precursors / Comments

  • Yeah :\

    Meh, I find it hard to speak to dad in general.
    Everyone just does their own thing when we're in the car.

    Yeah c: I feel like a lot of people like his character even though he was an ass at one point. I think we always got that ~vibe that he would come through at the end idk just my thoughts.

    Awe :\ I hate it when it's possible for you to attend a concert, but you can't :|
    I missed Warped '09 in my city and The Maine were there ;~;
    :D That'd be rad!

    It sucks. Bleh. I've only had fish for pets, and they all jumped out of the tank................

    Agh, I want that D:
    Just let me room be.
    August 7th, 2011 at 09:33pm
  • It does! But it's weird in a way that it still makes sense, and is just amazing.
    But after season four, it all goes kinda downhill :\ For me, at least.
    The fandom is kinda split between liking the last two seasons or not.
    But otherwise, Lost is just great c:

    :\ That's no fun.
    Bahaha, exactly! I just sleep, eat and listen to music while on roadtrips.

    GAH, I know. I don't mean to sounds like those, "I knew Draco would come through someday!!!!!!!!" kind of people, but I've always loved him.

    XD Have you ever seen them before?
    Aaaaaand, I'm so excited alkdma;wlkldn;kalwdkla.
    I'm attempting to go to two of their shows because I'm pretty sure the next time I'm seeing them will be in like seventy years :|
    No one likes touring in Canada :c

    That's awesome :D Awe, lucky! Kitties are so cute :3 I want one, but I'm allergic, so...
    Yeah, I guess so. I kind of like packing and unpacking though, because when you pack, you go through everything that you own and it's kind of nice. And unpacking, you get to choose where everything goes!
    My mom likes to clean my room without permission a lot, so I tend to get very excited when I get to choose where all of my crap goes XD
    August 6th, 2011 at 06:20pm
  • Ohhhh, yeah, I know where you are now.
    Bah, the first four seasons of Lost are fantastic c:

    Ahhhh, maybe. I feel like there'd be a lot of crowds though :\
    I hate crowds so much, honestly. I try to avoid them as much as I can.
    Yeeees XD I know just how you feel. Minutes seem to drag on when you're driving with family.

    Hahaha, no worries. That part just really stuck out at me because I could read the Chinese writing.

    Ugh, I know. Tom Felton was brilliant as Draco. His face during that scene and just laskjdm;askdm;akd.
    Mmmmm, yeah I have to as well.

    I've been pretty good lately c:
    Excited for an All Time Low concert!
    How about you?
    August 4th, 2011 at 07:48am
  • I totally forgot about that contest. And I wish I could write something for it, but seeing as it have to be a oneshot, I can't write it down in just five minutes. And I'll be going on a holiday on Friday and I still have to work a lot of things out, I just simply don't have the time. I'm really sorry.
    August 3rd, 2011 at 07:48pm
  • Hahaha, as am I c:

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Lost :3 I miss it.
    What season are you on?
    And I completely understand XD I still a couple of series to finish watching, but I've been lazy as well.

    Agh, same. Or at least attend school there.
    I'm planning on skipping a week of school or something to go to Disney World, but there's nothing I can do about the humidity :c
    Ahhhh that sounds fun! I love roadtrips.

    Oh, well the part that focuses on Donna is, but the beginning looks very Chinese.'s an alien world's Chinatown.

    And yes oh my gosh, I started laughing when Voldemort hugged Draco and I heard this girl sitting in the audience with me go, "what is she laughing at?"
    I have to go watch it again though because I was jetlagged and pulling an allnighter to fix my sleep and just bleh.
    August 3rd, 2011 at 05:16am
  • Ahhhhhhh, I see.
    Yeah :\ I find it hard enough just with two or three friends in one class tbh, ahaha.

    XD Great plan.

    Yeah, but I think it's because it's been so long ago and the topic of old companions hasn't really been brought up. Whenever Ten talked about Rose oh my dgoslj ;~;
    Me neither :c I haven't watched Classic Who, and I don't know if I ever will, but I feel like Rose will always be one of the Doctor's most important companions. Just the fact that he trusts her so much and just ahhhhhhhhhhhlksskldmsa.d.
    How far are you into Doctor Who now?

    Thank you c:
    Ugh but my grandma returned to the hospital :\

    I just really want to go backpacking across Europe.
    I've only ever been to Disneyland in Cali. Baaaaaaah, Disney World sounds like so much fun!
    As soon as I'm done school, I want to go traveling, and one of my plans is just to hop in a car with a few friends and hit up a bunch of amusement parks across North America :P

    But, he haaaaaaas been to China before, I think. Unless the Turn Left episode wasn't on Earth...

    I get so emotional with movies sometimes to the point it's ridiculous. I was watching Source Code on the plane ride home last night and started crying at the end when it wasn't even sad lskdma;lskdas.
    But I never, ever cry in real life. I actually cannot cry in front of people unless I'm watching a movie or television show.
    But gaaaaaaaaah, so excited sdklasm'dl;askdm;askldm.
    August 1st, 2011 at 04:53am
  • Aw, that sucks. I haven't had much either, I haven't updated A couple of my fics in a month or so. Here's to hoping for inspiration?
    July 25th, 2011 at 09:27am
  • Hi! I went through and read a bunch of your slash. It's amazing(: Now, can I BEG for Graffiti and Watch Me Burn to pleaseeeee be updated? :3 (I like Garrett slash. A lot. And there isn't enough of it.)
    July 25th, 2011 at 08:27am
  • Ohhh, lucky. Perks of living in a small town, haha.
    I always feel like the new kid because I tend to keep my friends people that are in the same classes as me. I'm not really good at maintaining friendships when we don't see each other everyday :\

    Ahaha, that's no good! My friend's teeth went crooked again when he didn't wear his retainers when he had to. He had to get braces again. Bleh.

