The Shampoo Problem, can you help?

Right, you people have to help me! I have issues with shampoo for my hair, I have used the following shampoos:Sunsilk (blonde)Head&ShouldersHerbal EssensesAussieSunsilk made my hair so dry it might as well have been straw, head&shoulders nearly balded me (to the point where i could put my fingers through my hair and big clumps of hair were on my hands), Herbal Essenses gave me bad dandruff...
September 26th, 2008 at 11:26pm

Does anyone have these dreams?

Right me and my sister have these weird dreams where you can feel yourself lying on your bed and you want to get up but you just can't move! Right I just had one now so here's my example:I was dreaming that I was giving my sisters horse a bath when suddenly she went mad and started spinning me in circles trying to kick me, and gradually all I can see and hear is the water from the hose, so I break...
August 31st, 2008 at 04:00pm

AS results, a migrain and chickens

Right yesterday i wanted to put a journal up about my AS results but of course things couldn't be that simple, so I'll explain.Well first of all i woke up super early (of course) and had ages to worry about it but it didn't really seem to b hitting me, I didn't want to arrive too early incase Fi was a bit later than me I didn't want to b standing outside the sixth form worrying like a tool by...
August 15th, 2008 at 04:32pm

I am SO bored it's unreal.

I mean there is actually NOTHING to do! There's no one decent on msn to talk to! i mean they're either insanely boring to talk to or won't talk at all! Youtube is being a pain so it won't play things all the way through so I can watch nothing on there, I can't update my story because I need comments on the last updated chapters first and I can't write more of my story on word because aparantly...
May 23rd, 2008 at 11:41pm

So I nearly burnt my house down...

Now I'm not so worried about it I can tell my tale of stupidity!Well I'd recently learnt how to make cheese on toast in the oven (i usually use the microwave) so when i was home alone, despite not being allowed to use things such as the oven when I'm by myself, I decided to use the oven to make cheese on toast because I could and i wanted something cooked to eat, so i put the bread in and I...
May 21st, 2008 at 09:01pm

I'm proud of me!!

Well they're not like huge achievments, like animal based achievments cause today despite the rain I got to ride my sisters horse Stella, and I was so proud :D because I decided to do everything i do in my riding lessons, well not everything because it's not the same school, but i got her to do a figure of 8 and then go to each letter and then back, then do it again at trot, she wasn't impressed...
April 27th, 2008 at 08:39pm

Trouble in Dereham resulting in 4 police cars, an ambulance and a small police van!

Well i was working on the kiosk in somerfields as usual and i don't have any customers, i then look out into the car park and there were these girls who were all dressed up (they're usually around on a Saturday) and some guys, but 2 of the guys were fighting, and I didn't think it was proper until one of them (a black guy) punched the other one, id never like seen someone being hit proper like...
April 26th, 2008 at 11:14pm

Rude twister, handstands and horses!

Well today wasn't as bad as it could've been, first lesson geography was awful i had managed to do one of those stupid essay questions but compared to everyone elses it was awful and i nearly didn't hand it in, but i thought it best to hand something in as it turned out we were also meant to do case studies....which I hadn't. But it gets worse, we then were given a short test to do, which being...
April 9th, 2008 at 12:13am

Dyed hair, depressing animes and end of the holidays.

Well tomorrow I'm back to College and I know it's like a really long Easter holiday compared to everyone else but I really don't wanna go back. I only have first lesson true but I have 2 questions due in and they're really like....boring i guess is the word I need ones that are more interesting for me to do them, otherwise I read them and think whatevvaa I'm not doing that, hey if anyone wants to...
April 7th, 2008 at 10:29pm

Numb cold to boiling hot

Right so today it snowed as i said so i invited Patzey around to play in it, it'd pretty much gone but the Neatherd park still had a lot, so she came around and we were wrapped up warm ready and we headed down to the park :D it was so fun!!Well first of all Patzey kept falling over, the first time i was running off and I just heard this WOOP! and i turn around and Patzey is on the ground. Then I...
March 23rd, 2008 at 05:52pm

