Donnie's Catch / Comments

  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Second part of my message! (Scroll down for the first part.)

    Yes, it’s called ontbijtkoek. I can’t explain how you have to pronounce it, because the ‘ij’ sound that is in it is something that doesn’t even exist in English. It’s also in the last syllable of the word “apartheid”, which you might’ve heard about (It’s the only Dutch word used in the English language). But even then, I don’t think anybody pronounces that correctly, either. The closest I can get to explaining what it sounds like is “aunt-bite-cook”. Just paste those three words together and then it sounds enough like ‘ontbijtkoek’ to make yourself understood to a Dutch person – I think.

    Homemade apple crumble… that’s lovely! And I think it’d be a waste not to use the apples.

    Wow, you grow so much in your allotment! I think it’d be awesome if we could grow our own food at my house, too. It all sounds delicious, and the flowers are really pretty! Dahlias used to be my favourite flowers when I was younger. I’m not sure what my favourite flowers are now. The sweet peas are really pretty, too… I might make those my favourites!

    We do grow some fruit in our back yard. We have grapes, and raspberries. We only planted the raspberries this year, as a tiny little plant, but it grew a lot and I ate a lot of raspberries over the summer. I also ate a lot of grapes – I love grapes. (Every time I write the word grape, it reminds me of when one of my classmates gave a presentation in English class about Scottish English, and read a poem to us with a Scottish accent. It was about grapes, and he said: “I’m going to read you a poem about grapes, which is my favourite word in the English language: grapes. It’s just so cool!” And he was all enthusiastic, it was really funny. Especially because that boy is usually quite laid-back. But I’m letting myself get all distracted again.)

    Yeah, chocolate spread is quite different from the sprinkles. I can imagine that it sounds pretty weird to put them on my bread, but I like it. I guess it’s just a weird Dutch habit, then.

    When I went to the UK, I visited Brighton. It was nice, close to the sea. We didn’t go to the beach, though; it was February, I believe, and it rained a lot.
    Holland is beautiful, I think. Especially the islands in the north. I went on holiday there this summer, and I spent hours and hours walking through the dunes and along the beach, with my bare feet in the sea. It was lovely, so calm and quiet and lonely. (It wasn’t lonely on the hot days – the beach was crowded then, but then again I could also stay in the dunes, where I got smothered by the heat but at least I was on my own. And I didn’t really mind the heat, anyway…)

    I like the way our classes are at school. I usually like working on my own more than listening to lectures, so I’m glad the teachers let us make exercises in the second half of class.

    I’ll write you another message about my school day, because this one is already almost two pages in Word. I get so carried away…
    November 24th, 2009 at 07:23pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Hi again!
    Okay, I’m at work right now, and I’m going to write you a really long message! (Yes, I can go on the computer at work. More about that later!) I’m going to put the message on your profile in two parts, because otherwise Mibba will destroy it, which wouldn’t be very nice.

    First off, you spelled both porcelain and completely correctly! You’re a better speller than you think, it seems  Also, yes, people setting toilets on fire (well, trying to, really) are definitely amusing. My school is boring compared to that!

    2,000 students… that’s pretty big indeed! I can imagine it’d be crowded… You’re lucky that you’re tall. Being short can be pretty annoying. I used to get bullied for it – but that’s beside the point. Luckily I’ve grown a bit over the past few years, so now I’m below average but at least people believe me when I tell them how old I am. When I was younger they’d think I was lying because I was so tiny. And people kept thinking I was in first grade (not first grade of primary school, but first grade of high school, in which the kids are 11 years old) even when I was about fourteen.

    Yeah, those trips are really cool! Not all of my classmates do bilingual education, and those who don’t are really jealous of all the trips we get to go on… Then again we have to pay for them. Now the non-bilingual students went to France last year so most of them did stop nagging the bilingual students about it.

    Your job sounds like fun! I’ve seen a Hindu marriage in Rome on the Capitol, and their clothes are so beautiful! Especially because Hindus often have darker skin and that matches really well with those colourful clothes.
    I actually have four jobs - but they’re all only a few hours a week, so it doesn’t take too much of my time. Firstly, I tutor, which is one hour a week (and some preparation time, but that’s nothing too bad). Secondly, I babysit. I totally love that! Babies and little kids are so awesome. Thirdly, I work at an old people’s home every other Saturday. I work on a ward for people who suffer from dementia; the ward has sixteen bedrooms and one living room, and I spend my time in the living room. I have to make breakfast for the residents, and help those who can’t eat very well themselves, and I make coffee and I help with the lunch. I also make sure it’s all neat and clean and whenever I have nothing to do I talk to the residents or play games with them or go for walks with them so they have something to do. My feet are usually very tired by the end of the day, because I run around all the time, but it’s fun and it’s nice to know I’m helping those people.

