synthian. / Comments

  • That sucks about the fruit covered candy lol. I'd be disappointed too. Now a days instead of eating stranger's candy I just go out and buy bags of candy at the store and chow down on them with my man lol. He LOVES candy omg.....he's like a candy vacuum. It kills me though because he will take the wrappers of the candies and roll them up into little paper balls and leave them in the bed and everywhere. Facepalm My cat finds them and plays with them. She packs them off and drops them in crazy places. So not only do I have to pick them out of the bed from my man....I find them in the bathroom or my cat's water dish. O.o
    November 3rd, 2013 at 02:25am
  • Hahaha wow. That is a good question actually. I'm 27 years old so it's been ages since I trick or treated lol. My mom was always way overprotective too. Like when we got home....she'd go through each piece before letting me have it to make sure it wasn't poisoned or there weren't needles in the candies lol. Apparently there were some scares like that back in the day. Hmm...I think getting fruit was kind of a let down. There was a woman who always gave people apples lol. Oh....this is random but I watched an episode of Family Guy earlier where the mayor was giving out cornish hens to the trick or treaters LOL. Like he had tongs and a tray of cooked hens and he put each one into the kid's bags. He then asked if they wanted gravy and started pouring it in their bags lmao.
    November 3rd, 2013 at 01:58am
  • Aw, I'm sorry it was so packed! I hate crowded places personally. Umm mine was okay. Halloween isn't what it used to be even despite how much I try to change it. Like when I was a grandma and mom dressed me up and took me trick or treating. Back then most everyone actually dressed scary. Today....a lot of people use the holiday as an excuse to wear less clothing and a lot more of the costumes are kind of comical now instead of scary. Like people dress as bananas or other funny and random things. It kind of makes me sad in a way because when I think of Halloween....I think of scary monsters, ghouls and goblins. I think a lot of people have just kind of veered away from that now. Plus with each new generation it's harder to scare people because they are so .....not easily frightened ya know? I'm not explaining this the best way but when you're a kid you dress up and enjoy going from house to house getting candy. When you get older you basically can just attend Halloween costume parties because people look at you weird if you're like 25 and knocking doors for candy LOL.
    November 3rd, 2013 at 01:48am
  • Hello! Nice to see you as Synthian again. =) I change my name too but coming back to xmandibles always seems like home, ya know? How was Halloween for you?
    November 3rd, 2013 at 01:34am
  • Thanks for what you said on my blog. It bugs me too when people are so picky that they won't even read a story. I mean people can choose not to read something or read it but if they don't read it for even the tiniest of reasons....that's just kind of sad lol. Sigh....I really wish that some people on here couldn't see what I say. They always try to make something out of it. *shakes head*
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:39am
  • lol yeah. I have a kind of compulsion when it comes to Halloween. I mean I've always been into darker things. It's just always kind of been my personality if that makes sense? It's what I feel most comfortable with. I've been buying all kinds of Halloween stuff. We have stores here where awesome stuff only costs one dollar. I splurge sometimes. tehe I'm saddened to hear that you all don't have a whole lot of it over there. I think the concept is pretty cool. I mean you can dress up as whatever you want and people don't think you crazy for it on that night lol. How is that not cool, ya know? Good luck on the exam! Sorry to hear about you and your friend. Friendship issues always bring me down too.
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:22am
  • How are you doll? I'm still around lol. Just hiding. tehe
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:03am
  • You totally should!! I really like it. And thanks you!

    I didn't realize you guys celebrated Halloween on here that's kind of cool.

    I'm Ellie by the way. Nice to meet you!
    October 18th, 2013 at 02:15am
  • Hi. Sorry. I'm new here and this is probably a bit random but I wanted you to know that I love you icon and your name. Vincent is one of my favorite actors and yeah. Sorry.

    I'm going to go watch TCM now because they're having a Vincent Price night starting in 30 min. Bye!
    October 18th, 2013 at 01:37am
  • Hahaha, sure thing, Hope exams go well, Im all done with mine, been thru Unitec and dont plan on going back. Cya later x
    October 17th, 2013 at 03:09pm
  • Haha, I'm a westie. :)

    I could'nt move because I have a daughter with my ex partner, we have a sort of shared custody, so I cant leave the country until she's 16 for more than week, kinda lame but she's my world so meh. NZ justice system sucks nuts. Our mayor just got caught having an affair aswell. NZ is going down the crapper...haha
    October 17th, 2013 at 02:50pm
  • Oh snap! I'm living in Auckland :) I hear Auzzie's pretty damp at the moment! I was skyping my mate in Melbourne the other day and it was pouring. God I wanna go over there so badly, all my friends have moved over there :'(
    October 17th, 2013 at 02:44pm
  • Yeah I understand. I think it's all speculation really until they officially announce their identities. It would be cool though if it was him. He's dreamy in general lol. Whoever Papa is though....I LOVE his voice.
    October 16th, 2013 at 03:56am
  • I'm aware. Even if he's not....Tobias is cute in general. He was in other bands so at least he exists lol. I think it's him....the noses look similar.
    October 14th, 2013 at 11:04pm
  • Yeah I think their imagery and costumes definitely frighten some. I was a little taken aback at first but I love them lol. I like creepy looking stuff anyway! Plus I like their music. If I like a band's music....I don't really care what they look like. Of course if the members happen to be cute then that's always a bonus. tehe
    October 14th, 2013 at 11:02pm
  • I'm sorry! I'm trying to get back into it though, I'm writing up chapters for a couple of my other stories as well at the moment.
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:22pm
  • Aw, that sucks about the cat! I love cats and I'd be willing to punch someone if they tried to take my babies lol. I have two cats. One giant one and one small one but they love each other. The small one was a rescue so she's super clingy to me which I love. She sleeps in my hair at night and is always cuddling up to me somewhere. She even follows me into the bathroom lol.

    Yeah I go through periods of writer's block. I hate it too that's why sometimes I'm trying a new attempt at some one shot ideas to see if that helps me stay constantly writing. Yeah October is my favorite time of year. I can be depressed the rest of the year but Halloween and Fall just make me instantly happy. We have a lot planned. Working in a haunted house, watching horror films and that sort of thing. How about you? You can feel free to vent any time you need to.
    October 1st, 2013 at 04:05am
  • Aw, thank you! People on Mibba have been helping me with my writing off and on. I'm glad that others can see my progress as well. How have you been doing? Did you make it through all of your exams and such?
    October 1st, 2013 at 03:48am
  • OMG! I know right? Brian's long....skilled fingers just send me into a fan girl and sexual overload lol. Sigh. He is so amazing. There's this one girl on my facebook...she is convinced that he's hers and that he loves her lol. I mean...she's a little dramatic and it's kind of funny but I understand why she acts like that. He is flawless and oh so drool worthy. Twitch
    August 21st, 2013 at 08:31pm
  • Hey doll, how are you? How is school going?
    August 12th, 2013 at 05:23am