Iero My Hero. / Comments

  • I am moving their solely for the summer. Three months of SOUTH. I can't handle the heat. xD
    Ugghh, yes, but. We will talk. I will make sure of it. I just am not looking forward to the summer right now and knitting a LOT.

    Okay. I will send you the link once I find it, my little love of my damn life.

    What are you doing? HOW IS EVERYTHING? Do you know I almost killed someone driving the other day? It was awful.
    June 4th, 2011 at 02:31am
  • Hi bb.
    I miss you, too. And I will comment.
    Ngggghhh life has been so weird lately, I'm just going to like dump it on your comment thing.
    SOOOOOO. I have to move down to North Carolina for the summer to get another job at a MOTEL and hello, I've been working retail for the past six months and I love my job, so I've been pretty much miserable.
    And. Ngh. My parents just like DO NOT CARE at all and my friend is going to be home for the whole summer and I just like New York and I don't like the beach because it isn't my SCENE, okay. And. UGH. Nobody there likes me, like, the kids I know down there think I'm really not Southern or something I don't even know and my stepmom is moody because she's pregnant and like all of my friends are going to be in colleges all around the country and I' haven't had anyone to talk to and I've been SO self-absorbed and I'm SORRY. Because you are one of my three favorite people on Mibba and you sooo deserve a million comments every single day from me. Shitt excuse.

    I can give you a present though? You want to read a really awesome Frerard comic book? :> :> :> :>
    June 4th, 2011 at 02:08am
  • Hey there honey. :3
    June 2nd, 2011 at 06:03am
    I cannot contain my excitement.
    If I could, I'd go to at least four of the dates.

    However, I have zero money ;D I shall make due with one, I suppose.

    I sound like a selfish My Chemical Romance concert goer. I apologize. BUT IT'S MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE [:<

    And blink! And it will be beautiful.

    AND THAT IS TOTALLY AWESOME. I am using so many upper case letters but I am just so excited. I will be seeing...probably no shows this summer because of work. But your line up is so killer. [:
    May 26th, 2011 at 01:09am

    returning the love.
    May 25th, 2011 at 08:11pm
  • Pshhhokay, I don't even know if you even replied at all to my comment or if I even left one, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm kind of obsessed with you and that every time I see your pictures my palms sweat because I LOVE YOU and you're great and it's so hot in New York and the weather has been crap and this sentence is a total run on and I want to say hi to the girl commeting below me but I don't quite have the guts. <3 LOVE YOU BB.
    May 24th, 2011 at 09:07pm
  • I understand you completely. I almost feel like taking a year off is a better way to do things, but my parents were really against that so I just kind of jumped into university. But where I go to school is like the center of touring for bands, so I get to go see shows all the time discounted which is the coolest fucking thing ever. I'm a concert junkie; I will not lie. [:

    I'm crossing my fingers they do another US tour, but we'll see. The UK has had them four times already. |: COME BACK TO THE STATES, PLEASE.
    May 20th, 2011 at 08:12pm
  • I remember that I bought that sweater on purpose, just to make him mad. XD XD XD XD
    May 20th, 2011 at 02:28am
  • OKAY I WROTE YOU A HUGE COMMENT AND THEN ... YOU KNOW WHUT HAPPENED? The thing was like ... "lolol error please try again later hahahha you suck and nobody likes you, Ceilidh, you freak."
    D: D: D:

    Anyways, ugh, I want to be your cleaning lady one day or something when you're all colleged out and being cool and grown up. Arms I'm so proud of you, my little bb is all ~~grown up!

    And ... can I have the link again? I want to save it on my computer because I'm a huge creep and I save everything on my laptop. It's getting bad.

    It's really hard to finish high school, because it's online and shit and it's so tedious and you just have to write so many essays and I'm actually not talented at that at ALL.

    And ... ps ... I'm putting up a picture of my and my DAD on Mibba wearing matching sweater sets. XD WIN. I think, I don't know. I'll feel kind of weird if I do that.
    May 20th, 2011 at 01:55am
    I need to finish high school, I still have so much online course shit to take and I MUST GET IT DONE UGH. I have to, I can't put it off.

    What're you thinking for college? And taking off for a year is actually surprisingly a smart idea, people think that it isn't sometimes but it's so nice to do, and you can maybe even get a job and shite, it's awesome.

    BB, you're family seems so great, ahaha. I have three sisters and a brother, too. :D :D WELL, one isn't born yet, and I'm just assuming she's a girl because ... we always get girls, even my lil' bro is kind of girly.

