
United States
Joined date
September 30th, 2009


Hey, my name is Catherine. I'm 15 years old and I live in New England.
A little about me:
1. I am very loose when it comes to religion. I don't really follow one, I more just abide by the rules I have set down in my head. Though what happens after death still baffles me. I'm pro LGBT and anti racism, in case you wanted to know.
2. I'm an obsessive fangirl and I love anime and manga. My friend Bekki got me hooked about a year ago and I've loved it sense. My mother thinks that it's rotting my mind but I watch and read it anyway. I've watched Bleach, Death Note, Loveless, Junjou Romantica, Fruits Basket, Soul Eater, Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal Alchemist, and more to come, considering I have a list of about 10 that I want to watch ;D. I've read parts of Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Ouran High School Host Club, Kitchen Princess, and DN Angel. I'm reading the 7th Loveless right now and I've read the entire Fruits Basket series.
3. I read. A lot. I have yet to not be reading a book since I was in fourth grade. I've read everything from fantasy to reality to sciencefiction to mystery. The only kind of book I tend to not like is historical fiction. Don't know why.
4. I rarely watch TV. The only shows I really watch are House and Glee. On Adult Swim I watch Death Note, Bleach, and Full Metal Alchemist but that's it.
5. Music is a big part of my life. Give me an artist or a song and I'll give it a try. I love all kinds, and that is reflected on my iPod, where I have everything from Rock and Roll to Pop to Country to Classical. It really is true when they say that music saves lives & I can literately describe my life using songs lyrics.
6. I really enjoy to write, but I tend to give up to easily on plots that could have real potential.

So, that's me(:
I'm not normal. I'm really loud and obnoxious and tend to obsess a lot.
My friends are my world, even if they tend to fight way to much or get suspended sometimes or yell at teachers or storm out of conferences on yahoo message or are really short anime-obsessed sugar high people or complain way to much or randomly come up with fake days like 'hug a tall person day' or fall for the wrong people then need the rest of us to get you back up [KIMMY!!!], but I love them anyways (:

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