
My name is Maria and I am a teenage girl. Being Maria the Teenage Girl entails: nerdfighting, fangirling, crying over fictional characters, worshiping Emma Watson, going crazy over Homestuck, listening to music all the time, and just being a huge nerd. I am also quite social, so send me a message or something, yo.

Music Art Harry Potter School
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tunes: Dear and the Headlights
I'm sick so I will be writing and stuff. Huzzah.

what are your stories to you?

characters: Dave Strider/Jade Harley
latest chapter: unknown
status:coming soon
Here We Are Again
characters: George Craig/ Emma Watson
latest chapter: two
status: completed
characters: Aiden/Kee
latest chapter: four
status: hiatus
The Mixed Tape Kids
characters: Alex Gaskarth/Olivia Montero
latest chapter: zero
status: coming soon
co-author: Cheye13

who are your friends?

Maddy Ceci Erin Sydney Friend

attributed to

Coding: Cheye13 at Random Dance
Content: darkeyedreamer