    Fourthly I work at a language center. People come here to do a language course. I have to let them in, and I have to make sure the place is clean – vacuum if necessary, make sure the coffee machine has enough sugar and such in it, clean the whiteboards, water the plants, etcetera. I have to stay in the building until the courses are over, but when I’m done with my work I can just sit down and use the computer or do homework. It’s the easiest job ever, and the coffee machine makes the most delicious Wiener Melange coffee. Which is why I’m currently sitting here drinking Wiener Melange, listening to the faint sounds of people trying to talk Dutch (with English accents, because they’re from the UK and they’re here to learn Dutch) and typing this message to you.

    (to be continued)
    November 24th, 2009 at 07:22pm
  • Loved_You_First

    Loved_You_First (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Captains of the England team for laughing! We would so win gold.
    Horse-riding is now just like a given in my life. I did a bit when I was really young on my grandmas friends pony called Jessie, but now I go every two weeks. My riding school has this brilliant horse called Brendan who they raised from a foal because they owned the mother as well. He's hilarious. Can a horse be hilarious? I don't know :p but Brendan seems to be! But I won't go into a an hour of reciting memories lol!
    I will definately be using that saying now lol!
    And tell that guy that I (mentally) hit him round the head as well for being annoying.
    Thanks for reading Bump In The Night - it made my friend (the other author) really happy :)
    November 24th, 2009 at 06:24pm
  • sympatheticxo17

    sympatheticxo17 (100)

    United States
    You're welcome and cool(:
    November 24th, 2009 at 12:56am
  • the beekeeper

    the beekeeper (150)

    United States
    thank you man
    November 23rd, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Hmm... I don't think the entire comment is showing up. Luckily I typed it out in Word first otherwise it'd be all gone >.<

    I'll paste the second half here, then; scroll down for the first half.

    ...bread with chocolate sprinkles (I believe that putting those on your bread is something Dutch so it probably sounds weird to you, or not?), and something called "ontbijtkoek". It's something Dutch, and I can't really describe it, but here's a picture:

    I take sandwiches to school. I put fake meat on it (I'm a vegetarian). It's like ham slices only then it's not real meat. Then when I get home from school I eat an apple. For dinner... we usually have rice or potatoes with vegetables, or we have macaroni or something like that. There are some typical Dutch dishes but not many so you'll probably know most of the food I eat for dinner.

    It's so annoying when teachers can't control the class! This year, most of my teachers can, but last year I had this teacher for Dutch... well, it was indescribable. We got nothing done, ever, at all. Everyone just kept being annoying because they knew she wouldn't dare to stop them anyway... It was rather sad. I felt sorry for her, but she really wasn't a very good teacher, so even though I didn't really dislike her I was sort of glad that she eventually left the school. And then I felt guilty about wanting her to leave... ah well.

    Your English teacher sounds very annoying!

    And... WHY would anyone want to set fire to a toilet? That sounds like the most... useless thing ever. Besides, do toilets even burn?

    School was okay for me today. I had Biology first, and that was sort of useless. Our teacher tried to explain something about plants and for some weird reason he was talking about gnomes all the time. It made no sense, but it was funny!
    Then I had a free period, which I used for a tutoring session (I tutor in Chemistry). Then I had Greek, which was okay. Next was Maths, and my teacher gave everyone cookies because it was her birthday :)
    Then I had another free period, which I spent doing some homework in the Art classroom. My friends had Art so I'd gone with them and talked to them while they drew and I did homework.
    Lastly I had English, and we read Equus, which I liked. And then school was over!
    Sure you can add me as a friend! In fact, I’ll add you too, because you sound like a really cool person, as well!
    November 23rd, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Yeah, I can't imagine not believing that there's more to life than meets the eye. I mean, they're living life without religion, and I feel like that must be horribly empty. So yeah, I'm happy I have something to believe in. I hate it that they look down on me for that, but I know I should just try not to let them get to me. That's just hard sometimes...

