Thurs 7/15/10 mood: excited

Lead team retreat is tomorrow thru Sunday. I'm SO EXCITED. The six hour drive is a little iffy, but I''m sure we can make fun out of it.Yesterday I went with my mom to see a free performance of Romeo & Juliet in Cumberland. we walked around a little and ate at the baltimore St Grill which was good. they have amazing fries & mozz sticks. Then we went to sit and wiat for the performance, and...
July 15th, 2010 at 07:46pm

Mon 6/22 mood: HAPPY

I went on a date today!Garrett took me out to see a movie (Shrek) and to eat at Unos. We got really frisky and went home to make love. It was truly amazing this time for some reason.Then we sat around and chilled, cuddled, whatever.Tomorrow I promised I would help him work on his car. This should be interesting.I dont have a job anymore. It went away. Im not applying anywhere else. Boo hoo.My mom...
June 22nd, 2010 at 08:26am

Sat 6/05/10 mood: happpyyyy

Well now I'm at my mom s& she just showed me some karate stuff that she got Roger for his birthday: throwing stars, a walking stick, numchucks, and a tiedye shirt.I cleaned my room a bit today in prep for Manda & Melon to come over to sleepover tomorrow. How exciting! I havent had a sleepover in ages.So Garrett, Bobby, Caitlin, Ben, and I are all in the process of learning guitar. Ben...
June 5th, 2010 at 06:34pm

Saturday 5/22/10 mood: hopeful

Welll today was alright. I worked a little and spent time with Mom & Roger. Garrett was gonna see me but he had to work late. I did see him last night & he bought me a super cute shirt, and I half bought 2 seasons of House. We spent the rest of the night chillin at his house and making out on the couch which is always much fun.I spent the night with Mom last night and we had lots of fun...
May 23rd, 2010 at 04:25am

Thursday 5/6/10 mood: excited!

Welllllll lots has happened in mah life these past few weeks. Week? Idk how long its been.I went through training for the census job and GOD it was horrible and long and everyone smelled like smoke and the instructors were idiots and I just dont care that much to give 25 hours of my time to the government. Anyway, I made a shitload of money.I worked a few times this week and interviewed a couple...
May 7th, 2010 at 06:11am

Saturday 4/24/10 mood: exhausted.

Yesterday was the Relay for Life at FSU's track!!! It was epic and fun and awesome.Welll we spent an hour or so yesterday playing monopoly/ruining friendships, then packed up all the stuff for the lil 'camping ground'. They set up the tent beautifully, and I (to their benefit) was in class and couldn't help. We sat around for awhile and pretty much made a mess of our place in no time...then me,...
April 24th, 2010 at 08:08pm

Wed 4/20/10 mood: exhausted

I'm just tiredAnd I hate April1. I have done SO MUCH work for Relay for Life...and people just sit around on their fat asses and do nothing. It makes me so mad. I hate people with no ambition at all. But I do feel needed and productive.2. My little baby kitty Nyx died this past week. She was only three and had diabetes. I am reassured by mom that if I ever want a cat put to sleep, to contact Dr....
April 21st, 2010 at 06:17am

Friday 4/9/10 Mood: Happppy

Im chillin with mom & we are discussing many things. Right now we are on religion and talking about how baptist people picket for the "deserved death" of the miners because one was gay. Holy shitttt.Anyway before that we talked about Rae. Dear GOD.Apparently she has skipped school 20 days, gone to wherever the fuck everShe is failing all her classes & wants to drop outHas all of her...
April 10th, 2010 at 05:56am

Monday 4/5/10 mood: accomplished

*sigh* I wrote part of this entry down on a piece of paper but I really just don't want to type it. I need to take time out of my life to do this though, because I won't remember these things later.So the 25 & 27 was Regional Conference at James Madison University in Virginia. We won four awards: spirit!, best advisor, outstanding student leader, and something else. There was a statue of James...
April 6th, 2010 at 05:45am

Thursday 3/18/10 mood: exhausted

I am SO freaking tired.This is spring break week and my have I been busy.I saw Alice, and I like it, though I overestimated it. I love her red queen dress and I want it.Saturday, I saw Mom & we made an apple spice cake, raspberry tart, and sugar cookies. There was a hilarious video recorded of me using the honey & pepsi to talk behind the fridge and Roger yelling at me. Hehe.On Sunday, I...
March 19th, 2010 at 12:49am

