Making Progress [ I think ]

Alright so I broke up with you two days ago.. I know I did the right thing, and I had so much hate for you when you did it. I just couldn't believe how you could do something like that to me. You told me "If I see you walking with any guys, looking at any guys, or talking to any guys, I'll kill you" And you weren't joking.. Yet you went around begging for Pamela to walk with you. I hate you for...
October 11th, 2009 at 02:28am

#1 .

Alright so in 10 days we're supposed to make 6 months.. I want to make them with you but it's hard with all the crap you've put me through.. I know you're not the one.. I know we don't have a future.. We're too different people.. but why do I still keep holding on to you .. What is wrong with me ? I know I don't need you.. 99.9% of the time I don't want you.. I need to figure myself out.. I lost...
October 3rd, 2009 at 11:13pm