    Wow, so many questions! I can feel that this is going to be a really long comment again, haha. But it's fun, talking like this :)
    So, our classes are usually about 20-30 pupils (except for my Greek class, there are only 10 people in that one). Each class is 50 minutes long. In most classes the teachers explain stuff for the first half of the lesson and then let us make exercises for the rest of it. Then when you have questions you can go up to them. English is a bit different, we usually have class discussion about poetry or books then, or we read a play... We're reading Equus right now, and I love it!
    For Dutch and English, we sometimes have to give speeches or presentations. I hate those.
    We have quite a number of school trips. It's because I do bilingual education, with extra English. We went to the UK a few years ago, and I had to do a Work Experience trip (I went to Canada for that one) and we went to Denmark once. Two months ago all the students who had Latin or Greek went to Rome, that was really cool. Rome's a beautiful city!
    My school is... well, pretty crowded, in my opinion. It has about 1300 students, but the building was originally built for only about a thousand of them, so it really gets insanely crowded in the hallways! I'm not very tall so I feel like I'm being squished all the time.
    How big is your school? And what are your classes like - are they like mine, or very different?

    Now then, what do I eat? For breakfast, I usually have bread with chocolate sprinkles (I believe that putting those on your bread is something Dutch so it probably sounds weird to you, or not?), and something called "ontbijtkoek". It's something Dutch, and I can't really describe it, but here's a picture:

    I take sandwiches to school. I put fake meat on it (I'm a vegetarian). It's like ham slices only then it's not real meat. Then when I get home from school I eat an apple. For dinner... we usually have rice or potatoes with vegetables, or we have macaroni or something like that. There are some typical Dutch dishes but not many so you'll probably know most of the food I eat for dinner.

    It's so annoying when teachers can't control the class! This year, most of my teachers can, but last year I had this teacher for Dutch... well, it was indescribable. We got nothing done, ever, at all. Everyone just kept being annoying because they knew she wouldn't dare to stop them anyway... It was rather sad. I felt sorry for her, but she really wasn't a very good teacher, so even though I didn't really dislike her I was sort of glad that she eventually left the school. And then I felt guilty about wanting her to leave... ah well.

    Your English teacher sounds very annoying!

    And... WHY would anyone want to set fire to a toilet? That sounds like the most... useless thing ever. Besides, do toilets even burn?

    School was okay for me today. I had Biology first, and that was sort of useless. Our teacher tried to explain something about plants and for some weird reason he was talking about gnomes all the time. It made no sense, but it was funny!
    Then I had a free period, which I used for a tutoring session (I tutor in Chemistry). Then I had Greek, which was okay. Next was Maths, and my teacher gave everyone cookies because it was her birthday :)
    Then I had another free period, which I spent doing some homework in the Art classroom. My friends had Art so I'd gone with them and talked to them while they drew and I did homework.
    Lastly I had English, and we read Equus, which I liked. And then school was over!

    Of course you can add me as a friend! In fact, I'll add you, too, because you sound like a really cool person as well :)
    November 23rd, 2009 at 10:32pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Thanks for you comment, again ^^ I won't upload again today - I didn't manage to write as much as I wanted so I'm not letting myself update again. I'm slightly stuck at the moment but I hope I'll do better tomorrow.
    How was your school day?
    Oh, and I still have to read your short stories! I'll get to it at once.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 09:40pm
  • Loved_You_First

    Loved_You_First (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Your flashback was hilarious as well. I will now be on the look out for blind birds :p
    Laughing is basically the only form of exercise I get, apart from what I'm forced to do at school and horse riding every other week.
    And I've been in many situations like that! They are extremely funny!
    I'm not very good at being subtle, what I say is what I mean most of the time! So if I try and plug a story, then I say it out right lol!
    November 23rd, 2009 at 08:53am
  • Loved_You_First