Snow and long fringes

Yaay! Snow!! Typical to happen during the holidays so it's not technically a snow day! But it's weekend anywayz....but it's so pertty! i went into the kitchen and was like 'kitchen, snow, towel....wait? snow?' and it's actually settled a lot more since I got up, i wanna go make a snow man!!!!!!!!! :D OR! throw snowballs at Alfie! It's his favourite game! *calms self* well that can be later haha.My...
March 23rd, 2008 at 11:16am

Confused and tornado dreams.

hey i haven't done a journal in a while and well i'm bored so i'll do one now! :Dwell first I'll say about my dream, cuz they're alwayz weird, well this one started that for some reason we had loads of springer spaniel puppies, and I was showing them to someone but they refused to come out of the dogshed, so i had to try get them out....yeh then I was riding a donkey in my back garden teaching it...
March 23rd, 2008 at 01:54am

Day! New York rocks!

I haven't written a journal in aaages! I never wrote one about New York and I never will because it will take waaay too long basically, it was awesome!I have loads of frees now ive dropped computing it seems, and they're all with Fi! yay! Managed to get through film studies without him realising I hadnt done any of my work! I was all prepared for an excuse for my main work with the pictures and...
February 19th, 2008 at 03:00pm

Weird day and 1 week 2moro!

Well today was actually quite long, because it was kind of weird, I felt awful this morning, there was no shampoo so i couldnt wash my hair and id argued with my dad before so I felt sad about that and I had an awful sick feeling in my tummy, but i went to college anywayz and I dropped computing! I did it! After those boring lessons of writing mibba journals because i can't do the work :P She said...
January 30th, 2008 at 10:36pm

Bad day but 1 week and 3 days!

Ok I haven't done a journal in ages because everytime i do it ends up getting deleted by accident which is annoying and then i dont do journals for a while. Anywho today sucks but it fcould be worse! Geography was boring and im pretty sure i didnt understand any of it, film was fun got to just research Helena Bonham Carter (my fav actress) and Corpse Bride :P which was alright, now im in computing...
January 28th, 2008 at 01:04pm

First A level exams

It's soo weird that my like first mibba journal was about my GCSEs and today i did some A level exams, of course i'm nowhere near getting my full results, even the results for these will be given to us at Easter, which is far away but that's good because I get to enjoy New York! Without having to have exam results blocking the way! lol.Anywho I had geography first and i had an apple to like wake...
January 14th, 2008 at 11:00pm

First Day Back and No Snow

So back to College....not my best nights sleep, i headed off to bed at something past 11pm, but i was in bed at around midnight, then i couldnt sleep and probably didnt get to sleep til 1am, I then had a weird dream where my tv was a computer, and was making lots of noise, when someone was after me, so I said I had a bad night in jail and he left me alone....weird i know. I then woke up from this...
January 3rd, 2008 at 04:19pm

It was bound to happen, i lost my temper :(

I knew it was all going too well, things kept annoying me but I kept them sort of bottled up you could say, but i forgot them and didn't care, not like those people who bottle them up and are like ready to fire off at any moment. I just needed a good cause to fire off.I was arguing a lot true, but that's what i always do, but i was taking things too well, like i wasn't getting as worked up at...
December 31st, 2007 at 01:16am

My X-mas Presents and Days

Well I'm gonna put down all the presents I cant remember:Digital CameraPS2 plus 2 gamesGood Charlotte CalendarGiant Headphones (they're awesome, im using them now)Sonic Screwdriver + Psychic paper (if u dont watch doctor who, don't worry you're not supposed to understand)A Darlek bubble bath holder thingShrek 3Harry Potter and the order of the phoenixOceans 12A big warm coat 4 New YorkHat, gloves...
December 28th, 2007 at 04:18am

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Merry Christmas Mibians!!!I set my alarm for half 7 so i could be up early and on the pc, even though I don't mind it that much...maybe I should've left it a bit later because I didn't sleep last night! I fell asleep at one point only to be woken up because I had a dream! When my alarm went off it was dark, and I was awake so i saw it light up before it went off, and I was like NO WAY, it cannot...
December 25th, 2007 at 02:59pm