Iago-Disco / Comments

  • sketch.

    sketch. (355)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "Basically i believe, and believe quite strongly, that the majority of people are stupid.. (no offense guys, it's really only partially your fault). But thats just my opinion, and chances are i'm stupid too."
    paradoxes are wonderful.
    January 9th, 2010 at 06:50am
  • IAmATourist

    IAmATourist (100)

    United States
    I think you're the most intelligent commenter on the News and Articles section...things.
    September 15th, 2009 at 12:03am
  • La La Love

    La La Love (250)

    United States
    hey you it's been too long
    August 6th, 2009 at 03:22am
  • xKissxThexRainx

    xKissxThexRainx (100)

    United States
    I like the comment you posted on the racism article.
    July 30th, 2009 at 12:59am
  • taking back sunday.

    taking back sunday. (105)

    United States
    Okay. So maybe you believe in Infinity. But, I do not. I don't believe that it is possible. I do not need to research. I was posting my beliefs, thank you very much.

    You have yours, I have mine.
    July 29th, 2009 at 12:26am
  • Rooskaya;

    Rooskaya; (155)

    United States
    I'm so late on this that it's funny, but I have a large mouth and I need to explain things to idiots.

    Have you ever had a pitbull or a dog for that matter? I've had two pitbulls, seven standard poodles and I care for a maltese every summer for a month and a half. I work in a grooming shop as well as work with people who care for animals, at pet rescues and shelters. My grandmother used to breed dogs and I grew up working with puppies.

    It has nothing to do with breed, the way the parents are raised or grown. Dogs become who they are, what they are because of their owners. This is even something I've discussed with my mother who has owned ten pitbulls in her life time and they are the ONLY dog she will ever have.

    No matter the dog, no matter the age (as long as it's under one year) the dog can be trained anyway you want. Because of the rep that pitbulls have and because they're fighting dogs, stupid people (and yes you are included in that) seem to think as well as assume that they're born ready to fight. No, they're not. As a puppy, they're innocent, they don't know right from wrong, they don't know anything more but their brothers and sisters, their mother and the people around them that help care or ruin them. If someone who fights dogs is going to raise their pups to fight, then they will fight be a pit, a maltese, a poodle, a shih tzu or any other kind. But if you raise that pup and pass it along to a good home where it's cared for, loved not abused and neglected, the dog will end up good. Of course it will be gamey and not be the best to put around others...but EVERY single dog is like that, some worse then ever.

    And yes, pits are worse with their game but over time it has calmed. They aren't as bad as they were, they can be trained NOT to fight other dogs on sight as well as people. For every bad pit there is five good ones.

    There is always a reason for a dogs behavior, bad or good.

    Get your facts right sweetheart before you open your mouth because you get people like me, who get pissed when they see someone that seems to agree that it's alright to stop people from buying certain breeds or put others to sleep. If you get bitten by a dog, it's your fault. Don't bait the dog. And I of all people should know since every day I see dog after dog. The biggest thing is fear and if you keep going to that dog, it's going to defend itself but no dog attacks or bites for no reason at all.
    July 14th, 2009 at 02:49am
  • onewaytogo

    onewaytogo (100)

    United States
    Gabeee, I miss ganging up on pro-life people with you.
    I haven't talked to you in forever man.
    June 30th, 2009 at 04:33am
  • AntsInMyPants101

    AntsInMyPants101 (100)

    United States
    which article was i dont remeber saying anything on anything really
    June 26th, 2009 at 07:24am
  • Trippy Coxalot

    Trippy Coxalot (100)

    United States
    how is hanging over every hot guy being affectionate? they have 50 pounds of make-up (that makes them look like mini-hookers) and are always surrounded by guys. they'd have a new boyfriend every week, if not every other day. that's not being a slut?
    June 3rd, 2009 at 09:38pm
  • Rasha345

    Rasha345 (100)

    United States
    Lol, Now see I was just expressing my opinion. Now girl's who don't reveal their bodies may have low self confidence, but that doesn't meen the ones who show their bodies do. Possibly the ones who show their bodies have low self respect too, and what better way to try to make it look like you don't then to 'flaunt your stuff'. I really don't know, I live in ND and most girls/guys have better moral rights then to reveal themselves more then they have to ( also here in nd its really cold so less people do so) Lol, =]

