Such a long time!

Man!I just felt the need to do a totally pointless journal entry to blab on about some random shit. So i just came back onto Mibba for the first time in AGES, like my last journal entry was about what colour i wanted to dye my dreads, well i cut them all off like 5 months ago :( i really wish i hadn't because i want them back really bad so i now plan to grow my hair back out and get them done...
May 4th, 2010 at 11:24am

Dreadlocks :D

Well my first journal entry wohoo!So im going to write about my dreads. which i need some help to decide something to do with them....i want to dye them but i have know idea what colour. before i dreaded them i had orange hair and i now am thinking about dying them black with bright red ones at the back........but then i also want brown and blond ones BUT then i want somthing out there like Bright...
October 8th, 2009 at 10:41pm