you are the only exception.

I likey cheese,
I'm obsessed with dairy!!! ^^

I'm turning 17
in December…
neeeeh ages away

I hate feet!!!

Sports // music // writing ish my life!!!!
Flying is simple!!!!
Just throw yourself
at the ground and miss!!!!!!

I'm a
obsessed geek!

I'm protective of my books!
I'm the child that hides behind
the coke can when playing
hide and seek!!!!

I wish I could play the guitar,
and I instantly fall in "love" with
any guy able to play anything on the guitar,
not including "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".

I work at a video store where kids
stick they're chewing gum on
the DVD cases!!!!!

I'm too tall and narrow!
Halloween is my favorite
day of every damn year!!!!!

I cannot survive without my phone
or reception!!! So I'd be hell to live with
while camping in the middle of nowhere, literally.

I like listing things!!! XD

& i'm on my way to believing.

you are the only exception.