    Welllllllllll, I thought that too until one of Moffat's tweets. I don't know if you ever saw it, but someone tweeted him asking if Eleven still thinks about Rose because Ninth's feelings carried onto Ten, and Moffat replied with, "He's the same man, always."
    Ahhh, yes you need plenty of time for that.

    Yeah, they'll be fine. My aunt fell down the stairs and split her leg open :S And my grandma had to go to the hospital because she hasn't been eating properly lately and needs a feeding tube. She's getting released soon though c:

    Ahhhhh, exactly! I hardly ever go to beaches, so when I went today, I was just slkd;sdkjs;dksa :'D But yeah, then we went back to the hotel and I've seen all these roaches and lizards in Vietnam before :|
    Yeeeeees. I've never been to Europe, so I REALLY want to get there one day. And Disney World. That is a must.

    Bah, yes, Draco :3
    Ahahaha, I know! China also banned reincarnation and every like that. They think a person should only live once and should only have one experience or something like that, I don't know.
    So, Doctor's double banned XD
    NOOOOOOOO I HAVEN'T D: As soon as I get home, that's the first thing I'm doing :P
    July 24th, 2011 at 03:44pm
  • Can I also just add, YOUR AVATAR.
    July 23rd, 2011 at 03:11pm
  • That sucks :\ Moving schools is always terrible. I hate being the new kid.
    Boo rude teachers. Ugh. That snide tone they have when they talk to their students :|

    Bahaha, I had them in fifth grade, and I had to get them again because my teeth moved back for some reason. Something about my gums and birth defect, idek.
    Awe, I want removable retainers :c

    Aha, YEEEES, same!
    The first few lines were understandable. I was describing a forest or something, and then it all went to hell XD

    AGH, I know! I dove right into Martha after Rose and Ten kept bringing Rose up and I was just like how could this happen to me ;~;
    Yeah, I'd think that too. Ten wouldn't get over Rose that quickly. Or ever...
    Mmmm same. I wasn't as intrigued with Ninth as I was with Ten or Eleven. I think it's *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER*. Yeah. Just my thoughts.
    But I don't know where you currently are in the series right now so I don't want to ruin anything for you D:

    Ahhhhh, thank you! Although, I'm not having the greatest time right now, ahah.
    We're going back two weeks early because my aunt and grandma are in the hospital now :\
    I love traveling, but just not in places like...this. I've also seen it all before, so XD
    July 23rd, 2011 at 03:03pm
  • I am just emotional about stuff like that. I'm going to see it again with my friend on Sunday, because she's been in Vegas to see family so she hasn't seen it yet. I'm gonna be prepared this time, gonna bring a few tissues.

    And yeah, that's true. But there was still a lot. It worked really well though and I guess they can't just totally copy the book so I'm not mad.
    July 16th, 2011 at 05:58am
  • I started crying when Fred and George were talking before the battle, then I cried when Fred died, then again when Snape died, then again when he was crying over Lily in the memories, and then I I never fully stopped but I started sobbing once again when the 19 years later came on. The girl next to me had an actual box of tissues, she came prepared. But it was so amazing, even if they changed a lot.
    July 16th, 2011 at 12:58am
  • oh...
    thank you so much :)
    and its a lovely story meanwhile xP

    its very addictive i started it a couple hours ago and im already on chapter 22
    July 15th, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • hey :)
    i just started reading your story penut butter and jelly and im a bit comfused about their whole father dying bit...
    like are they step brothers or not...
    and its a really good story meanwhile :D
    July 15th, 2011 at 08:05pm
  • It. Was. Amazing? Have you read the book? I don't want to spoil it if you haven't, but basically I was crying on and off the last half hour and until we got to the car. It was wonderful and amazing and just In Love

    I'm glad it went well! My mom made me talk to a family counselor once and she was terrible. I haven't been able to trust any since, which isn't very good because I'll probably need to see one eventually, if not soon. But, yes. I really hope that works well for you. :)
    July 15th, 2011 at 11:49am
  • I'm in line for Harry potter right now, I've been here since four and there was already more than fifty people in just my line. But I'm actually in owners eating dinner right now. If you don't min me asking, I saw you had a meeting with a counselor person (I'm to excited for proper eords right now, sorry), how did that go? If you don't want to talk about it that's fine Cute
    July 15th, 2011 at 05:19am
  • Um. Hi. I've sen you around on the forums so i just thought I'd drop in and say hi.
    July 14th, 2011 at 09:48pm
  • Oh my god... I stumbled across your page in a layout forum and you asked for an All Time Low layout... And you preferably wanted Zack Merrick... How are you my life? Lol. Thats me in a nutshell! :) I'm Marley by the way... Nice to meet ya.
    July 12th, 2011 at 09:00pm
  • haha well that's good!
    July 12th, 2011 at 07:34am