I'll make this short. & and simple.

- I'm in love with an amazing man named
Michael Joseph Jackson. ?
- Nicholas Sparks ?
- Johnny Depp ?
- ? How To Love - Lil Wayne ?
- My dream is to leave near the ocean where I belong.
- Drawing & Painting
- Running
- Horror Movies & Chick Flicks.
- I tell my feelings & thoughts through my story(ies)

Get to know me.

Date: August 9th, 2011.
Time: 12:59 PM
Mood: Guilty.
Music: You've Got A Friend in Me - Woody. ??.
Updated: Speechless.

Sah-Lee-Nah MaiSpace.
Michael Jacksonn. Facebookk.
Eduardoo. Youtubee.

Just Good Friends
Featuring;; Michael Jackson & Jessica Ocampo/Jackson
Chapters;; 81/81
Status;; Completed.
Title Credit;; Just Good Friends - Michael Jackson.

Featuring;; Michael Jackson & Jessica Ocampo/Jackson
Chapters;; 7/?
Status;; Writing..
Title Credit;; Speechless. - Michael Jackson.

The Evil of The Thriller.
Featuring;; MIchael Jackson & Jessica [Jackson]
Title Credit;; Thriller - Michael Jackson

The Day The World Stopped.
Featuring;; Michael Jackson
Title Credit;; Mee.

"You know what? Yes. I have changed. I'm not as nice as I used to be, because I don't want to get used or walked over. I don't trust everyone and tell them my secrets, because behind every smile is a backstabbing bitch. I distance myself from certain people because in the end, they're only going to leave. I have changed because I have realized I'm the only person I can depend on. "