Hi, I'm Sarah. 15 years old. Floridian. I really like Harry Potter and like to read. I really like Vampire Diaries and Avatar: The Last Airbender. I love any types of music and I play the clarinet. I really like ADTR, Blink-182, Green Day, Bowling For Soup, Flyleaf, Fall Out Boy and much more. I really like taking pictures of pretty much everything. Puppies and other animals makes my heart melt. I will make fun of you if your face is orange. If you bring me food, you would make my day. I'm kinda really lazy. I freak out when I see a rainbow or when my favorite song comes on the radio. Don't ask me for food, money, or what the time is. Band nerd for lyfe and proud. I have been told that I am too nice. I really don't know what else to put here so. I'm also horrible with the whole BBcode and whatnot so this layout is pretty old. welp.