LaurenHoran / Comments

  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    Haha wow. My boyfriends dad always takes his truck to get it fixed and gets stuff done on it when he's home. And always pays a shit ton of money for everything - he brags about everything and is always spending money and stuff. It gets old, and no one really cares about him, he's trying to impress them for all the wrong reasons and stuff :/ yeah, like I don't understand why he does shit like that, I wish he didn't but he does :( he doesn't know what he's doing most of the time but it's whatever.. that's cool I guess :)

    Yeah, makes sense. Haha I know, I hate when people just bring him out right off all random it's like "don't you know how to plan right?" And stuff. You got to take it slow especially if you're slowly starting out with a story or it will be crappy and no one will read it haha. It's annoying when people do that and I admit, I do that at times, all depends on the plot I guess. :) I updated my Niall story So Much For You last night :D
    February 24th, 2014 at 02:20pm
  • lion eyes

    lion eyes (100)

    I'm amazing! I had the best week ever! Sorry for the late reply, didn't get any wifi.
    How are you?
    February 23rd, 2014 at 11:22am
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    haha nice! my boyfriend does stuff like that all the time, well his dad does stuff with his car for him ugh. it's so damn annoying. :/ it's just so complicated, a lot of the time i don't want to talk about it cause i get upset with some of the shit he does, especially when he makes promises and then they fall through, ugh.. :/ that's cool, i bet! where is that? haha it is the best!! :D whenever he comes home from school, my boyfriend always sleeps over at my house way more than i stay at his bc his mom doesn't want me over there cause it's SOOO dirty and messy there or whatever and they have 3 dogs and it's ALWAYS a mess no matter what even if they clean it. ugh. Its just little things like that (haha, little things) make me upset and all that. haha awe that's cool!

    me either! i mean, i do that sometimes, but it just depends on how you write the characters into the story or whatever. it works i guess and usually i put background throughout every other chapter or something. haha no problem! cool, i'll have to check it out in a bit! :D
    February 22nd, 2014 at 05:55pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    haha that's okay. yeah, i know what you mean. omg my boyfriend does that at times too with his money. it's annoying :/ mine doesn't but claims he does, ugh. hotel beds are!!!! i LOVE them too! when my boyfriend is home, he stays at my house sometimes when he's home from school. haha yep!

    awe, it's no problem! yeah, i know what you mean. i don't like if they meet right away because it seems so rushed. i do that too, give the readers an idea of where it's going beforehand. :) sweet, i'll check it out in a bit! :D
    February 22nd, 2014 at 03:43am
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    yeah, it does. awe, lucky. my boyfriend does it sometimes and saves it and then takes me to the movies or whatever if he has enough. i know what you mean. haha. omg same here, it's great when it's cold, I LOVE beds in hotels! They're SOOO comfortable ugh. I always want to take one home with me! I do that too, snuggling up under all the blankets and stuff. Feels great especially when it's freezing! :) hahah

    it's really gooood, love what you have so far even if it's only the prologue! i totally get what you mean, want to give people a bit of a back story of her life before things pick up and she meets him or whatever. i do that with some of my stories, i like to do that too, makes it all easier to understand haha. c:
    February 21st, 2014 at 02:26am
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    Ugh my boyfriend does that all the time and claims he's "broke" all the damn time but next thing I know, he's going out of town with some of his friends for the weekend or whatever. It's annoying :/ haha I can't stand when it's hot and I'm trying to sleep :/ if it's blasting cold I'm fine and can sleep real well! That happens to me and my boyfriend too cause he takes up the entire bed and is dead asleep to the world and I get hot cause he pulls all the covers around him and then that's how I get cold and I just take them all back from him and make him suffer :)

    Just things like that make me happy with my stories!! :) I know, I mean the simplest thing is to be nice and tell them you're enjoying the story or whatever. It's not that hard haha. No problem, I really like it so far! :) thanks for the comments! :D
    February 20th, 2014 at 03:41pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    yeah, same for my boyfriend and i whenever we get together but it kind of sucks when we can't because he's at work. i get what you mean, like i know when me and my boyfriend ever get to that point we won't probably have much either haha. I steal them all the time, plus i'm always soooo cold when I sleep, it ALWAYS has to be cold or I can't sleep at all. I HATE when it's hot when I'm tryin to sleep ugh. The colder the better! That's funny - that's how i am when i wrap up in my covers.

