LaurenHoran / Comments

  • Nice haha. Lucky!! I really hope so, tooo! It really would, especially if they don't and make them look bad! It's all up to us to get them to come back, ugh. I was the complete opposite omg, just seeing them on the screens was enough, I mean, they're real omg. I can't. hahha yeah.

    I knowww!
    November 10th, 2014 at 03:40am
  • haha oh that sucks! OMG lucky!!!!!:) there aren't any dates for Texas and Liam freaking PROMISEd so it's going to make him look bad if they don't go through with it, you know? it's frustrating because i wanna go again and they never leave out Texas dates! Hopefully their saving the best for last hahha. That's soooo coool!:) hopefully you dont pass out when you're there haha. I almost did when i got to the stadium once they let us in lol.

    OMG, guess who followed me last night on twitter? the 5SOS band account!!! I wasn't even expecting that and flipped shit when i saw it omg. coolest thing everrrrrrrrr.
    November 9th, 2014 at 03:39pm
  • I'm pretty good, thanks for asking!!

    Thanks for the comments! I'll update again soon! (:
    November 9th, 2014 at 01:09am
  • Hey girl!(:
    November 8th, 2014 at 04:09pm
  • Haha yeah I bet!! Oh, that's cool!!(:

    A few days ago I finally updated Crazy!! Whenever you have time, would you mind checking it out for me? Thanks!<3 would mean a lot. cool, I updated a couple of mine within the last week or so which is good i guess lol.
    October 27th, 2014 at 01:28pm
  • Ahh it's okay! I get you, that sucks! :/
    I'm alright, you??
    October 26th, 2014 at 02:35pm
  • Hey girl!(:
    October 22nd, 2014 at 09:16pm
  • Haha there wasn't many in my theater, thankfully. It was really good!!! I need their calendar for next year haha. I have the one for this year and I'm ready for the new one already! Oh my God same here. There's so much stuff I want but I need to stop for a while lol. I can't find their new perfume anywhere but when I do I want it hahaha. I wish my boyfriend got me 1d stuff but he doesn't and I don't think he would, sadly. I have my mom for that haha.
    October 14th, 2014 at 01:52am
  • Haha Oh nice! It was so good omg! I saw it yesterday!! I cried cause it made me happy yet sad cause it was making me miss my concert lol. Theyre just perfect for words, idk even know right now, I'm tired haha. Just woke up and I'M like still half asleep. haha Oh my God that's funny! I have a lot too, just got their book yesterday, and I got a wallet with them on it a few days ago. I need to stop myself haha.

    Haha. I am with stuff like that, too. Ah that sucks!! I hate when that happens when you're ready to go somewhere and then plans change. It's the worst..
    October 13th, 2014 at 03:16pm
  • Yeah haha. Same here! That's awesome lol. I had so much fun with my mom when I went. I made her into a fan haha ! she told me that the day after the concert haha.

    Ew haha. Really?! That's sooo scary, to think i used to like the raggedy anne dolls. Not anymore :/ That doll I saw in it from the previews I've seen look creepy as hell. It's so scary looking. I would've had nightmares for weeks lol. I'll pass. I hate when they do that with certain movies and stuff, too!! Haha nice (:
    October 10th, 2014 at 02:45pm
  • Same here. I just want them to come back here too! Liam said they would definitely be back and called it a "date" so I'm really hoping they do!!! It was the best show ever bar none! What was awesome too is that it was the boys (5sos too) first time ever in San Antonio haha i feel honored that it was my first time seeing them too! It was just too amazing for words lol. I can't even.

    Thanks! (:

    Oh my God I don't want to see that ugh. Dolls scare the crap out of me omg. It looks scary as shit! Last week or something Liam was tweeting stuff cause he was bored haha and was asking to send him ideas of stuff to watch and he ended up watching Annabelle and was scared shitless. All these girls kept sending him pictures of it, haha which was great. I was dying of laughter every time my phone went off lol cause I get all their tweets sent to my phone haha.
    October 8th, 2014 at 03:14pm
  • Hey girl! (:

    I updated my Zayn story, The Best Thing, yesterday - whenever you have time would u mind checking it out for me and let me know what u think? Thanks!
    October 8th, 2014 at 02:34am
  • Me too! (:

    Okay, cool! OMG I'm going to see it this weekend too! Last night, since it was the last show of the tour, I watched it on a livestream thing someone did and ugh. I cried so hard and stuff and the boys were emotional and stuff omg. And when they posted their thank yous and stuff on twitter I cried some more lol. It was bad haha.