    Ughh, it annoys me too, I wish that they'd sympathize a little and give me a chance. It's frustrating, I'm thinking of going to cosmetology school and then just like ... idek. Sending in stories to publishing companies and begging for that shite. I want it.

    <33333333333333333333333333 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO.
    Because you're just great and I saw my name on the friends thing on your profile and I seriously flailed sooo hardxcore. Ugh. I love you. <3
    May 17th, 2011 at 08:32pm
  • Good I'm glad :D
    And well! I'm writing some frerardy frerard.
    However it's a sad one, so I'm finding it hard not to procrastinate you know? It has to be done, but agah D:
    How about you?
    How was your day?
    May 17th, 2011 at 08:16pm
  • OKAY, no. NEVER. NEVER EVER. I love talking to you, bbbbb. You're my favorite. Seriously. You're so, so cute and I pretty much love to talk to you, it's really awesome.

    I know ... okay, I really think you shouldn't get mad if one day that shirt goes missing. I keep looking on like Amazon to see if someone is going to re-sell that shirt, but IT AIN'T HAPPENIN'. I WANT IT SO BADLY. It's really, really, really cool. Fuck.

    Yeah, girl. You get those nieces and nephews. Do you have a really large family? I have four other brothers and sisters. It's wild.

    And ... I just wanted to tell you that you're amazing. Again. ARE YOU ALMOST FINISHED WITH SCHOOL? My parents are taking me to look at *community college* because they think I'm stupid, even though I have a pretty average GPA of, like, 2.7 or something with APs. Whatever.
    May 17th, 2011 at 07:48pm
  • No you haven't pahaha!
    That was such a sweet thing that you did :D I just had to comment on it :'3
    May 17th, 2011 at 12:39am
  • Okay. I put something up for yaa (it's not a picture, because. well. I didn't like the way it turned out.)
    I just kind of wrote your name on my arm. I wanted to werite J+C, but. That didn't work out so well, so. I just did that. xD xD
    May 15th, 2011 at 01:49pm
  • Noooooo, so I can't get it online.
    That literally makes me want to punch a small baby and then cry.
    That shirt is ammmaaazziiiinnnnnggg, I really like it, you look so bamf.
    I'm going to have to come, find you, and then take it away from you.
    Sorry, what. I mean. Nevermind.

    Ughh ... I'm sorry about your parents, but I understand.
    I really hate it when my dad and my stepmom fight in front of my brother and sister, it's awkward.
    And I don't like to hear it, myself.

    I'm sorry for not responding earlier, you're like ... my favorite thing on the planet, but I got a shitload of comments one day and didn't even SEE it until I was scrolling on through and like "OMG WHUT" and then beelined it to your profile (which looks very nice, by the way) and now I'm all JOANNE HIHIHIHIHIHIHI because, well, I missed you. <333

    Idek. I should tell you about my life. I have been working nonstop and I'm never going to finish high school because writing is taking over my life and I have no friends because they're all scattered about in college and shit. Yesterday night I went to a carnival and I haven't been in public in like ... four weeks (besides work), and I was like being a total hermit and was so uncomfortable because OMG PEOPLE MY AGE NEVER SEE THIS and then I made my dad go on all the rides with me. Then I demanded to be taken home. Because i have problems. xD So hello.
    May 12th, 2011 at 01:47pm
  • Oh, I understand completely. I graduated last year, and around this time I was like "OKAY THIS IS A JOKE D:". But you're almost there. What are your plans for next year? [:

    THE CONCERT OH GOD. So many things happened and just fghdjsakgfhjds it was easily the most beautiful night of my existence.

    I don't know about the summer, but fall, maybe? [: It looks like they're just doing European festivals...but I'm like you. I'm eagerly awaiting my next opportunity to see them. Haha.
    May 11th, 2011 at 11:10pm
  • Ohh. Poor Mikey!
    If he's looking for someone, I'm always here ;D
    May 9th, 2011 at 05:33am
  • ahah
    well thanks for trying :p
    but still
    charlie sheen is awesome :)
    May 8th, 2011 at 04:28am
  • you're welcome (=
    seriously can't wait to see what happens next!
    May 7th, 2011 at 10:44pm
  • you're welcome!
    I'm glad to know my comment did that (=
    its rare to find a frikey on here, especially one so well written like yours!
    I'm about to go read your other stories ;)
    May 7th, 2011 at 07:47am