
United States
Joined date
October 13th, 2009

Don't Let The World Cave In

Tyler Marie Delissio

I love music. The rhythm, harmonies, melodies. The different instruments, chords and frets. I love it all. Writing would have to come next. Well, writing and my mom's baked ziti. Talk about bliss. Lets see...what makes me ME? I'll start with family. I am from a very loud, loving Italian family. We are really close. Every other summer, we go to visit my grandparents, aunts and uncles who are still living there. Its amazing. I love my heritage and I don't know where I would be without it. My brothers are amazing. I come from a family of five kids (I'm in the VERY middle). There's Will, Jack, Mikey and Nate. As you can imagine, our house gets pretty hectic sometimes. Well now, not so much seeing as three of the Fantabulous Delissio Five have moved out, including me. I am in my first year of college at Northwestern. Not too far from home considering I'm from Chicago. The Cubs are my life and they need to step it up. I hate eating hot-dogs with regular bread because the bread to meat ratio is screwed up. I eat lots of pasta. Love loud music. Can't go a day without talking to some member of my family. Hate running. Love Navy Pier, I live there I swear. Geez, there's just SO many more things that I want to tell you but I just can't type them all. So lets chat, I won't bite...well not HARD at least;-)

September 29, 2010
Mood: Calm
Music:Love That Lets Go- Hannah Montana
Doing: Creating a new story...
Blog: So yes, I deletes Silence. I just didn't have the inspiration anymore. BUT! There is a new story in the works, a Nick J story as a matter of fact. Have some chapters written for Ellie. Can't wait to post them so that you guys can read them!