Donnie's Catch / Comments

  • Thank you so much!
    And really, don't worry about the story.
    It's going to be the same story, as it is.
    You won't need to subscribe to anything different, or anything.
    I'm going to delete all of the chapters and then repost them one by one.
    The changes will be minor... some of them you may not even notice.
    I actually just finished fixing the first chapter and came on here to post it up - the start of the story, once more.
    I'm really glad you enjoy the story, and hopefully you still will once I've made the changes, which I'm sure you will if you liked it the first time.
    Thank you for reading!
    I'm going to post the first chapter up again now, and I hope you enjoy it... most of it is indeed VERY similar to the first time.
    Lexia, xo. ♥
    December 13th, 2009 at 11:29am
  • Lol.
    I wish I could stay up all night but my dad won't let me. :(
    It wasn't four though.
    I'm just happy to be home. Stupid school.
    Too much homework!!
    December 8th, 2009 at 01:18am
  • Well I go to an all girls school (sense the happiness in my voice) so there aren't any arrogant guys and even more bitches (again, so much happiness).
    I had a theory that teachers slept at school, and I still stand by that idea!
    Wow, electronics coursework sound so interesting! (not the sarcasm) I have an english essay on Jekyll and Hyde due in for Monday... such fun. But we've just started the creative writing subject :) I may actually enjoy English for the next few weeks!
    December 7th, 2009 at 10:15pm
  • Yay! I'm really glad you like it :)
    Don't even get me started on homework lol! We spend all day at school only to get home to do MORE work. These are supposed to be the best days of our lives, why are teachers intent on ruining them? I have a theory that all teachers secretly hate children.
    Yeah, picking holly would not be fun in the rain. It was chucking it down today while I was waiting for the bus. And I had no umbrella. Typical. I would love to be able to make my own wreaths, but I would probably be rubbish and prick myself no end of times... and run out of patience.... and throw it out the window... and go off in a huff... and then end up buying one.
    December 7th, 2009 at 09:12pm
  • Oh, sorry! It's just I've been super uper busy lately with homework and christmas stuff lol. I'm planning on updating tonight, I have most of it written already, so I just need to finish the last few lines, proof read it then post it :)
    December 7th, 2009 at 05:36pm
  • Thanks for the story comment!
    I'm Jamie.
    What's up?
    December 7th, 2009 at 04:53am
  • Thanks for the story comment, I was worried too, even though I knew what was going to happen! It's supposed to be confusing, because I'm a horribly mean person and I like confusing the shit outta my readers!!!
    Your vote's counted in, I need a tie breaker now, damn, then a chapter will go up!
    December 7th, 2009 at 12:16am
  • thanks for the comment on 'Haiku'
    December 6th, 2009 at 09:22pm
  • haha yeah you got it(:
    December 6th, 2009 at 07:42pm
  • Hi!
    I'm afraid your comment isn't really showing up... I can see four comments from you, but none of them are over ten lines. One of them cuts off in the middle of the word "frankfu-"... Is that one supposed to be real long?
    December 6th, 2009 at 07:27pm
  • heyy :)
    thankss for commenting! i do love your comments they are lovley :)
    December 6th, 2009 at 02:31pm
  • Haha, I love sarcasm, last year (back in middle school) there was a play and I had to be the oldest of three children and interpret it how I wanted, I was a punk sarcastic ass pretty much!
    Thanks for the story comment, cliffhanger will be resolved sometime today or tonight.
    December 5th, 2009 at 08:00pm
  • Auditions for play, my internet went down so I couldn't update yesterday, sorry!
    I didn't make it because I'm in the youngest grade and they never get parts, but it was fun, thanks for the luck!
    December 5th, 2009 at 01:18am
  • Ahaha thanks, more soon, I just had auditions yesterday so I missed some!
    December 3rd, 2009 at 09:23pm
  • Second part of the comment (scroll down for the first):

    Our experiment was fun. My friend and I are almost done now with writing the whole paper… we also had to do some research on the internet and in the library on organic and chemical fertilisers and slash and burn agriculture (which is when people burn down the forest to make the soil more fertile). We have about 35 pages written out right now and today we put everything together and worked on the lay-out, which was quite a bit of work. But I’m pretty pleased with the way it looks so far. Her dad’s going to help us with some small things tonight, then we check the whole thing for spelling mistakes tomorrow evening, and then we’re done.

