
"If you love someone, put their name in a circle;
because hearts can be broken, but circles never end."

My name's Brianna, I hate my name so I go by Bri Bri.
I am sixteen years old, almost seventeen ... ughhh finally ...
I am an aspiring writer/painter, I honestly have no idea what I want to do, crap,
and I only have one more year of high school, after this one, before I graduate.
I am living proof that everyone needs to loosen up and release their inner child, and
if you have to jump off of your best friend's house to perform the perfect cannon ball
into their pool to do it, then so be it. Don't be shy, I don't bite ... Actually, I do, but only if
you have some candy on your person at that moment, but as I was saying, get to know
me, you won't be disappointed. (:


I'm currently throwing around a few different ideas for stories, though all of
them do include Escape The Fate. So expect a few chapters out by next week.