    Loved_You_First (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    laughing is the most exercise i get! there are even videos of me on youtube laughing lol! every lunch time something makes me laugh.
    *cue me having a flashback* once my friend had a tiny carton of juice with her and a really long straw that obviously didnt go together. she was holding the straw in one hand and the carton in the other and looking at them back and forth when my other friend says, in a very serious voice, "The straw goes in there." and points the top of the carton. i laughed for about 20 minutes. and another on of my friend laughs in a really funny way and she was laughing at me laughing and i was laughing at her laughing (if that makes any sense what so ever :p ) and it lasted for about 35 minutes!
    if somebody laughs randomly (and if that person isnt me, which it usually is) then i tend to join in lol!
    im glad i could inspire you! it is very funny, but only certain people understand the comedy fully. even im still learning the ways of the python.
    and socks are amazing! you can never have enough! my favourite pair of socks are knee high ones that have patterns on in the style of a pair of converse. they even have the star on the sides! i got them in san fransico!
    and i just posted a chapter of a story i am writing with my friend - it's called bumb in the night.
    November 22nd, 2009 at 10:11pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Haha. You know what, I'll update again then, because I'm a sucker for flattery and people saying they want updates always make me want to update again. And I wrote 5000 words today, anyway, so I figure that gives me the right to upload another chapter ^^

    Yeah, those people are just so annoying... The problem is, they really do get to me. I don't have all that much self-confidence and even though I pretend not to care, it does hurt me.

    Let me know when your one-shot is done, I'd love to read it if you're going to upload it! And I'll also take a look at your other stories tomorrow.
    I'll quickly update now, and then I'll go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow (I'm already looking forward to answering all your questions, haha).


    xx Rianne
    November 22nd, 2009 at 09:53pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Glad you enjoyed your tea ^^

    Ha, ICT doesn't really sound good. I'm pretty glad I don't have that right now.

    Truro sounds like a nice city. I like my own city, too. It's just the right size. But it doesn't have cobblestoned streets. Which is good, in a way, because asphalt is so much easier when you're trying to ride your bike.

    It's cool that you customise your uniform! Still I'm really glad my school doesn't have uniforms. Especially if the teachers yell at you for it...

    Well summer is my favourite season, as I said... I think winter comes in next, because snow and frost are awesome. But the cold is also slightly annoying... the computer I use is in this room that's always SO cold... I'm usually all wrapped up in a blanket while I use the computer and still my fingers freeze off while I'm typing, haha. Spring is nice because all the plants are so beautiful and the air tastes so fresh. Autumn is okay-ish because the leaves are pretty, but the storms and the rain are not very nice.

    Sometimes it seems like people think all Christians are homophobic and try to make others believe the same things and all that... It sometimes annoys me that some people start jumping to conclusions as soon as I've told them I'm Christian. A few people at school try to bully me about it, saying stuff like "God doesn't exist" to my face just to spite me and it's really annoying. I mean, really, it's okay with me if they want to believe that, but they should just respect my beliefs...

    4000 euros... That's so much... Nepal would be really cool though. I've also been to Slovakia two years ago and that was awesome, too. The mountains there were really beautiful!

    I'm not really familiar with GCSEs, but getting a B or A in five of them sounds pretty hard indeed! I hope you do well in them :)

    Romeo and Juliet... I know that one, of course, but I've never actually read it. Maybe I should read it some time, I love Shakespeare because he uses such beautiful words, even though I don't always understand what he's saying.
    Oidipous is about a man who unknowingly murders his father and marries his mother - he gets separated from them when he's a few days old, and later when he meets them again he doesn't know they're his parents. The story is about how he finds this out later; he's all happily married and then through a series of events and conversations he finds out that he's once murdered his dad, and that he's currently married to his mother.

    I think my comment was shorter than yours this time... But I still need to write another 400 words for The Jewellery to make my goal for today, so I'll get to that now ^^
    November 22nd, 2009 at 09:17pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Enjoy your tea ^^

    And yes, nerds are the best, haha. But it's sort of annoying how everyone automatically thinks that people who get high grades and/or pay attention at school don't have a life. Not that I do have a life... but yeah.
    November 22nd, 2009 at 07:51pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    My reply took even longer than yours, because I had to go have dinner. Thanks for the comment on The Jewellery, too ^^ Google Translate did get all the words right, but it sucks at grammar... "wait for more" can't be translated literally... You'd have to translate it to something that'd mean "wait until you write more" (then the whole sentence would be "ik kan niet wachten tot je meer schrijft").

    Two week timetables sound hopelessly confusing. I would probably not be able to bring the right stuff to school, either, haha. But then, every day within week 1 is the same? Or is the Monday of week 1 different from the Tuesday of week 1?