    Which means that my week will then get a little more quiet, though I do still have to write the poetry. Which reminds me that I was going to explain about Sinterklaas for you. Sinterklaas is Dutch folklore, and it’s a little bit like Santa Claus (it’s pronounced sort of like that, too; I think both stories are based on the same myth). Basically, we celebrate the birthday of Saint Nicolas, who lived like ten centuries ago. Supposedly, he loved children and was always very kind to him, which is why he still gives the kids presents – or so they think. He arrives at around 15 November in his “Pakjesboot”, which could be translated as Gift Ship. With him are Zwarte Pieten (Black Pete, they’re people with black paint on their faces, only the children, of course, don’t know it’s paint. Somehow they’re all called Pete).

    The children then put their shoe under the chimney at night (or for people who don’t have chimneys, they put them somewhere else) and the next morning they find presents in them. Depending on how much the parents want to give them the kids are allowed to put their shoes under the chimney for a certain amount of times. When I was younger I usually got about four presents; I think I could put my shoe under the chimney every Wednesday and every Saturday. I usually got things like chocolate, or a special kind of cookie that belongs to Sinterklaas, or some kind of toy. Then on December 5, which is the actual date of Sinterklaas’ birthday, everyone assembles in the living room and waits. At a certain point dad goes to the bathroom, and guess what, right when he’s gone there’s a knock on the door, and the children rush to it and find a box with presents on their doorstep. They bring it in, daddy comes back, and everyone unpacks their presents while drinking chocolate milk.

    Once kids are older, they’re told that Sinterklaas doesn’t really exist, and then they help in buying presents for the others in the family. We then have some sort of lottery, and you get assigned another person in the family. You buy a present for them and write a poem for them. And you don’t know who the others are buying presents for, or who’s buying stuff for you. It’s a lot of fun, only it does mean I have to write a poem now!

    Well, I have to go now, and I suppose this message was quite long enough! It’s almost two pages in word again…
    December 1st, 2009 at 07:37pm
  • Hi there!

    Ha, I finally found time to reply. Our project is coming along great, so I don’t need to work on that right now, meaning I have some time while I’m at work to write a good, lengthy reply to your last message.

    How’s your cough? And the splinters? Are you still staying with your granny?

    It’s a shame nobody needs a babysitter where you live. Babysitting always makes me really happy. Even if I’m dead tired after a long day of school, babysitting manages to cheer me up.

    The guy who painted your mom’s white shirt sounds funny, indeed. I can see why he’d make everyone laugh… Especially if he still behaves like that when he should be slightly more mature, haha.

    If you get a chance to do volunteer work in an old people’s home, I’d say you should! It’s really fun to do and you can often see how happy those people get when you just talk to them for a bit. Often they still remember a lot of things from when they’re younger and I love listening to their stories (which is good, because I often have to listen to the same story three times!). Some people in the ward where I work can’t talk anymore, or they talk very little, but you can still see that they’re happy when you simply sit next to them and hold their hand for a bit.

    Yes, you definitely have an English accent! I can’t explain what it sounds like at all, but it’s rather funny. We have some vowel sounds and consonant pronunciations that you don’t have at all (like the ij in ontbijtkoek, or the way we pronounce the g) and it’s hilarious to hear English people try to pronounce them. Then again, a lot of Dutch people who speak English have horrible accents as well, like my geography teacher. My friends and I always secretly make fun of the way he pronounces English.

    Yeah, classes are also getting bigger in our school. Luckily, it’s mostly the first years’ classes that get bigger. The school also keep getting fuller, but next year I’ll be out of there, before the traffic jams in the hallways really get out of hand!

