
My soul feels yucky.Like, sad. :[But also apathetic.It's really weird.Gimme a hug?Ah.I love The Used.Bert McCracken is my soulmate.And not in a teenie way.Like, "JESUS, WERE WE SEPORATED AT BIRTH??"lolSept he took all the talent. x]
September 1st, 2007 at 02:53pm

PR was fun. :D

EVERY Way was there. And some extra Toro's too. ;]Mikey played.And I was in the section Gee was in 8 years ago when he went to go see Iron Maiden. [SP? I'm dumb.]And yeah.I could go on.But, I won't. :]But yeah.My first MCR concert.
August 30th, 2007 at 03:59pm

Bored. :[

Yes, I'm bored.I can't stop thinking about MCR. O___oAnd how my friend's gonna meet them, and he doesn't even care. :'OHe better get me an autograph, a video, and a phone call from Gee. >:[And yeah.This weeks gonna be kinda hectic.Tomorrow- Local concert.Friday- Hair app./ sleepover.Saturday- Shopping.Sunday- Lauren's sweet 16. Phone call from Gerard Way? I better fucking get it. >:[Monday-...
August 23rd, 2007 at 04:04pm

Deathfic? Help.

What's the definition of 'Deathfic'?I just wanna know. I have some idea, but after reading some shit on here, I'm even more confused than before...Help?
August 20th, 2007 at 05:52pm

The best word EVER...

It's not fuck.It's not blowge.It's not supercalofragalisticexpialidocious. [sp? lmao]IT'S ROFFLE.ROFFLE!ROFFLEXCORE.YOU FUCKING ROFFLE.THE ROFFLE COPTER. =DYou say it when Johnny Depp gets hit in the face with a frying pan in Freddy's Dead.You say it after calling someone a "fucking dickhole rapist."It's the best word ever.It's like SANTI, but cooler.It's a cyber scene thing. Only cyber scenesters...
August 20th, 2007 at 04:09pm

Oh, Gerard! :D

"Besides the fact that we both have FABULOUS hair, there is one big difference between me and David Cassidy. I SUCK WAY MORE DICK THAN THAT GUY!"I love it when he talks dirty. :]BAHAHA.
August 16th, 2007 at 02:57pm


My mommy just made a batch.They're really yummy.Though, the end pieces are BURNT. o___oAnd. Now Ima go read ma Frerard RP while listening to Kittie and eating BROWNIES! =DDD[Random.]
August 16th, 2007 at 09:41am

Any big The Academy Is... fans?

What's the name of William Beckett's father?It's for my story The Same Blood.Please help! xO
August 13th, 2007 at 12:20am

I was recently called a "teenie"...

[Another post that will be ignored.]I wasn't offended as some of you would be.We were talking about My Chemical Romance, and something about getting hitched with Gerard Way, and she's like, "You're a teenie. No offense. I don't hate you though."Before I further explain my "teenieness" [sp? lol] I just want to say that I am a dedicated fan. I don't solely love them for their looks. Obviously, I...
August 10th, 2007 at 10:51am

My grandma turns 70 today. :D

We're gonna have cake today.=DYeah.Concert friday. :3Anddddd yeah.I don't think people liked my Frilliam story. >.>''lolIt was kinda creepy. =DI BROKE MA WINDOW.And ma parents didn't notice. ;]Can you tell I'm bored?lol
August 1st, 2007 at 07:34pm

William Beckett + Frank Iero = ?

So, yeah.I just wrote the first chapter to this story with William Beckett from The Academy Is... and Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance.What's that called?Ieckett?I need help with that.Also, it's a pretty confusing storyline, so I'm not sure if it's all worked out.My brain tells me things are right when they're not. O__oI won't say it just yet though.I'll fucking figure it out.Anyway, should I...
July 31st, 2007 at 06:21pm

I can't title this cuz there's no one topic. Teenagers, Contests sites, Sleep, Waycest, Wayberg?

First, I'll talk about something important-ish.So, I watched the making of Teenagers.And, I liked it.Before, I was still slightly unsure of the meaning of the song.Though, I always over-analyze things.But, when Gerard explained it, I got it.And it made me realize that we are all way too fucked up.We live too fast and die far too young.I have a feeling I myself will die at the ripe old age of 17.I...
July 30th, 2007 at 07:02pm

Johnny Depp :[

I'm watching Sleepy Hollow, and it's a great movie, but I'm so sad cuz JUST today I learned he got married to Vanessa.Like, I found out in a fucking commercial for a magazine!That's what I get for only knowing MCR fans, and noooo Johnny Depp fans. -__-'''Anyway, I'm not crying over it, cuz I knew him and Vanessa made babies, and he'd never date a fourteen year old, who if you looked for where they...
July 27th, 2007 at 12:13pm

We need more Gerbert.

Cuz fucking everyone's like "FRERARD FRERARD FERARD!" [Cuz there's no ONE way to spell it, which is stupid.]I mean, I love Frerard as much as the next perverted MCR fan. [Like, if you read Frerards or Gerberts or Frikeys or Waycests or Rayards of Frobs or any slash/ gay shit, you're a perv. And if my friends found out I read about Gerard Way making out with Frank Iero, they'd think I was a freak...
July 22nd, 2007 at 03:46pm

LMFAO! I'm in TV Guide! xD [And I totally PWNED them.]

Yeah.I'm so goddamn lame that I fucking read TV Guide.Anyway, One day I read an article in TV Guide about this tv chef's breasts.It was about the Cheers & Jeers section.See, first some lady Jeered about Giada De Laurentii's breasts always being exposed. I've seen that show before, and never really noticed. So that lady was a perv. But I ignored it.Then like, a week or so later I read the...
July 20th, 2007 at 08:03pm