Americans. The rich need to start creating jobs like they are supposed to or need to give up their tax breaks. They need to pay their fair share somehow, the working class is getting sick of having to carry the debt they created. They need to help fix the debt and problems they created.

    The second goal is to get the banksters jailed. The banks have defrauded and stolen from the American people. Most of the foreclosures and evictions that happen are illegal. Like here in San Francisco, it was recently proven that 84% of the foreclosures in the last year were indeed illegally done, the banks had no right to seize those people's houses but did it anyway because they needed the profit. The banks, and even the corporations, have sold out the American people for profit. The banks have stolen and defrauded the public, they need to be held accountable for their crimes.

    A third goal is to expose and fix the corruption within the American government. The American government cares more about their profits than they do about the citizens of this country. They will be quicker to do something for money rather than for the well-being of this country's people. Things like Citizens United made it legal for the wealthy to bribe our politicians and that needs to stop. Our government needs to listen to us again. If they don't wish to listen to their people, then they need to leave office. The corruption in the U.S government goes much deeper than just financial corruption though, we're slipping towards an oppressive government as well it seems.
    February 25th, 2012 at 01:01am
  • That's awesome. What do you want to know?
    February 25th, 2012 at 12:36am
  • Well then your friend must be devilishly handsome. :D
    February 24th, 2012 at 11:51pm
  • She didn't want me to do it all, I was just messing around :D
    She barely comes upstairs anyway so I figured 'eh, she won't see' and OF COURSE the day I do that she decides 'oh I need something from the basement'.
    February 24th, 2012 at 11:05pm
  • Well. Okay.
    I just painted some of the stairs blue with some spray paint and my mom's pissed off.
    February 24th, 2012 at 10:56pm