    The countryside sounds lovely... Luckily I live on the edge of town, so it's only about a ten-minute walk to some very quiet country roads. In the summer, when it's warm enough, I like to go there for walks and take my mp3 player with me and sing along loudly, because there's nobody around to hear me. And our city isn't all that big, either. It's really quite nice, because everything like shops and the cinema and the school is pretty close, but the city isn't big enough to have all the noisy, annoying and ugly things like huge office buildings and highways and trains.

    Wearing a skirt to school doesn't sound like a lot of fun! We don't have uniforms or anything like that, and there are very few schools in The Netherlands where skirts are mandatory. Some strict Christian schools do have skirt policies, but my school doesn't.

    There's a lot of wind here, too. Right now, the wind is howling around the house and it's been raining all afternoon... I don't like it. I think it should be hot or cold, not some weird stormy in between kind of weather. I hate autumn; I want it to be snowing! But it doesn't really snow a lot around here. Summer is my favourite time of the year, when it's all lovely and warm and I can go for walks in the sun.

    Yeah, Ancient Greek is pretty cool. But it's kinda hard, too. I recently got a good grade for my test though, so I'm pretty happy about that. We're currently studying a tragedy called Oidipous, have you ever heard of it? It's a pretty sad story...

    Your IB courses sound like fun! Can anyone do an IB course at your school? Or do you have to do another exam for it first?

    I totally want to go to those rainforests with you! That'd just be so cool!
    I went to Kenya a few years back, that was awesome, too. My parents and my brother and I went there to visit friends who live there, and we went to a wildlife reservation and saw rhinoceros (...I really don't know how to spell that) and buffaloes and giraffes. It was really cool.

    As for the stereotypes... there are some goths at our school, and some emo people. And lots of preppy girls. I guess my friends and I would be sort of the nerds, haha. Whenever someone doesn't know what their homework is, they come to me... It gets kind of annoying. I am SO not a walking homework planner or diary.

    I'm religious, yes. I'm Christian. I don't know if I'm "very religious", because I find it sort of hard to define what exactly 'religious' means. I do believe in God and Jesus, but I don't go around forcing people to become Christian, too, or shouting that gay people should die or anything like that.
    Are you religious?
    November 22nd, 2009 at 07:39pm
  • Loved_You_First

    Loved_You_First (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah, I read it on a profile and was just like "I want that on my profile. now!" MCR are amazing.
    Me and my dad share the same sense of humour, so I inherited his love of the Pythons :p. We have every episode and all of their movies on DVD :) And don't worry about it, I laugh randomly all the time!
    November 22nd, 2009 at 05:09pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    I know the IB! I'm doing the IB English this year!
    Is it nice to live in the countryside? I can imagine it might get lonely... But it also sounds nice, you know, lots of space and all that...
    Have you ever been abroad? I'd love to go to Canada next summer, before I go to college...
    And yeah, I do Greek, but it's actually not the modern Greek, but the old version. The one that Aristotle and Homer used... It's really not very useful to know it, because nobody speaks it these days, but it's fun to learn.
    It's just grey here, too. Usually it's pretty cold in November, not quite frost, but close enough. But right now it's actually quite warm... global warming, I guess :P
    When I leave school, I want to go to university and study Psychology. What about you?
    My school days vary in length... I usually start at 8:30 am (except for Fridays, then I start 9:15) and I'm usually done at 2:20 pm (except for Thursdays, then I'm done at 4 pm). Are your school days all equally long? And do you have different subjects every day, or is every day the same? Apparently in American high schools, every day usually has the same schedule, but here, the days differ and the schedule repeats every week. If you get what I mean.
    Violins are lovely ^^ Nora from The Jewellery plays the violin, as you can read in the chapter I just uploaded :) I can't play the violin myself, but I started playing the piano last year, and I totally love that.
    Did you get to your butter in time?
    November 22nd, 2009 at 05:03pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Hehe, okay, I'll get to answering all your questions then! And I'll listen to some sixties music soon. Right now I'm listening to classical stuff and Final Fantasy music, haha. It's my writing playlist; I'm supposed to be writing The Jewellery but I don't have a lot of inspiration today.
    So. The answers. Yes, I do sometimes dream in English. But I don't often remember what I dream at all... The last time I did remember one of my dreams was a few weeks ago and that one was in English, I believe. It was really weird, about someone taking over the world, but I don't remember much of it.
    At school, I learn Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, Dutch, Greek, and PE. I think that's everything... I'm in my last year of high school (or the Dutch equivalent of that, anyway) so I'll be taking my finals in May and then I'll be done ^^ Here, you get to pick what classes you want to take when you're a sophomore (high school is four, five or six years long here, depending on what level you're at. The course I follow is six years; the first three years are the same for each student and then you pick your classes for the last three years, though some classes are still mandatory).