    People who bully others are just pathetic. The ones who bullied me pretty much ruined a couple of years of my life; I had no self-confidence at all when I was a freshman. Thankfully I’m a bit less shy now so I can talk to people without feeling awkward. It’s really dumb that people want everyone else to be normal. If everyone were the same it’d be really boring around here… and I don’t want to be like them, anyway. Besides, it’s not like them bullying me will make me say: “oh, guys, you’re right, I should be normal, so I’ll just grow another few inches” because obviously I can’t help being short, and you can’t help being tall.

    The grapes grow quite well around here. We had a lot of them this year and they were completely delicious! And how can you not like raspberries? They’re the best! You should try to grow them next year :)

    (To be continued, the comment is really long again)
    December 1st, 2009 at 07:35pm
  • Hi! Thanks for your lovely long comment.
    I have a really busy week ahead of me. It's 11 pm right now and I need sleep. I want to write back to you, but I don't think I'm going to find the time in the next few days.

    I'll reply as soon as I have time, but I have to hand in a big project on Thursday and I need to do loads of stuff for that still (it's the biology experiment I told you about). Once I handed that in, I need to write a poem for Sinterklaas (it's a Dutch thing, I'll explain later) which is on Saturday. After that, or somewhere in between, I may at some point find the time to not only write something for The Jewellery (by the way, I updated today) but also reply to your message.

    Until then, have a nice week, and I hope your cough gets better.

    November 29th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • oh, and thank you for the comment on my poem :)
    November 24th, 2009 at 10:45pm
  • Or maybe I was Marie antoinette or some shit like that, explains why I'm getting an A+ in French and why I'm so obnoxious!
    haven't heard of him
    they left the paper at home cuz they forgot that it existed, but it could have warned them
    November 24th, 2009 at 09:38pm
  • This is the third comment I’m posting today… (Scroll down for the first two, if you haven't already.) I hope you don’t mind reading through everything!
    Wow, 27/27, that’s really good! By the way, did you know subliminal messages can make you smarter? I read about an experiment in which they used words such as “scientist” and “intelligent” as subliminal messages, and the volunteers that they submitted to the subliminal messages scored 10% higher on a test than the volunteers that hadn’t been submitted to the messages. Pretty weird.
    I don’t believe in conspiracy theories very quickly, but maybe I should, haha.
    So, about my school day. I had Maths first, and I got the result from a test: 91%. I was pretty happy about that. Then I had English, and we read Equus again. Then I had Chemistry, and for that I got test results too: 92%. More happiness.
    Then it was break time and I talked to my friends for a bit and we played cards. The break is 20 minutes long (and lunch break is 30 minutes). After the break I had another English class (more Equus) and then Physics. The Physics teacher really annoys me. We were supposed to get the results from our Physics test, too, but he hadn’t looked at all the tests yet. Teachers are supposed to give the results within two weeks after the test, and it was two weeks ago today, but he was late, which pisses me off. Then he showed us some stuff about light emission spectra (I hope that’s what it’s called in English), by burning sodium and showing that it emits orange light, and by showing us some types of lamps.
    And then school was over. I usually have six classes on Tuesdays, but my Dutch teacher was sick, so I got to go home early. I went to my friend’s house and we worked on an experiment we’re doing. We have to write a coursework for Biology and we’re testing some methods of fertilisation by growing lettuce and radishes. Today we dug them out and weighed them. Unfortunately they hadn’t really grown very well. We did get results but they weren’t big enough to eat, which is a shame :P
    Once we were done measuring the plants, we watched some random videos on YouTube (“He’s hunting the Kraken. In the bathroom.” “Again?” “Again.”) and looked at some really funny anti-Twilight pictures. I’m not actually anti-Twilight – I’ve read the books and I like them. I’m not a screaming fan girl, though; and I don’t want to marry Edward, either. And I even like the anti-Twilight pictures because people come up with brilliant jokes about Edward. Poking fun at him is cool. Or at least, that’s what I think.
    Then I went home, had dinner, and got to work. And here I am!
    How was your day?
    November 24th, 2009 at 07:49pm