Scribble out the truth...

I can't believe it's happened again.I fell for his apology and he's just torn me apart once more.I hate it.I hate my life.What the hell is wrong with me?I think i'm going insane.For four years i've felt this way.I need help.But dont' know how to get it.I suppose i wear my mask well.I really felt like writing a post then but now the inspiration has all gone.I feel like an empty carcass.The words to...
November 19th, 2007 at 06:42pm

Vampire Christ.

Yessss. Don't really have much to say really.Just thought that i was in need of a journal entry.Sat in my PJs.Yeah, coz that's always funn.In need of a party.Any offers ? Jokes.Gee, this is really really pointless.Yeah i deleted all my stories on here. Might put them back up again one day just didn't feel the need for them to be there anymore.Life is peaches atm. Yeah atm.Nothing good lasts long...
September 9th, 2007 at 06:30pm

***ed up Conviction !

Well i'm just sat here at my computer table reading Kerrang and i feel like complete shit !I've fell out with one of my best friends and it fucking takes the complete piss !She had a go at me for asking my Summer-Rose to stay over at mine (when she's on holiday in fucking Turkey anyway so what does it matter)...saying that she's coming between us and everything !WTF ! We're all friends for fucks...
August 1st, 2007 at 08:20pm