Then I guess we're done, lets not drag this on. Consider me gone.

Sometimes I wonder if love is really worth itLooking back, a lot of my time spent “in love” wasn’t that happy.A lot of it was spent crying, sad, mad, or just irritated.If love only brings pain, why do we pursue it?For just the three or four seconds of happiness?And how can people so bluntly say that they love another and then change their mind in a day or two?I don’t understand.If the love...
July 10th, 2011 at 07:52pm

I swear, my subconscious thinks crazy things.

So in my dream last night, I was Vincent from FFVII, and it was around the time of the end half of Crisis Core, so all these ShinRa dudes were running around trying to kill Zack, and I was trying to save him. But I didn’t, so they killed him inside this concrete tunnel thing, but it like, brought upon the end of the world. So there’s all this lava and shit flowing everywhere, so I grabbed Tifa...
November 29th, 2010 at 04:05am

To readers/subscribers to They Gave Us Two Shots to the Back of the Head (orignal story)...

Dearest Subscribers,It is my deepest regret to inform you, that due to recent circumstances, They Gave Us Two Shots to the Back of the Head is to be discontinued. Forever.I'm going to keep the story up on here, in case anyone still wants to read what little is already posted, but there will be no new updates.The other author has already deleted it from her stories, and I'm not going to continue...
November 22nd, 2010 at 05:10am

To all readers of Two Shots...

I'm sorry its taking me so long to get my chapter out. I have a lot going on right now, as school's just started back up. I have to juggle my time between marching band, play practice, speech practice, and homework, and I crash at about 10 p.m., so I barely have any time to myself.I had about a quarter of the chapter written out, but my computer got a virus and it ate the document. So amongst all...
September 6th, 2010 at 09:03pm


Ugh. So my dad threw this party last night for his co-workers at Home Depot to try to get rid of some of the beer from my sister's graduation party (which didn't work, 'cause they basically just drank all my pop. ):<). And like... NO ONE showed up. It was pretty lame. But the people who DID show up brought their kids. My dad's smart idea was for me to entertain a 7 year old, a 10 year old, and...
August 29th, 2010 at 11:38pm

Crazy messed up dream. (ft. Code Geass, Inuyasha, and Kingdom Hearts.)

Soooooo last night I had a crazy ass fucked up dream. I will now type it in the area below.So like, I was Lelouch of Code Geass, but I was trying to save Britannia from these freaky floaty things that are somewhat similar to heartless (of Kingdom Hearts), so I was getting into my Knightmare, and (everyone knew I was Zero) Shirley was like, "Oh, you got a new Knightmare! " And we all just stared at...
August 23rd, 2010 at 08:15pm

I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me story updates.

In regards to my story I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me, I've been having some thoughts about how I update it.For anyone who read one of my previous stories, Kissing You Goodbye, I had the story finished when I posted it, so it ended up being a very quick process to update and finish it.I was thinking of maybe putting IKIHY,BIKM on hold for a while and just finishing it before I post...
July 27th, 2010 at 12:03am


Dish Network has taken away everything I've ever loved (channel wise). Fuse... you were so young... Why did you have to leave me so suddenly?!Who will I watch for hours on end because I'm bored?!Who will supply me with hour after hour of Eminem Takeover?!Who will show me how all my favorite artists came to existence in the Chronicles?!Who will throw me thirty minutes of my favorite artists' videos...
July 2nd, 2010 at 10:00am

The BEST story I've ever been told.

A story a friend on Twitter made up about me. I love it. xDGet ready, this shit is epic."Once apon a time, in a land called Camanche, lived a young lad named Lia. She ate sparkles and drank unicorn pee. One day, she drank soo much unicorn pee she got sick. She went for a walk and fell down a hole. She landed on a pinecone. She cried and her tears went to her upper lip and she grew a 'stache. She...
June 2nd, 2010 at 04:37am

Final Fantasy fans?

Blahh.So yesterday after school, I went to Gamestop and bought Final Fantasy: Dissidia. I chose to play as Cloud, as he's my favorite Final Fantasy character everrr, and got to the part where you fight Sephiroth. I've lost... ten(?) times now. I'm getting really, really, really, really, really, reeaaaalllllyyyy pissed.Its like, I'll get just one hit away from killing him, and he'll turn around and...
March 20th, 2010 at 11:17pm

Because I never win anything...

UNTIL NOW!!!!!I am the very lucky and proud winner of a lovely Shannon Leto autograph.Wholelotawhatev held a contest to benefit Haiti, starting about a month ago, and all you had to do to enter was help Haiti in some way. I entered through the text option, which was text "Haiti" to 90999.They released the names of the winners for the Shannon autograph and a Peter Facinelli(sp?) autograph they had...
February 21st, 2010 at 07:58am


So I know I'm not the only one who hates not getting comments on my stories. But seriously, if there's like seventy readers on a story, and one comment, there really is no excuse. Writing a comment takes, what, like fifteen seconds of your life? Really, it'd be nice to know if people actually like what I write, instead of just reading it. You're making me consider switching over to deviantART, but...
February 20th, 2010 at 06:50pm

New Fanfiction? Mayyybeeee.

Okay, so you may or may not have noticed, depending on how well you know me, that I've gotten wayyyyyyyy in to Final Fantasy. Its not so much of a new love, as it is somewhat of an old love recovered and built upon, but I'm getting ideas. I'm thinking of pursuing writing some Final Fantasy fanfiction... And I wanted to know your opinions on that...Like, if you've read my other stories, how you...
February 7th, 2010 at 10:36pm

Life Sucks.

All my stories are on hold as of currently,As I can't write without my laptop.My laptop got taken away because I backed my sister up while she was getting in a fight with my dad.My sister had no penalty for screaming at my dad,Yet I got my laptop taken away because I said she was right.Life fuckin' sucks.I'll try to get my laptop back soon,But I can't promise anything.I'd love to see some love...
January 9th, 2010 at 08:10pm

We will miss you, Jimmy Sullivan!

Yes,Its true,The Rev, the AMAZING, AWESOME, TALENTED drummer for Avenged Sevenfold, has died.The OC paper says of natural causes,But, really,How the fuck can you die of natural causes at age twenty eight?!This has seriously wrecked my year.I'm currently crying.I am listening to Avenged Sevenfold as I type.The Rev was my absolute FAVORITE drummer.I give all the amazing boys of Avenged Sevenfold my...
December 29th, 2009 at 06:21am

Tomo, Tomo, Tomo!

If you follow a certain Tomo Milicevic on twitter (@tomofromearth), you would've seen that he wished a certain "LeeWayy" a happy birthday. That LeeWayy just happens to be this kid who is the most delighted child EVER.And thats not all! About thirty minutes before Tomo wished me a happy birthday, he retweeted my best friend Aleka (I Am Jane Doe). We were already freaking out from excitement, but...
December 12th, 2009 at 07:03am

War. (December 8th, 2009)

A description of my day and how I felt about it in as much detail as I can get into.------------------------------------------------------Woke up and remembered my dream. It wasn't a good one. It reflected everything I hate about my past, a time when I was friends with "them". "They" were the wrong people, the worst people. But who am I to judge. I imagine they think worse of me.After that I went...
December 9th, 2009 at 07:54am

The Origin of Jared Hephaistion and Gerard Alexander.

This is the Twitter conversation that started it all. Since this is a twitter conversation, and I am FAR too lazy to switch it around, you have to read it from bottom to top. It all started when Aleka brought up baby names.****************************************************************************************************Kowala_Bear: @LeeWayy So would I. Hahaha. I feel bad for the people who...
October 5th, 2009 at 02:07am