sometimes i just cant take it.

well, i havent been on here for a while, cause ive been dealing with some stuff.first, i broke up with Dylan. he was fooling around with that slut "Tyler" and guess what?!? i kicked him out. he wants her, he can have her.second, 4 months ago, i was diagnosed with Epilepsy. after 2 seizures they finally decided that they shoud put me on medication. fucking idiots.third, i moved out of home. i...
July 25th, 2010 at 08:52am

you know what?! im DONE!

Dear, Dylan.look, i love you so much. but you drive me insane! you know im not the jealous type baby. you know it more than anyonne. why would i want to deliberately hurt you? tell me what i could possibly gain from hurting the one i love, what i could accomplish for making you yell like that?our love is something that cannot be replaced, something that fuels me. but seeing that skank 'tyler' on...
November 26th, 2009 at 07:48am