    On another note, I really want to update something soon ugh. I hate writers block so much!! :/
    October 6th, 2014 at 03:23pm
  • yeah, i know! same here!! that's good, though, that we both got to go to one and see them haha. (:

    haha nice! you should let me know when you update, and i'll tell you when I update mine too! haha. ah that sucks, i'm sure it does. i would hate that. yeah, you're right.
    October 4th, 2014 at 04:22pm
  • Seriously, I just want to go there and be able to go. Not have to pay a shit ton of money. But that's life I guess. Ugh I know!! :( it would have been soooo amazing, ugh. One day I will, hopefully ): that's my life goal I swear and I know it won't happen :p that's all I want, to meet him and stuff but I don't want to work myself up...):

    Hopefully later today I finally might be updating my Zayn story after not updating for like over 3 months. All my chapters for the stories I've been working on have been taking me so long to finish and post all Thanks to stupid writer's block. I just want to update something, ya know? :/
    October 4th, 2014 at 03:10pm
  • haha omg i know, me too! ugh me too! That's cool! Yeah, I hate how expensive they are! I'm still pissed i didn't get to meet him :p if i did, i would've been so shy omg lol there's always next time! he was only like an HOUR away from me :( oh well :p

    yeah, it really is! i love their new sound!!! (:
    September 30th, 2014 at 05:03pm
  • Haha nice. It was so fun! I want to go again for sure, the only matter is having the money for the tickets! haha. These girls my mom and I were talking to while we were waiting to get inside the stadium were telling us when their dad went to buy their tickets, that he kept getting an error when he was buying them and he apparently ended up buying so many tickets that it ranged from 2,000 bucks total or some shit, I don't even know, so they were selling them regular price or whatever for like 250 a piece or something . They were floor seats too! If only I had met them sooner lol. sorry if I confused you at all with that haha.

    OMG yes! I'm in love with it!!! It's so perfect! I cant wait to hear the rest of the album!!!! (:
    September 30th, 2014 at 12:00am
  • Yeah I died when niall did that during better than words omg haha. The whole night was just amazing lol oh my God I would have too if I met him, my sunshine ):

    Yeah I'll check it out when I get home! I'm on my way home from my volunteer thing with my mom haha. Thanks for the comment girl!! I know, he's too damn cute ugh.
    September 26th, 2014 at 12:17am
  • I'm still not over it, wanna go back.. :( haha I couldn't get enough of Harry omg! They're just too beautiful for words. I got niall during his bit in better than words ugh haha. And I got Harry being crazy lol.

    They even said they wanted to come back and said something about coming back next year and Liam called it a date!!! And the day after the show, they were still here and Harry was in Austin and he met some fans ugh. I missed my chance to meet my sunshine ugh. I didn't find out until Monday evening is when I found out he was there. If I wouldve known my mom would've took me over.. damn it haha :( that's all I want and I missed my chance ugh. At least I saw them now though!

    5sos were soooo good omg! You're totally welcome, girl! (: I'm still a mess from it all ugh haha it's not even funny lmao

    I updated my Harry story Always Yours yesterday. Mknd checking it out for me whenever you have time and let me know what you think? Thanks!(:
    September 25th, 2014 at 02:29pm
  • OMG it was amazing!!! They're incredible and 5sos were so good ugh. Luke was adorbs! Now back to the boys, I can't even put it into words. Best show I've ever been to, and it was the first time the boys and 5sos ever played on San Antonio. Liam said they could hear us all backstage before they even came oneven and that we were a great crowd . They even said that it was their favorite show of the whole tour so far OMG I can't. It was just perfection. I got a lot of pics and mostly video. Got a bunch of good pics of Zayn, Liam and the boys, i got like one good one of Harry :( they're so beautiful, I can't get over it. Zayn's high note was perfection OMG it was just simply amazing I can't even put it in words. haha.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 09:19pm