Mon 3/2/10 mood: excited

Sooo I made my four year plan and everything...all set! I think Garrett & I have officially decided to go to my dad's for graduate and go to WVU. I finished my three page papers and everything, and I'm happy about that...nothing much to do until Retreat on Friday! I'm so excited, and I have to come up with an activity.I went to movie night tonight & we sat around not watching a movie, and...
March 2nd, 2010 at 07:27am

Tues 2/23/10 mood: tired

Watching American Idol. It's entertaining. I like Crystal & Katie.I have a little homework to do...not worried about it until later. I'm hungry...grr.Went to movie night last night & took Rae to see Eric, and ate at El Canelos, and watched Secret Window. Garrett had to work =[ He also had to work on Sunday when I went ice skating & shopping in Hagerstown for a social. Was very fun and...
February 24th, 2010 at 02:59am

Sunday 2/14/10 mood: happy

Happy Valentine's Day!!Soo last night I went on a really cute date with my boy. He picked me up after work and I was all dressed up in a dress & had my hair all done up. I wore wedges =O Then he took me to his house where he got all sexy, and we got Jody & Roger, and we went on a double date. We went to Applebees but it was a 40 minute we went to a Chinese buffet thing. Nom....
February 14th, 2010 at 05:34pm

Tuesday 2/9/10 mood: saddish

I'm watching American Idol with Ellen. I love her!It has been snowing ridiculouslyyyyy. We have almost three feet outside. It's still snowing. I miss Garrett and all Iwnat is to stay at his house tonight. But here I am, doing nothing all day. Yes, I have homework, no I haven't done any.Nothing much interesting has happened. I have decided I do want to be a teacher, and I think i want a minor in...
February 10th, 2010 at 02:32am

Thursday 1/28/10 mood: content

Wow so school had started with quite a bang. I like my literature classes but not the obnoxious books they require, and math is boring as all hell. Philosophy makes me think, but a little too much. Biology is boring, and I dislike it probably the most so far. I loved seeing everyone, and I think I've seen just about everyone in burg by now. Abbey is interning at Cash Valley with special ed...
January 29th, 2010 at 03:23am

Thursday 1/14/09 mood: happy!

Just ordered my books online from amazon & saved $60 in comparison to the bookstore. Ugh.Im just chilllllin right now...saw garrett all this week & going to tomorrow =DWe bought lotto tickets tonight, hope to win...Gonna make veggie turkey tomorrow, we made eggplant parmesan yesterday & he loved it but I didn't...too squishy.Found Caesar IV that gma bought so I played that last night,...
January 15th, 2010 at 06:17am

Fri 12/25/09 mood: amazing.

CHRISTMAS!!!!! =DWell then...let me tell ya all about it.We had an ice storm today so it was hell trying to get everyone at my gma's house. But people eventually showed up. Jenny got there first, OMFG first time ever..she's always late for everything. I opened all my presents from gma & pap last night at 2am after we made delish cookies. She got me yet another ipod (hopefully i won't lose this...
December 26th, 2009 at 06:00am

Sun 12/20/09 mood: awesome

Today was spent being a total fricken bum with my mom, and wrapping presents. I got her obsessed with Zoo World (wewt), watched a thing about whale sex, and worked on the present Im doing for the boyfriend. Speaking of that boy, he stayed here friday and last night because the weather was so bad. We got over a foot of snow! It is effin ridiculous & its being called a blizzard. Last night we...
December 21st, 2009 at 01:44am

Sat 12/12/09 Mood: excited.

I got all my christmas presents wrapped!I got::Nightmare before xmas Monopoly, a skull sweatshirt, and a lil ferrari hotwheels for garrettA triquetra clock, fuzzy socks, and dark lipstick for momA sweatshirt for both rogers, and wvu shirts for my dadA reed diffuser and socks for jodyPins I got in Orlando for KateTwo necklaces, three NBC pens, annnnd something else for RaeChocolate cherries for...
December 12th, 2009 at 05:15pm

Wed 12/09/09 mood: exhausted

SO MUCH OMGFinals....are killing me. They are ridiculous. Only one more week (& a few days) and I am officially finished. Then it's rest time. =DI bought so many christmas presents & I am so excited!It started snowing the other day and turned itno hell. We got ice & sleet & ick and I had to stay at Garrett's house last night because he couldn't drive me home. That was lovely....
December 10th, 2009 at 04:30am