One Computer...Seven People

So right now there is only one working computer throughout my whole house and it SUCKS! I have, including myself, seven people living in my home right now. Normally there would be four people here but my aunt fell down on her luck after her divorce so she moved in with my two little cousins.When they moved in my laptop worked, my mom's laptop worked and my little cousin's laptop worked and now all...
September 26th, 2013 at 07:34pm

School...I kind of miss it

So almost everyone that I know is back in school and I have to be honest I kind of miss it! Not so much having to do homework because I hated that...I rarely did my homework. But more so having something to do everyday and being able to see my friends everyday. Now that I have graduated and got my degree it's been s o hard to find a job in my chosen field or anywhere really. And I know I'm not the...
September 4th, 2013 at 04:54am

Getting used to it..I guess

Yesterday was the first time that I got to experience the new Mibba and like most people I'm not to fond that the custom profile is an option. I guess though it's just something I have to get used to. Other than that I'm getting used to the changes that were made to Mibba because it really isn't all that hard to navigate, which is good for me because now that it's summer I'm starting to get back...
May 25th, 2012 at 10:20pm

For Lovers and Single people!

So today is for most people the most significant holiday in February, its’ Valentine’s Day. But for people like me that don’t have a significant lover or a valentine we look forward to Singles Awareness Day tomorrow.See Valentine’s Day is a day where it is ok for people to show affection for one another publicly also to show that you really truly love your significant other; which is ok...
February 15th, 2010 at 04:24am