Killjoy Arson Angel / Comments

  • ahh! please don't think I've stopped updating on my story! I just haven't got the same amount of time as I used to for Mibba thanks to the fact I've got Uni to worry about. My laptop is thankfully still kicking along, and I do have some spare time every now and then when I'm motivated enough to keep writing, so please don't worry! Hopefully I'll have a new chapter up before the end of April!
    March 27th, 2012 at 03:59am
  • Sounds great! I hope you do get cast, but incase you don't get the part you were after, a bit of advice from my old drama teacher "There are no small parts, only small actors." Essentially, do your best and have fun, no matter what you get and people will notice :)

    And dude, c'mon, I'm nearly 20 and I still haven't quite grown up either I think I can guaruntee no one ever truly 'grows up' and thank god because being a grown up s boring and tedious as fuck.. I've spent too much time watching cute ass Studio Ghibli films lately and there's nothing better than a classic disney movie. Their adaptation of Alice in Wonderland will always be my favourite :3
    January 7th, 2012 at 12:23pm
  • It's totally fine! I haven't exactly been Queen of updating and replying ontime lately AT ALL. It's lovely to hear from you again though! I've been so stupidly busy with moving, cleaning and sorting out my Uni enrolment, but thankfully that's all sorted for the time being! How have you been? :)
    December 28th, 2011 at 07:20am
  • I haven't finished the chapter yet. I'm still having a hard time writing, but I'll do my best to get it up as soon as possible

    July 28th, 2011 at 05:40am
  • Lol, cheekyyy ;p
    July 20th, 2011 at 04:50am
  • Rollercoasters? Too freaking awesome :D Sounds like you had a killer birthday haha :)
    July 19th, 2011 at 07:34am
  • Oh, wait I meant 'have'. your birthday has been and gone in my timezone haha. totally doesn't fuck with my head or anything.
    July 17th, 2011 at 11:17am
  • T'was my pleasure ;) hope you had a good one, lovely <3
    July 17th, 2011 at 11:16am

    Happy b'day, beautiful ;)
    July 16th, 2011 at 11:20am
  • ;D glad ya like it love!

    About a Mikey/Violet chapter, I'll see what I can do. I haven't been able to write a huge deal since updating the last chapter. Some things have happened that have left me finding it dificult to find words. If I can't smush it into a chapter, I'll write you a Mikey/Violet oneshot, but I have no idea how long it will take me haha :)

    Also, if I don't speak to you again before then, Happy birthday! ;D <3
    July 11th, 2011 at 06:25am
  • Ah, missed you too girl! I try to update as much as I can, but it's sometimes not that easy ^_^" LOL FEEL FREE TO COME MAKE THE FACE AT MY WINDOW! That would be the most awesome thing ever tbh. :) There will probably more Mikey Assy-ness. Lol you'll actually be surprised with Bitter Pill towards the end of the story actually, but it's going to be one of those things that people will fucking hate me for. So yeah, Bitter Pill isn't really that bad... ah, you'll have to wait and see. but it's not her fault that there are heads everywhere. It's actually a character that hasn't been -properly- introduced. So no one's actually going to be able to pick this one too easy.

    I'll see what I can do about getting Frank's Bazooka involved ;D
    May 25th, 2011 at 12:12pm
  • Hey Doll face,
    when are you gonna put more of your story up, and by that i mean even if its not ready yet do i get to read more soon? btw, i miss your face and can't wait till summer.
    Love Always,
    Kitty Kat
    May 15th, 2011 at 03:31am
  • Yeah, I've done shit like that before too. The human condition is such a messy thing sometimes. I don't know if Wild Card will be making another appearance though. We'll see as the current plot line progressed though. Haha, that video really was ace though :3 I watched some of that girls other videos and I don't think I've laughed like that in quite a while :D

    And it's completely ok! I understand the whole 'a virus ate my internet' business. Seriously, virus protection software is like a condom. You don't know if it's faulty until it's too late...

    May 10th, 2011 at 01:21pm
  • I am laughing my ass off. Oh my god. I'm so going to use that.

    Thankyou so much for sending me that haha :D
    May 1st, 2011 at 02:01am
  • Hi! Oh gosh! Sorry it's taking me so long. I'm just at a really weird to write part for some reason. I think I fixed my writers block, idk, somehow I'm working on two stories now haha oh gosh.

