Layout made by nephthys. @ gingersnapZ Ava's by never fade. @ trippingeyes. DON'T STEAL OR ELSE I'LL GET MY WIFEY TO EAT YOU./table>

Listening to;Greenday - East Jesus Nowhere.
Date; 8th April .
Currently; A Gleek.
She goes by the name of Tammi. Shes 18 years young.. Her twin sister is called Jamie. There as diffrent as anything.

Bold Underlined italics strike Link

So I am Tammi's amazingly cool twin sister. Jamie. I don't think I need to explain how old I am.. being Tammi's twin and all. So i'm going to cut to the chase; I was told ordered to write something for my darling twin sisters biography. She can get quite aggressive at times, so I agreed to write it for her. Shes gone now though. Being the devil I am, I hacked her account so she can have a surprise when she gets home from her dance recital. I know your probably thinking ''why arnt you there then?!'' truth is, im seeing it tomorrow, so calm. I guess you could say that we've been through quite a lot of experiances in our lifetime. Some of them completely and utterly amazing, But some of them were not so utterly thrilling. Tammi had a best friend. Kaylah. She was 16 - the same age as us when she died of cancer. She had the rest of her life to live - but it was cut short by the terrible diesese. Tammi started to recover from the emotional pain it caused her when something else struck us both. Our grandpa had died in his sleep a day after our 17th birthday. We were both extremely close to him, but he decided it was his time to go. He's sleeping now. Happier. As the situation just started to hit home a couple of days later me and Tammi drifted apart. She became more withdrawn from social activities,and started to become a 'screw the world' type of person. But slowly, she became her normal self again. Were still not as close as we want, but thats something only time can heal. As you guessed it 'The Jonas Brothers' are involved in here somewhere. Shes obsessed. Really. But their music helped her through all the tough times and for that I am truly thankful. She can sing - but she wont admit it, she can also play the guitar. Amazingly. She's just to shy to perform. So she wont. Her hair is pretty amazing all by itself though. Its dark purple and comes down to below her breasts, with black highlights. Trust me - it deffinately beats my black hair. So thats it, Everything we've been through has helped build us up to become better people. We never let anything stand in our way anymore. Its not an option. If it wasnt, Tammi wouldnt have became the amazing person she is today.