Iago-Disco / Comments

  • I get what you are saying, but as Escape The Fate would say... It has been scientifically proven that hunters help the environment by keeping a balance and by trying their hardest to preserve nature in general. Yes we kill things, but it is not wasted or in vain.
    January 12th, 2009 at 11:24pm
  • Hey thanks for the article comment.
    And to some extent I agree with you on most of the things you said but don't you think everyone is entitled to their own opinion when it comes to reading?
    I personally prefer novels like Twilight over "classics" such as Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. And also, just because someone reads things that others may not find incredicle works of art doesn't mean it's nessescarily (gah sp) a bad thing. Just like a toodler starts reading Goodnight Moon, a young person must start reading small too and things that appeal to them before they are ready to take on something as great as Halmet.
    Okay, I've said too much lol.
    Anyways thank you =]
    December 18th, 2008 at 12:00am
  • Everyone's a critic . . .
    and I can't make them all happy,
    December 14th, 2008 at 03:55am
  • Valid point. I actually have some problems with some of the books my church deems inappropriate. (Harry Potter is devil worsip! *scoff*) That's slightly off topic, though.
    I understand that there are books out there that act sort of like a rule book. [i]On the Sexuality of the Human Female[/i], for example. That's probably for any desperate males hoping to find out more before the first date, or something like that. That doesn't necessarily make the book honest or a big heap of lies.
    It gets harder to defend [the church, at least] when it comes to them allowing books to be written 'bashing' Christianity. But, we like Christians. Really, at St. Mary's we welcome them with open arms. Everyone defends their own religion though, right. Ha, I mean, look at me! I guess Catholicism doesn't have a problem if books are being written about the faults in other religions, which is believed to be true.
    I believe that all religions are equal, though. Atheists don't count as participating in a religion, right? Kidding . . . sort of. I mean, we're all worshipping the same God. We're all trying to get to the same place. What else [i]is[/i] there?
    November 30th, 2008 at 03:19pm
  • Sure, I appreciate the comment on my afterlife article. I'll keep what you said in mind.

    And about the illegality of publishing something that's not true - I meant that you can't do that if you're publishing something false and proclaiming it to be true. Like your buddy Michael said, Harry Potter isn't true. But that's what it's in the Science-fiction section at bookstores . . .

    I haven't lost any respect for you either.

    November 30th, 2008 at 05:27am
  • Hey there, stranger. How are you?
    November 29th, 2008 at 09:27pm
  • hey buddy! they have a whole thread for bagging out catholics.
    you, me, that thread, and some popcorn.

    and bring a mop...

    this could get messy =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =D
    November 27th, 2008 at 11:45pm
  • Thanks for your comment on my article!I wrote it about a month ago anyway, and that was one of the topics brought up about the basics of school actually:D So thanks!
    November 19th, 2008 at 12:45pm
  • Okay, wow. You're comment was actually one of the few that contained any ounce of maturity. I know you don't agree with me on everything, but it takes a real man to admit that the other side deserves some respect, too - so thank you.

    November 16th, 2008 at 06:56am
  • and people have no right to hate Bush. Its not HIS fault that people are fucking stupid to vote for a democratically strong Congress! He cant do shit because their an opposing party! Duh! Hello!

    And now since its our govt. is strong in one party, we're fucking doomed!
    November 14th, 2008 at 01:14am
  • and how DARE you blame my "up bringing" on my ideas. My parents had nothing to do with the way I think. My "up bringing" is perfectly fine, thank you very much!

    and atleast I'm not going around bashing everyone for their beliefs! I accept peoples opinions/poltical parties. Obviously you fucking don't.

    Do me a favor and don't ever talk to me. You are so closed minded is un belivable.

    And BTW I am right about the prop 8 thing. Read the new york time everyonce in a while.

    OH wait....you don't even live in the U.S. stay the fuck outta our politics than. deal with our own damn troubles.
    November 14th, 2008 at 01:12am
  • Actaully. Obama is not pro marriage. He is only pro civil partnerships...which aren't exactly the same thing.

    And actually, that was just a broad generalizatoin that I had come up with. I in a government calss right now, don't say I dont know shit about my own government. And if they aren't in it for the money why is obama so into buying out 401Ks? Not like any of that matters to you, you don't like in the U.S
    November 14th, 2008 at 01:04am
  • LOL
    jsut trying to point out something that is pretty much true lol
    November 10th, 2008 at 08:40am
  • Heh, you know the comment
    you made about the article
    on Angels and Demons?
    That user is one of my best friends.
    I'm not saying this to get at you
    or whatever, I just think it's
    kind of ironic. Afteralll,
    we're all entitled
    to our own opinons.