    Was their any aspect of my comment on that article you agree with?
    June 3rd, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • Trippy Coxalot

    Trippy Coxalot (100)

    United States
    so... having shirts open all the way and wearing pants so tight you can see their ass cracks through them, hanging all over boys, isn't being a slut? they probably wear paper-thin 6-year-old's bikinis at the pool and the beach. hmm... i think that's being a slut.
    June 3rd, 2009 at 01:24am
  • love.thy.goldfish

    love.thy.goldfish (100)

    United States
    I just read your About thingy and all I got was a bunch of nonsense. Which usually I love but yours was pretty much you almost saying something and then repeating it over and over and spouting off some random quote.
    By the way, I love the part where you explain your erm, odd, profile picture llol. Your profile picture also made me laugh because it reminds me of, well pretty much everyone when they wake up or have a REALLY bright light flashed in their eyes.
    May 30th, 2009 at 11:38am
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    Well.. no. Our house if far from water.
    I`m doing okay, I guess. Pretty much. I cut my hair thou ^^ I need to grow it out for it to look better -.-'
    Yes, I knoooow. Life is pretty boring without the internet xD our other pc broke too D: the one with all the photos and music. I`m using the pretty shitty one thats only useful for internet.
    So, hows your life then? ^^
    May 11th, 2009 at 02:46am
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    mentioned you in it ^^
    April 15th, 2009 at 11:33am
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    Sure. of course. Read my profile for guidelines then send the stuff in a pm.
    April 10th, 2009 at 01:06pm
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    Yes, yes he is. ^^ even if he does think he`s a coward. I love that motha fuckin perverted idiot. :]

    No, there isnt ANYTHING good about this country. *shall move to Cali after college xD* Yeahh, we do have huge fuckin fences. Plus, all the houses are pure cement, or at least mose. The only good thing about it is... WE HAVE MAIDS! xDD

    I`m not even going to answer your question. *tehe* That chick sounds like me xD Admit things, just to get over it cause you got caught. ^^ Plus, the only way anyone can ever gross me out is by forcing me to watch my parents go at it...oh god, im going to puke..

    Awkward situations are fun. ^^ you get to know a LOT from a person by them x] like, when I froze at this marriage booth last year, the dude beside actually kissed me xD I wasnt expecting anything but a hug or whatever. I guess he just..went for it. rofl.

    I swear, there is a connection between those two comments xD Mainly cause my guy friend told me that when guys masturbate, they grow taller.And like, we were talking about hand to genetalia already, I thought i`d put that in xDD
    and fuck, thats pretty tall. o__o Gabe has pretty crazy nights, dont you? ;)
    {God, Im short >.<}

    Well, then it`s good that I`m fully comfortable with myself ^^ like, right now Im talking to someone through a comment about sex. =)) It is ultra catholic. and It sucks >.< this one guy even went all out on me when I told him I was anti-christ o__o

    Uhh.. I can`t tell you through this comment. Lots of people know me through mibba. Maybe if you go use MEEBO.com It`s a site that lets you use msn without having to download the actual thing. ^^

    C ♥
    April 6th, 2009 at 03:16pm
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    You have a point with her being kazzilions of miles away xDD
    Well.. my other Gabe bought one. And I was like... "... what? Where do you even put that?" And was like.. "you sure you dont know where?" Me: "Yeah, im pretty sure you cant put it in--OHH!!!!" xDD apparently, the prostate gland blahblahblah that has something to do with anal.

    Uh, the Philippines. Practically everyone has a maid here, its not biggie really. We have..3 atm, I guess. OHGOD, you`re a stalker >.> you know me too well. =))))) kidding. {or was I? >.<} I don`t even know where to get any of those... :-"

    Well, normal to them are people who are into pop and junk. I, on the other hand if you havent noticed, am very fuck the mainsteam. Like, go out of my way to be diffrent and stuff. :] Whats the point in living your life when you have to contort to everyones rules? ^^ At least, thats my logic. And they don`t appreciate that, so they should just stfu.

