Third Journal- 10/30/09- Friday- Long Rant/Stress Reliever

Ok. This is merely a rant and a way for me to release some anger. I did some research because for Holloween, I'm going to be a Geisha and I wanted to know if they were prostitutes and if I was wrong or not, and to see how they looked. Well, I look them up and read some stuff about Geisha. They are NOT Prostitutes, they are Japanese entertainers. They do tea ceremonies, sing, dance, play...
October 30th, 2009 at 11:59pm

Second Journal- 10/17/09- Ideas

I'm currently typing up what I want to put for my one page story for English (It was one page, not just two or three paragraphs) on the life of a teenager to show mood and I just realized that I basically started it off with my friends and I in it except we look different in it, but yeah. I found that kind of funny xD. Although, it's supposed to be a dark kind of story based on fear or something...
October 17th, 2009 at 08:18pm

First Journal- 10/16/09 -Blood Drive

Wow Lols, hiya! This is my first journal... Yeah, I suppose I could use this for updates and stuff... Well anyway, I have a poster, study guide, and short story due on Monday so I don't think I'll be able to type up anything for chapter four of From the Eyes of a General so for those of you who have read it (Pffft... What, two maybe three people) and want to read more (but haven't subscribed, but...
October 17th, 2009 at 12:47am