    November 7th, 2008 at 02:29pm
  • Oh, please.
    Have you noticed how bad our economy has gotten since the Democratic Liberals have taken over the house? And do you realize that President Bush can't do anything without congress?
    Do you even know what socialism is?
    And what's this about "spreading the wealth"? I'm all for welfare for people who deserve it, but I'm sorry, if I earned my money, it does not deserve to go to a person who refuses to work just because they're lazy.
    Socialism is how communism begins. Take a look at history. Socialism never ends well.
    IE: Hitler.
    November 7th, 2008 at 04:37am
  • thanks for reading my article! yeah people just dont understand the tax thing and it pisses me off
    November 6th, 2008 at 11:23am
  • I'm one of those kids... I only do the subjects I enjoy and force myself to do the bare minimum for subjects I abhor.

    Thanks for the article comment though. =]
    November 3rd, 2008 at 10:18am
  • I've got to hand it to you, Gabe. You've thrown me into quite a deboggle, here, and you're quite the negotiater. I've enjoyed, though I don't quite agree with it all, your responses.
    Okay, so you think my argument is a bit on the immature side? That's fair enough, I suppose. I mean, there are fairly logical explanations for many of God's most fantastical miracles.
    But everything has a beginning, except, as my church teaches, God. He's been there forever. There's not possible way for the human mind to comprehend that. Hence, the mystery of the Trinity and Creation, etc . . . And I'm not saying that I, as a Catholic, am just one of the Church's 'minions' so to speak who preach everything it teaches and won't hear a word against it.
    You're right about my upbringing as a Catholic, though. It's been ingrained into me since I was baptized at the hospital the day I was born (that's another story).
    It's hard to believe that before Creation, the only things that [i]were[/i], for use of a better word, in existence, were the Holy Trinity. I'm not embarrassed to display how scary that seems to me on occasion.
    As for my other argument on why God lets utter turmoil take over His precious planet, well, that could have been worded better on my part. I, in no way whatsoever meant to imply that God allows those excruciatingly unfortunate people of Africa endure their lives the way they do just to make a select few feel better.
    I only meant that, if you thought about it, we are fortunate - not that God likes us better or anything. I don't know why they have to suffer everyday while I sit here upon my cushioned computer chair and eat ice cream or whatever. Frankly, it sends a plethora of emotions through my sole being! It makes me angry, and sad, and curious, and doubtful, and gracious, and sympatheticc, and furious, and most of all, confused.
    War shouldn't be apart of life. Famine, starvation, and poverty shouldn't exist. Whatever Christ's alterior motives are, as long as those poor souls in Africa are living good lives, it matter not what they have to suffer though here on Earth, right?
    They have not long to live in this life. What we need to remember is the greatness they have in store for them for the rest of eternity!
    I'm not sure if I replied to all of the things you discussed in your latest comment, but I tried to remember it all. I'm still interested in carrying on this "deboggle" as long as there's still a good discussion taking place.

    October 29th, 2008 at 11:39pm
  • ...
    Here we go. Yes, God wanted to spread His love through a new race. Of course, He was perfectly happy all by Himself before He created us, as the Bible says.
    God has the power to control our free will, but he chooses not to do so. He wants us to choose to love Him of our own account and freely make good choices. He could, and I duly wish that He would, with a snap of His fingers, rid the world of all things bad. He chooses not to do so for reasons that we will soon learn in the time to come.
    Think about this though, my friend: Would you be as thankful for everything you have today if there were not people far worse off than you in the world. All you have to do is think about the anguish others are going through to realize how lucky you have it. We have the good side of life. Whether or not we are poor Americans, it'd be better than a diseas-ridden African with nothing but the blazing heat and a tattered pillow case.
    I understand that there are the questions about how if God forgives everybody, then why are there people in hell. Well, God forgives those who ask for it. He doesn't ignore anybody's prayers. He takes into account the neediest ones and sees to them in the way that He sees best.
    I hope I've explained myself thouroughly enough. Feel free to reply if I haven't replied to your satisfaction.

    October 28th, 2008 at 10:40pm
  • Alright, Gabe. I see where you're coming from - I do - and I respect that. We all have our opinions and beliefs and it so happens that you, your friend Fn Heroes, and I all happen to feel apparently strongly on this particular subject of God.
    You're right. There are proven ways behind the workings of the solar system and growth and childbirth, and you're also right that I still think them all to be a miracle. I believe it's God that allows all things to be and to work.
    Yes, war and famine and disease nad strife are taking over the world. Of course, the question "Why doesn't God do anything about it?" or "Why did He let it happen in the first place?" have been asked countless times. It's hard, even for Catholics such as I, not to doubt Him, but I do my best not to.
    God created us all in His image so that He could share His love and grace with us.

    To be continued . . . I have to go for now. Sorry.

    October 28th, 2008 at 10:02pm