True Buddhism and Alcohol(Not A rant)

No, this is for those who read the "Buddhism and Alcohol" post i...posted? If you guys were genuinly interested, I don't want to feel like a fuckface who tricked you.No but if you read my other journal entries, you'll find that I was a depressed and spiteful prick. Don't get me wrong, I had perfectly good reason to act that way too, but upon many hours of Zazen, I one really gives...
January 23rd, 2011 at 01:27pm

Buddhism and Alcohol

So last time I wrote in this damn thing, I was an emo prick. Not anymore, thanks to Buddhism, Alcohol, and some events that have changed who I am. Meditation is goddamn this is some difficult and boring shit.Hm...well on to the true purpose of writing this rant. CAN PEOPLE STOP WRITING FAN-FICS?! I'm sure there are tons of sights for your A7X fan-fics, and twilight remakes....
January 23rd, 2011 at 01:15pm

MORE negaitivity...lovely, right?

ok, you guys remember my roommates right? Jesus qinuones and Denise (insert complicated spainish name here)?well, they've slowly and quite obviously become rude and horrid people...come to find out they've stolen $2500 from my mother, switched up our housing lease so that we aren't on it, and now they're kicking us out. but despite all that, i'm just biting my lip and keeping up the "hello's" and...
April 2nd, 2010 at 01:08pm

just more bullshnizzle

so i moved AGAIN(if you read the last journal,you'll get this) so im in a larger house now, somewhere in cassellberry. it's a nice place, rather small, quiet, all around boring. ive been skateboarding aroound, found some great spots, so you know, woohoo!moving here was kinda fun and painful. my body has been sore for weeks cause of it. moving a box, i slice my hand open, and my damned mother made...
March 8th, 2010 at 10:33pm

my past two months in a nutshell

well...let's start out about 6 weeks ago.It was the weekend of my girlfriend's(Ex-girlfriend at this point.) qincenrea(or however you spell it.) my mother and i just came back from "the loop" a big shopping a loop formation, where i bought my girl's presents, two necklaces, a braclet, and a crucifix.we arrive home later than expected, climb out of the care with our arms filled with...
February 6th, 2010 at 03:42am