It's such a feeling my love that I can't hide
Hey I am Elle! I am 15 and love living life to it's fullest!
+colorful shoelaces
+great literature
+cool layouts
+ray bans
+finding the perfect accessory
+peter pan
+some like it hot
-hannah montana
-the bugel
-nickeled and dimed
-bad grammar
-science class
-dentist in a box
-dunkin' doughnuts

Yeah, you've got that something
January 20, 2010
Stressing about school!

~guns and roses
~regina spektor
~taylor swift
~the beach boys
~bob marley

Next Update:The Ties That Bind Us Together

I think you'll understand
seeing through the lens of love
Nicolas Jerry Jonas//Adele Lenette-James
Slowly Working on it
Adele Lenette-James is an aspiring cinematographer. She has just moved to New York and is ready for her first day of assisting shooting while studying in NYU. One thing she wasn't prepared for was Nick.
Nicholas Jerry Jonas and his brothers went to New York to shoot "The Jonas Movie". They were super excited, except Nick. He was super bored, that is, in till he met Adele.

story title
Nicolas Jerry Jonas//Reese Jennette Martin
Slow as a turtle
Roxbury Boarding School, the semi Elitist , failure of a school in Upstate New York. Like every school we had our certain faces, The Hippies; Harrlow Jenny Greere and Quinn Lewis Aldrine are completely devoted to one another. The Preps;Emma Alice Winston and Dean Russell Vanderbilt are bitter rivals. The Nerds; Charlotte Joanna Lyne and Ryan Harry Bennett have been best friends since they were two. The New Kid; Nicholas Jerry Jonas, who everyone thinks hey already know. The Mystery Girl;Reese Jennette Martin, There is just something about her,she looks familiar but no one can put their finger on where they've seen her. When a single event turns their world upside down will the ties that bind them together be strong enough to hold them together? Hearts will be broken, battles will be won and friends will be betrayed. Here at he Worlds worst school, Roxbury Boarding School

When i feel that something
Natalie | Phoebe | Micaela |

i want to hold your hand