    Almost finished the next chapter, like... three more pages on word to go??? Gahh, I feel like the worst updater ever right now haha :P
    April 28th, 2011 at 12:20pm
  • Check your inbox! :D

    Also, I'm slowly working on an update. I just finished two new designs so i should have some time to do more writing now (not a huge amount mind you, but enough for the weekend haha)
    April 23rd, 2011 at 06:39am
  • Haha, you're not annoying at all. I apologised for the wait. I've been trying to write when I can but I've been having to knuckle down and work on my portfolio recently, as I've found a place that might offer me an apprenticeship in tatooing. It's regrettably time consuming ^_^'' i'm sorry about the wait!
    April 18th, 2011 at 02:36am
  • I used to be much the same! One of the reasons I origiinally went on a mibba hiatus was that i'd only managed to complete three stories out of the ten I'd posted, and the rest were just a mess of ideas! I don't know how I managed to wrangle myself into getting things written properly, but sometimes it helps to have someone work on these things with you and I wouldn't mind doing so in the least :3 practice makes perfect and it's true, my stories used to be horrendous and had hardly any point to them!

    but if you'd rather leave it to other people that's completely up to you. and omg, music. lucky. haha I can sing, sometimes, but the times i'd tried learning violin and guitar I just failed at it so bad. My sister's got the musical talent in my family. She taught herself and writes her own songs :3 she's kyute.

    Well, your ideas did give me some ideas, not huge ones, but enough to help me write this next chapter the moment my head clears. and believe me, she's more than bad ass. she's going to be a fucking hero ;D

    April 13th, 2011 at 08:44am
  • Haha, aw, yer typo's make meh week at de knees ;D

    As far as similarities between Aubergine and Viper go it's basically just down to the mother issues, their personalities (stubborn, determined, angry, forceful) and the fact that they're rebels. Korse is unfortunately a robot though, so as good as that idea goes, he doesn't quite have the capability to be a father haha :)

    With the background you've come up with, it's good, I'm not going to deny that at all, but it contradicts the way I've set up these societies. The way I planned it was that in the Zones, there is no way to get an 'illegal tattoo' tattoos are basically contraband, and citizens who had them were forced to have them removed or they would be executed. There's no where in the Zones where Aubergine could have gotten her tattoo. Also, Aubergine is about 18-19 at the moment, but she ran away from her home in Zone 3 when she was about 14. She wouldn't have been able to dye her hair living so close to Battery city, as the closer you get the more restrictive it becomes. If she had dyed her hair purple, she would have been taken aside at school and disciplined, (aka, made to watch Better Living propaganda and lectured for hours, possibly days until she was a 'better citizen'... kinda like the brainwashing that happened to Alex in A Clockwork Orange. brutal stuff really,) Even though she'd run away, she wouldn't have been able to aquire dye or a tattoo unless she was actually a member of the rebels but by that point she would have been too preoccupied with 'proving a point' to dye her hair. I might make her dye her hair or get a tattoo later on however, possibly as a method of trying to start pushing Vipers buttons again. Havent decided!

    this Tyler fellow may prove to be useful though. I'm seeing some mother/betterliving related betrayal in her past. She doesn't have a drinking problem though! (unless you really want her to) She's just like most normal 18-19 year olds, hitting the piss whenever they can (trust me on that one haha I swear, one day my liver is going to put a restraining order on me or something.)

    Remember though, it was something about her mother that made her run away. That's what we want to look at a little more. I've got a few ideas but none of them are sticking all that well. Or perhaps Tyler could be Wild Card? I'm planning for that character to make a return, and he is definitely not what he seems, which is not going to be good news for Aubergine I'm afraid.

    Even though alot of what you sent me, doesn't quite fit, it's still use full and I'm starting to get some good ideas though! :D You my dear, are fabulous and seriously, if you come up with something I don't use, I implore you to use it yourself, or atleast save it until you have a chance to! It's good stuff! :D
    April 11th, 2011 at 05:34am
  • Dude! All the detail and information you want put in with Aubergine is awesome! The more I have to work with on her part of the story, the better! If there's a part of her history you want a say in or if there's something you want her to do in particular let me know. She's all yours bby ;)

    I'm definitely going to be taking the story back to the diner in the next chapter, but I'm afraid that their sulking has just been as Gerard said. They're insanely overwhelmed, but they are over themselves and they'll be getting back to business asap. There will definitely be more of Mikey and Aubergine though, and perhaps some naughty eaves dropping from Viper. Haven't entirely decided on that one yet!

    Your ideas are fucking fantastic though. I was thinking of a rally myself, but not on Guano, I was like "YEAH MOB ON BASE!" but I'm liking the Guano idea!

    As for destroying BL/ind... have you read The Umbrella Academy Vol.2 'Dallas' in which Number 5 describes Kennedy as an 'Idea' and can only be taken down by words? (Thus the reason behind having The Rumours voice returned) What's happening with the end of Better Living is something like that, but I'm not giving too much away. They can't blow up a single building though. The way I've written it, Battery City is where Hollywood is. It's a whole city, they don't have the fire power to destroy it. But they do get in... but it's not planned by any means!

    I will give you a hint as to what will occour though; I'm writing to fit the videoclips. ;D

    Your suggestions were fucking brilliant and I cannot thank you enough :3 I wish more of my readers could share the awesomeness with me as regularly as you do <3
    April 10th, 2011 at 07:33am