
Joined date
October 16th, 2009


So I’m not entirely sure why you've came here but I’m assuming it's to possibly learn something about me.
I live in a city. It’s fairly large, it’s not Los Angeles or anything but it’s pretty big. It’s kind of nice. I mean there are some interesting elements to it. There are restaurants where you drive up to a window to order your food… Wait, most cities do have that hey? Well there’s tall buildings and small parks. Hell, who am I kidding, Winnipeg isn’t anything special. I actually don’t like it all that much. Yeah, the city I live in is called Winnipeg which is situated in Manitoba, Canada. Pictures may portray it to be nice, though I can’t see anything super special about it... But who am I to say? I overlook everything Enough about Winnipeg.. Myself? I'm kind of hard to figure out, hell, I can't even figure myself out.. I am a sadist and a masochist, that's all that matters really. Talk to me?
I like music. Some of my favorites consist of HIM, Brand New, Serj Tankian, System Of a Down, NIN, A7X, Kill Hannah, AFI, Placebo, Blaqk Audio, Assemblage 23, Zeromancer, The Cliks, Brand New, and more.
I like writing. (of course.) I’m not very good, but I enjoy it.
I love art, I really admire Celeste Potter, her work is amazing.
Carnivals are great. The swings and roller coasters are my personal favorite.