    Serioulsy, I feel that way with most of mine. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my readers but least they could all do is leave something, doesn't have to be a long ass comment but still. hahah. cool, i'll go check it out in a bit!
    February 20th, 2014 at 05:07am
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    yeah, it's nice even if we don't go out and just watch movies and stuff. here, where we live there's a TON of stuff to do but he just doesn't make the effort, which he should :p but I like staying in and watching movies with him, it's nice c: awe, that's cute. my boyfriend and i went out last weekend to dinner when i was there with my parents and it was pretty nice. it is for me too when i sleep in a twin. it's funny because i almost always push him off no matter where we are if we're together. he takes up the entire bed yet i still manage to steal the covers from him xD exactly, we all need it. my boyfriend's way bigger than i am so he takes up most of it and there i am haha. we both usually sleep in whenever we're together and stuff.

    yep! haha. that's cool. yeah, that's how i feel with some of my stories, like there's a few people who comment consistently every time i update but i like getting comments from new readers and stuff too, it's nice to know what everyone thinks, not just the same people who read, ya know? i get a bunch of subs and recs and a few comments but it's whatever. haha okay! :) i'm working on one of my Liam stories now. c:
    February 20th, 2014 at 03:24am
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    haha you're lucky. i wish he took me out more but we don't... we go to the movies whenever we go out but that's basically it. and sometimes, we make plans and then they practically almost always fall through bc something comes up. with him and i, it's pretty difficult to sleep in a twin, bc that's the kind of bed his in his dorm i think. he's tall with really broad shoulders and i'm small lol.

    oh, you're very welcome!! haha sweet, great minds think alike i guess hahaha. xD that's cool! i can't wait to read it whenever you post it! i updated my Harry story Crazy last night and have a newer one i just started recently, it's called We're on Fire which I'm pretty excited about!
    February 20th, 2014 at 02:14am
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    haha awe. you're boyfriend hardly ever takes me out so i feel special when he does but his definition of "taking me out" is a movie or whatever which i'm totally fine with. he has his mom to help him if he ever takes me out whenever he's home that is, if we ever go out anywhere but he usually just wears shorts and a stupid t-shirt so it's not that bad i guess. haha it was nice especially since my boyfriend doesn't have a roommate but his fucking bed in his dorm is so damn small and supposedly i elbowed him in the face when i was asleeep haha. oh well. oh god, i bet. that's GROSS.

    okie dokey. i made it and it looks pretty nice but it's not the best one i've made haha. i just added it to the story! hope you like it :D haha that's cool, well have fun :)
    February 19th, 2014 at 06:24pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    oh my god he's worn his stupid hoodie with me SO many times, I just roll my eyes every time he wears it. I'm always like "why can't you wear something else? is that like your security blanket or something" i'm going to do that whenever i get mine, i'm going to get mine closer to my concert haha even though it's not until September. Oh my god my boyfriend is like that with Yu-Gi-Oh! Over the weekend when I went up to see him, he introduced me to one of his friends and I sat there watching them play with their stupid Yu-gi-oh cards or whatever omg. and his friend was kind of explaining it to me I'm just like "I don't even know what the hell you just said but okay." hahaa seriously, I'm just over here like "what am i doing here? oh yeah, i'm with him.." it was entertaining i guess but i was bored being in a room with two guys, one i just met in an ALL GUYS DORM HALL, which was the most awkward thing in the world. He had to take me down to the lobby so I could use the restroom cause it's a freaking guys dorm i'm like "welllll, this is newww"

    alrighty, i accepted haha. will get started on the layout in a few and then i'll add it to your story for ya. any specific colors you want in the layout??
    February 19th, 2014 at 05:56pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    yeah. oh my god that's funny! i can't tell you how many t-shirts he has - SO MANY to count ugh. my boyfriend LOVES Zelda too and Assassin's Creed. My boyfriend is one when it comes to video games too so I TOTALLY know what you mean.. He has one of this jackets with the beaked hood or whatever it's from Assassins Creed and wears it ALL the damn time when it's cold I'm just like "" haha omg that's funny. Just...MEN AND VIDEO GAMES I SWEAR -_-