    I live in a middle-sized city. I think it has about 60.000 inhabitants.

    It's 4 p.m. right now; I'm one hour ahead of you.

    And I know what that feels like, when everyone just messes around. People here do that all the time too... I guess boys are the same everywhere across the world, haha. Why do you need French? Are you planning to go abroad?
    What subjects do you take?
    Enjoy your tea ^^
    November 22nd, 2009 at 04:01pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    I don't mind the questions at all!
    Yeah, I don't really know why they look down on us. I guess they just can't stand that we're not like them, or something... Ah well. It's their loss, really.
    I don't really know a lot of music from the sixties, but even if it's horrible (which I don't think it is) then that's still no reason for people to look down on you... And bouncy balls are fun ^^
    Actually, learning English was way easier than I expected. The teachers just talked to us in English and translated what they said to Dutch, and we had a lot of English classes, and it just went really fast! It's quite bizarre really how quickly you can learn a new language when you're exposed to it enough.
    And there are words that are quite similar... Like the word 'word', which is 'woord' in Dutch :P Or 'house' and 'huis', 'glass' and 'glas'... But I think English and Dutch differ more than English and French do...
    And yeah, I listen to loads of English and American music. Frankly, Dutch music is usually not very good (or at least it's not my style). There are a few good bands but I prefer English music most of the time. Bands like Muse, Coldplay, Radiohead, Keane... And loads of other stuff.

    Actually, it's not really that different from speaking Dutch. You know, I've been speaking English so much these past years, it's really an automatic thing. My thoughts continuously go from Dutch to English and back, as well. It's rather weird if you ask me, haha. Usually, I actually prefer English. I don't know if it's because it's my second language, or for some other reason, but I just like it more than Dutch. Of course I can't always speak English, but I do write stories and role play in English... So I get enough chances to practice it. And I read every English book I can get my hands on, and lots of stories on Mibba...
    This is such a long comment, haha. But I like answering your questions ^^
    November 22nd, 2009 at 03:37pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Yeah... we're usually talking English, and then someone comes along, lookes at us weirdly and goes "...waarom praten jullie Engels?" (Why are you talking English?)
    And we go: "Because we like it. Why else?"
    And they go: "Jullie zijn gek." (You guys are crazy.) Then they look at us for another moment, and then they depart, sometimes shaking their head in a patronising way. And then we look at each other and say: "Whatever..." and continue our conversation. Heh heh.
    Yeah, I always try and learn a little of the language when I go on holiday to countries where they speak another language... I've had French and German at school, too, and Greek and Latin (though you don't learn to speak those two, you just learn to translate them to Dutch). And I know about three words of Spanish, but that's not really enough to be of any use. One day I want to learn sign language, because that looks awesome. (I know, random XD)

    And you can definitely do that with your friends... It's probably even more fun if it's a language that your classmates don't know, or one that you designed yourself, but that'd be pretty hard I guess. And it's fun with a language they do know, too. The whole school sort of looks down on us for it, but we think that's ridiculous and we don't really care.
    November 22nd, 2009 at 03:07pm
  • Dharyna

    Dharyna (100)

    Well, I do speak English every day to other teenagers. My friends and I all like English, so we usually just chat in English instead of Dutch at school, or on MSN. Most of my classmates think this is ridiculous; they learn English as well but they don't really like it, apparently. So you could say that my friends and I are a pretty weird bunch. Not that we really give a crap what they think... We're better at English than most of them, so we can laugh at them behind their backs, haha.
    So yes, I'm more or less completely fluent. Last year I visited my relatives in Canada, and they said I have no noticeable Dutch accent, so I guess that's good!
    And it's just so useful to know English... I mean, I wouldn't even be talking to you right now if I didn't.
    November 22nd, 2009 at 02:30pm