    Well, I wouldn`t want to know what all sorts of noises you make while masturbating. o__o that would be pretty weird.. Hey, how tall are you? =)))

    HELL YEA. && people think it`s excessive for me to be extremely nasty with jokes xD Well, screw religion. I`m practically satanist. Even If I am born a Catholic and whatever. Mom doesn`t agree to it cause the word SATAN is infront of the religious. But really, It`s about being true to yourself. It`s a very.. self-centered religion, but I get it. :]

    OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOOOHD. =)))) I know that! I`m not even going to explain what I saw, cause it`s too damn nasty to put it all out in this comment. OhGod, thats nice. Made me ROFLMAO. Hell yeah, agree with the fitting only in a whale. I`d be running outta the door if someone lunged that thing towards me. +__+ It would haunt my dreams >>

    Eh, but thats how we know that we`re actually loved ^^ like, if he actually [b]gives an effort[/b] >.> <.< *cough*Gabe B.*cough* to show you how much he still [b]cares[/b], then we know it`s worth giving our time on. Right, Gabe? *cough* But whatever. That`s how I feel, at least. I havent been feeling the love recently thou -__- and when he sees this, I`m so screwed. >.<

    There is always eBuddy and Meebo ^^
    C ♥
    April 6th, 2009 at 02:21pm
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    I`m going with the lesbian sex probability xD if she did get a vibrator, ask her to share with you. =)) kidding.

    I wouldn`t hide it under my pillow. >> we have a maid, and she might find it. It`s kinda creepy how they go through my stuff and find so much things about me. o.o

    Well, not really, since they`d be all suspicious as to why I`d love to move. Mainly since people are shit. You wouldn`t want to be surounded by girls all day. Re-phrase, girls that want to get laid, badly. xD Plus, someone like me isnt exactly.. "normal" to them or whatever. I don`t really care what they think, but with the groupworks that actually need people, my grades slip. :\ Plus, my guy friends are so much better than most of them ><

    Like, i just.. dont react like a man xD with the whole moaning in from of the computer and shit.

    Well, you`re welcome. I am proud that my exessive pervertion is entertaining you ^^

    Psh. Most men in those videos have HUGE ones. >.> admit it. I know, i know, i know. xD I`d be so entertained. Like... "wtf? why havent i realized this before?"

    Ohmygod. I HATE YOU SO MUCH. You`re getting me hungry! xD I`m eating afterwards after this. :P You should be jealous. Eh, girls. We`re always like that. ^^ We like being reminded that we matter. :)

    Oh, add me on msn. Mine is on my profile.
    C ♥
    April 6th, 2009 at 10:31am
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    The layout you saw is probably the one i was working on for someone xD I`m back to my Cobra Starship one.

    It would reaaaaally suck to be stuck at an all girls boarding school. Mine is hell as it is, I wouldn`t want to live with all of them for the rest of the year. ROFL. Vibrator xD I don`t even know where to get one here >> much more on how to hide the damn thing. ><

    No, it`s diffrent here. Nine years cause I`ve been here since kindergarden. So basically, kinder + grades 1-7 + freshman year = 9 years of all girls sucking-ness. Wait, no. 8 years. Cause Kinder has boys too. xD

    DUH. It says it when you enter the damn site xD REDTUBE, THE HOUSE OF PORN xDD =))

    Who says I don`t enjoy it? why in hell would I be watching that shit if I werent?

    I`m so looking at that website.. when my parents arent home. Maybe. I wouldn`t mind accidentally stumbling in into my girlfriend doing that. =)) If I did have one though. I`d just be like.. "I`m hurt. You didn`t invite me.*slams door* xD

    My mom is working on finding a good crepe machine ever since we went to our aunts house. God, those were good. I like it with chocolate ^^ grr.. im craving some now. >> hate you for that. :P

    C ♥
    {god, we leave long ass comments}
    April 6th, 2009 at 09:39am
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    Oh course if its a girls boarding school its more fun ;) Everyone at one point has a huge crush on a girl xDD I`ve had... too much to count. :] :]

    You should flip. :| I`ve been here for 9 years going 10, and hell. hell. hell.

    It iss... but still. Whatever. At least I dont react to it LIKE a man. Full of chicks masturbating in it thou. .__.

    I love crrepes ^^
    April 5th, 2009 at 01:04pm