    yeah, i know, it was SO much easier before they went and changed it :/ but i've gotten used to it. oh, i'd love to make you one! :D i get what you mean, where the title is, you have a pic or whatever there instead - I do that with most of my layouts like my Zayn one and stuff. haha alright! i'll get started on it in a bit if that's alright!
    February 19th, 2014 at 05:29pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    yeah, hopefully i'll get to see him in march when he comes home from spring break :p i don't either, i still use money my mom gives me to buy him stuff haha :/ for our 2 years, he gave me this cute t-shirt and a necklace and i got him an Adventure Time shirt. OMG he LOVES that show like I'm not even kidding, wears it all the time...the boy LOVESS t-shirts, maybe even more than I do and I like them a lot. we can always get it out of each other, we can't keep surprises from each other cause he practically is begging cause he wants to know whatever it is whenever i get him something omg hahaha. he's bad at telling me cause I always get it out of him either way haha. both of us hate surprises.

    have you seen the layouts for my stories? lol, making layouts is one of my favorite things to do for my stories haha and i make them for every single one of my stories, yet, i don't know how they turn out so good :p i could make you one if you want!
    February 19th, 2014 at 05:12pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    Haha omg I bet! I really hate when my boyfriend asks me stuff like that too but that's only happened like once. I'm always like JUST STOP, PLEASE. Can't take it ugh. Yeah, but it went by too fast since I only got to spend one night with him :p his dorm was SO freaking cold - an ice box practically ugh. :p haha awe, that's cool! I have so much jewelry and stuff he's given me over the almost 3 years we've been together - quite a hell of a lot. He likes to spoil me :p whenever we get time together.. haha that's cool - I'm always curious when he says he got me something - I can sometimes get it out of him and he'll tell me but when he doesn't I'm surprised. That's awesome, I've never been there. Always wanted to go but never have. Thanks for the comment! :D
    February 19th, 2014 at 02:23pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    Oh and i can't remember if I told you I updated my Zayn story or not...I updated it a few days ago! haha.
    February 17th, 2014 at 07:43pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    Seriously, like he's the one calling me and then seconds later he's on his phone or whatever. It's annoying :/ haha oh wow. my boyfriend gets jealous of everything practically. it's hilarious omg. i'd get so pissed if he ever brought up a conversation like that to me...i'd be like "wtf you talking about? none of that shit would ever happen" omg my boyfriend does shit like that at times, it's so annoying ugh. Yes! I went up to see him on Saturday and spent the night with him, we went out to eat with my parents and then back to his dorm and watched some movies and then crashed. and then we came back home yesterday :p at least I got to spend some time with him even if it was for an evening. OMG so he got me these two cute teddy bears plus a big heart balloon :D <3 and the other one, which was smaller, came with chocolates and a cute heart box i can put some stuff in, it's soo cute! :D right now, i have both of the bears on a chair in a corner of my room that's cluttered with clothes i need to put up haha.
    February 17th, 2014 at 07:42pm
  • nighttchanges

    nighttchanges (100)

    United States
    Hi there. I absolutely love your Zayn story! :D I'm Ashley, by the way.
    February 15th, 2014 at 12:36am
  • lion eyes

    lion eyes (100)

    Oh, I hate those days haha
    February 14th, 2014 at 04:17pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    Yeah haha. I think it's cute how he gets jealous too. I don't know, I just really like making him jealous for some reason. We both get jealous of things haha. Him more than me with most things. Yep!!:) can't wait! But last night when we Skyped he was being annoying and he didn't call until super late or the whole damn time he's sitting on his freaking phone and I'm over here like "hello?! What are you doing?" Or whatever and he's just like "it's nothing"... ugh it's annoying and then he puts it away and then we continue to talk for a few minutes or whatever and I'm just like.. "okay..." Awe, that's cool!! :)
    February 14th, 2014 at 02:14pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    Yeah. Some of his past few roommates were kind of strange, one was a partier and would stay out all night and shit and would bring girls back with him, making my boyfriend have to stay out in the hall or whatever and then the next one he had used to bring his girlfriend over and she would stay with him and it would make him jealous cause he missed me! Haha :) that's just one of the many things he got jealous of haha. He gets jealous A LOT OMG - it's pretty funny! only a few more days until I see him...I can't wait! :) and thanks for the comment!
    February 12th, 2014 at 02:34pm